
Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

author:ChinaIT digitally transforms the future From May 25 to 28, the 2023 China Hospital Information Network Conference and Sino-foreign Medical Information Technology and Products Exhibition (CHIMA2023), hosted by the Information Professional Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association, was grandly held in Fuzhou Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center. Industry experts, scholars and enterprise representatives from all over the country gathered together to participate in this annual event of medical informatization.

On the afternoon of May 26, Huawei held a satellite conference with the theme of "High-quality Digital Infrastructure for High-quality Hospital Development", and shared the trends, construction achievements, and solutions of hospital digital development with experts and scholars from Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 301 Hospital, Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Peking University, and Neusoft, and actively discussed the role and value of high-quality digital infrastructure in the high-quality development of hospitals. More than 200 hospital experts, enterprise representatives and other guests attended the meeting, which was full and the atmosphere was warm, and more than 20,000 people watched the online live broadcast!

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Huawei Satellite will be on site

The digitalization of healthcare has entered an explosive period

Digital infrastructure has become an important support

In recent years, the state has been promoting the application of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other new generation information technologies in the medical field, and the development of medical digitalization has been accelerating. Taking the construction of smart hospitals as an example, from the "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Public Hospitals" to the "Action to Promote the High-quality Development of Public Hospitals (2021-2025)", the construction level of smart hospitals is becoming one of the core elements of the success of high-quality development of hospitals. In this process, new medical infrastructure represented by digital infrastructure has become an important support for the digital transformation of healthcare.

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Wang Caiyou, chairman of the Information Professional Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association

Wang Caiyou, chairman of the Information Professional Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association, said in his speech: "In the process of high-quality development of hospitals, high-quality infrastructure is indeed needed; But not only that, for every vendor and user, it is necessary to use a common concept to achieve high-quality applications. As an excellent manufacturer, we see that Huawei has a more complete service system and service standards, which can help users solve problems together, not just sell products to customers. To this end, we hope that more high-quality digital infrastructure providers like Huawei can provide high-quality development products and services to help hospitals develop with high quality. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Hu Kewen, President of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line

In his speech, Kevin Hu, President of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line, said: "Hospital informatization is closely related to the health of each of us, but the level of informatization development of hospitals in different regions is uneven, and the medical service capacity is also unbalanced. Improving the efficiency of care and improving the level of medical services through the digital development of the entire hospital system is the key to solving this problem.

Huawei has been focusing on network technology for 30 years, and we can provide many world-leading products and innovations for the medical industry. In terms of products, campus products have entered the Gartner Leaders quadrant, and Gartner's position in the information industry is equivalent to the "Lancet" of the medical industry; Router and Wi-Fi


7 and other products are also in a leading position in the world. In terms of innovation, slicing technology realizes the separation of internal and external networks of hospitals; IoT technology can accurately manage in-hospital equipment and IoT terminals; Network visualization and network automation technologies can free hospital network maintenance staff from heavy lifting.

In the future, Huawei is willing to work with hospital colleagues to discuss how to integrate hospital services with hospital target networks and target architectures, and we will support the digital transformation development of hospitals with the best, most mature, and future-oriented technologies, improve patient experience, improve the efficiency of medical staff, improve hospital service levels, and bridge regional gaps by strengthening hospital digital production capabilities." ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Lu Yongping, Director of Huawei's Government and Enterprise Education and Healthcare System Dept

Lu Yongping, Director of Huawei's Government and Enterprise Education and Healthcare System Dept, also said in his speech: "Advanced technologies represented by 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are injecting new momentum into the healthcare industry, giving birth to experience innovation, process innovation, and model innovation. As of the end of 2022, Huawei products and solutions have served the National Health Commission, the National Medical Security Administration, the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, 31 provincial health commissions and health insurance bureaus, and more than 1,800 tertiary hospitals. At the same time, Huawei has actively participated in the construction of a series of industry informatization standards and specifications, including the Guidelines for the Construction of Next-Generation Hospital Data Centers, the Guidelines for the Informatization Construction of County Medical Communities, and the Guidelines for the Construction of Infectious Disease Hospitals organized by the National Health Commission.

Huawei will adhere to the principle of "doing something and not doing something", adhere to the "black soil" and enabling platform of the healthcare industry, open collaboration, and work with partners to do their best to form a high-quality digital infrastructure with its own characteristics and needs, provide the industry with the most comprehensive connectivity and the strongest computing power, make the cloud ubiquitous, make intelligence ubiquitous, help hospitals develop with high quality, and create value for customers. ”

Enhance your digital infrastructure

Promote the digital transformation of hospitals

In response to the new requirements of hospital digital transformation, Huawei relies on root technology to build a sustainable industry digital foundation. In the face of new trends and needs in the digital transformation of healthcare, Huawei continues to promote digital infrastructure innovation, helping many hospitals, including Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 301 Hospital, and Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Zhao Yixin, General Manager of Education and Healthcare Industry of Huawei's Global Public Sector System Dept

Zhao Yixin, General Manager of Education and Healthcare Industry of Huawei's Global Public Sector System Dept, said in the keynote sharing of "Building a Digital Foundation and Core of Smart Healthcare to Accelerate the Digital Transformation of Healthcare", "As the digital transformation of healthcare continues to deepen, the healthcare industry is facing four major challenges: 1. New technologies, new scenarios, and new applications are driving a surge in hospital data volume. 2. Massive medical equipment needs to be interconnected; 3. How generative AI empowers the medical industry has become a hot spot; 4. The cybersecurity situation in the medical industry is becoming increasingly severe. In response to these problems, Huawei is focusing on ICT technology and is providing products, solutions, and services for the healthcare industry, including four levels: data, connectivity, intelligence, and information: data is 'one data pool', Huawei builds ultra-large-scale converged storage of multidimensional data and combines scenarios with underlying technologies to provide the healthcare industry with data storage with extreme performance and extreme cost. Huawei's all-wireless access helps the healthcare industry build ubiquitous connectivity and converged networks to help the digital transformation of healthcare. In order to improve the network security of the healthcare industry and ensure long-term business stability, Huawei has built a central + seven-layer defense line, one center is the unified security operation center, and the seven-layer defense line includes the physical security defense line, identity authentication defense line, network defense line, application defense line, host defense line, data defense line, and O&M defense line. In the future, Huawei will continue to promote the deep integration of technologies and scenarios, accelerate the digital transformation of healthcare, and build a digital health community with partners." ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Cheng Jian, President of the Government and Enterprise Domain of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line

Cheng Jian, President of the Government and Enterprise Domain of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line, said in the keynote sharing entitled "Building High-Quality Hospital Networks and Accelerating Hospital Digital Construction": "By the end of 2022, 97 hospitals in Fudan University's Top 100 Hospitals in the China Hospital Comprehensive Ranking, more than 1,800 tertiary hospitals, and more than 10,000 district and county hospitals had chosen Huawei. Huawei has carried out joint innovation with the National Health Insurance Administration, and has also carried out in-depth cooperation with Peking Union Medical College Hospital, West China Hospital, and 301 Hospital.

With the massive IoT terminal access, the acceleration of information diagnosis and treatment, and the expansion of AI diagnosis and treatment, it is difficult for traditional hospital networks to support the requirements of high-level digital applications. To this end, Huawei is helping hospitals build high-quality hospital network foundations with ultra-fast access, simplified architecture, extreme experience, simplified O&M, and integrated security to meet the needs of high-level digital applications.

First, ultra-fast access, providing multi-scenario full Wi-Fi coverage capabilities, distributed Wi-Fi with zero roaming and Wi-Fi IoT convergence, provide the best wireless network for hospital services such as mobile ward rounds and IoT applications, and create an all-round digital hospital without dead ends.

Second, the minimalist architecture, the asteroid network solution realizes optical fiber to the office, and one switch can cover one building, which solves the problem of high maintenance and wiring costs of a large number of equipment, and is the best choice for hospital wired networks.

Third, the ultimate experience, providing service support capabilities from hospital to hospital, wireless to wired, the industry's only experience guarantee board and network hard slice technology, providing quality assurance for key services such as remote diagnosis and treatment, video conferencing and so on.

Fourth, simplified O&M, AI-powered intelligent O&M, not only solves the management problem of a large number of hospital equipment, but also reduces the workload and O&M difficulty of hospital network O&M personnel. Real-time visibility of network status can detect problems in time and prevent similar problems from happening again.

Fifth, integrated security, through the construction of cloud-network-terminal integrated security, to create a three-dimensional hospital security protection system.

In the future, Ethernet will be the most mainstream technology for enterprise networks, and under this trend, Huawei's Datacom product line believes that high-quality Ethernet all-optical architecture is the best choice to support the long-term evolution of hospital informatization. Next, Huawei will release the white paper "Huawei's High-Quality Ethernet All-Optical Hospital Network" to help the healthcare industry further consolidate its network foundation and accelerate the digital construction of healthcare. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Sun Guoqiang, Deputy Director of the Information Center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Sun Guoqiang, Deputy Director of the Information Center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said in the theme sharing of "Strengthening Infrastructure Construction and Promoting the High-quality Development of Hospitals": "Today, Union Medical College Hospital is in a period of rapid development and is putting forward higher requirements for digital infrastructure, while traditional digital infrastructure not only needs to be updated equipment, but also has bottlenecks in performance, which can no longer meet the needs of rapid development of hospitals. To this end, Union Hospital first built a fully connected network, which not only achieved full coverage, low latency, but also realized the integration of the Internet of Things. Secondly, a new digital infrastructure platform was built to realize the integration of IT resources of the whole hospital, ensure the stable operation of business systems, ensure data security, and meet data mining and other needs. In order to promote the construction of the digital infrastructure platform, Union Medical College Hospital cooperated with Huawei to focus on the following seven levels: 1. Introducing the full-stack cloud concept to build Concord 2.0 for Business Cloud; 2. Comprehensively upgrading storage and introducing advanced products and technologies such as dual-mode storage, object storage, and distributed storage. 3. Upgrade and expand the network, introduce new core switches, and deploy Wi-Fi

AP of 6; 4. Carry out the construction of big data platform, mine and analyze historical data and latest data; 5. Build a high-performance computing platform to support scientific research and innovation; 6. Carry out the pilot application of the Internet of Things to realize the collection and collection of baby anti-theft, intelligent infusion and wearable device data, etc.; 7. Carry out data center construction and integrate green energy saving into it. In the future, Union Medical College Hospital will also carry out in-depth cooperation with Huawei to explore full-stack cloud, big data platform, and Wi-Fi

7. Application of new technologies such as all-optical networks. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Li Da, Senior Engineer, Department of Information, 301 Hospital

Li Da, Senior Engineer of the Information Department of 301 Hospital, said in the theme sharing of "Hospital Internet of Things Application Practice Analysis": "At present, the construction of medical Internet of Things is facing four major challenges: difficulty in existing network transformation, department chimney construction, lack of overall planning, and aggravation of security risks, so most hospitals will encounter many problems in the construction of Internet of Things, such as a large number of equipment types, multi-source heterogeneous data, diverse communication methods, network integration difficulties, lack of standard systems, and prominent security risks. In the face of these problems and challenges, hospitals are actively building a simple, safe and intelligent medical Internet of Things, and applying it to many aspects such as patient crisis prediction and early warning, ventilator intelligent assisted weaning, and drug delivery robots to deliver drugs to patients. During this process,

Hospitals are also realizing that from the Internet of Everything to the Intelligent Connection of Everything, the Internet of Things is changing the traditional medical model, such as more patient-centric in the medical process. Nevertheless, the security issues of the medical Internet of Things are becoming increasingly prominent, and we believe that the security of the medical Internet of Things can be further improved by building a unified IoT monitoring platform, following the principle of least authorization, and fully mining the value of data. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Gao Yong, Director of the Information and Data Center of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Gao Yong, Director of the Information and Data Center of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said in the theme sharing of "Digitalization Promotes the High-quality Development of Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital": "During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital will focus on four major goals in digital transformation: 1. Medical homogeneous integration of multi-campus business synergy; 2. Integration of operation and business with internal control, efficiency enhancement and refined management; 3. Online and offline integration of patient services; 4. Regional integration of medical alliance interconnection. In this process, new infrastructure is the material foundation for digital transformation, integrating new technologies that promote digital transformation into the DNA of hospitals, and helping hospitals develop with high quality through digital twin technology systems. Today, in order to promote the digital transformation of the hospital, Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital has built a digital architecture of one network, one cloud, one platform and one portal. Among them, one network is a medical collaboration network, building a full role connection. One cloud is one medical hybrid cloud to achieve data sharing; One platform is one digital platform to achieve full business collaboration; A portal is a multi-role portal for life and health navigation. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Chen Jie, associate professor of School of Information Engineering, Peking University and associate researcher of Pengcheng Laboratory

Chen Jie, associate professor of the School of Information Engineering of Peking University and associate researcher of Pengcheng Lab, said in the theme sharing of "Pengcheng Cloud Brain-Driven Healthcare Big Model Innovation": "Since 2021, Pengcheng Lab has cooperated with HUAWEI CLOUD and Ascend to apply large models to the evolution simulation of the new coronavirus by using cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence technologies. Relying on advanced algorithm innovation and the powerful computing power of Pengcheng Cloud Brain, we can basically predict the direction of virus evolution in the next generation in advance. ”

Build high-quality digital infrastructure

Help the high-quality development of hospitals

In the process of promoting continuous innovation of digital infrastructure, Huawei focuses on technological innovation and scenario innovation to build high-quality digital infrastructure. On the other hand, it is also working with partners to jointly serve the digital transformation of hospitals and help hospitals develop with high quality.

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Han Chunxiang, senior consultant of the Future Medical Research Institute of Neusoft Group's Medical Solutions Business Division

Han Chunxiang, Senior Consultant of the Future Medical Research Institute of Neusoft Medical Solutions Business Headquarters, said in the theme sharing of "Neusoft Digital Technology Empowerment Public Hospital Reform and High-quality Development Demonstration Project": "The strategic goal of the public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project is to promote the high-quality development of public hospitals, better meet the growing demand of the people for medical and health services, and build a high-quality and efficient public hospital system with top-down linkage, regional coordination, medical and prevention integration, equal emphasis on Chinese and Western medicine, and achieve this goal. It is inseparable from the strong support of informatization. However, the current informatization construction of public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration projects is facing challenges such as difficulty in data exchange and sharing, orderly flow of resources, coordinated business development, and system ecological innovation, so Neusoft has launched the "113+N" medical and health informatization solution, including a digital infrastructure platform, a digital open collaborative innovation platform, three types of digital medical diagnosis and treatment bodies and N digital health and medical service centers, fully empowering the construction of public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration projects. ”

Song Xinchao, Director of Digital Service Security in the Security Product Area of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line

Song Xinchao, Director of Digital Service Security in the Security Product Area of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line, said in the keynote speech entitled "Building a Trusted Security Network and Intensive Security Cloud Services to Escort the Digital Transformation of Hospitals": "At present, the network security system of the medical industry still has a series of problems, such as compliance insecurity, autonomy and controllability to be improved, security construction needs to be strengthened, security services are piled up, and ransomware attacks cannot be prevented. To this end, Huawei adheres to the security concept from defending against threats to ensuring service 'certainty', and solves problems such as hospital O&M difficulties through Huawei's Qiankun Security Cloud Service, which adopts a cloud-edge-end three-dimensional defense mechanism to contain ransomware attacks with one click, ensure the stable operation of hospital services, achieve zero data loss, and a ransomware detection rate of 99.9%. Through Qiankun Security Cloud Service, hospitals can more conveniently manage and protect themselves from ransomware and other cyber threats. In addition, the service can also improve the detection rate and response speed of ransomware attacks through intelligent algorithms in the cloud and 24/7 online experts, ensuring the security and stability of hospital business. At the same time, Huawei also released the industry's only network storage linkage anti-ransomware solution, specifically to solve the problem that hospital ransomware attacks cannot be prevented. In the future, Huawei will not only continue to provide security services in the healthcare industry, but also provide more comprehensive and reliable security solutions for the digital transformation of hospitals, protect the security of medical data, and inject new impetus into the development of the healthcare industry. It will also uphold an open and cooperative attitude and work with all parties in the medical industry to jointly promote the smooth progress of the digital transformation of healthcare. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Wang Yang, Senior Consultant of Huawei's Data Storage Product Line and Healthcare Industry

Wang Yang, Senior Consultant of the Healthcare Industry of Huawei's Data Storage Product Line, said in the keynote sharing of the "Huawei Healthcare DCS Next-Generation Data Center Construction Solution": "From informatization, digitalization to intelligence, hospitals are accelerating the construction of a patient-centered service system, and in this process, traditional data centers are facing three major challenges: 1. Lack of basis for investment and long construction period; 2. Smoke tube construction, poor elasticity; 3. Data center operation and maintenance are difficult and problem location is slow; It can no longer effectively support business development and transformation. To this end, Huawei's DCS next-generation hospital data center can reconstruct the hospital data center by building a new architecture of 'hardware normalization + application normalization + software and hardware integration', and solve the problems and challenges faced in the construction of smart hospitals, such as evaluation requirements, application operation management, and O&M software and hardware demarcation. Among them, hardware normalization refers to pooling and servitizing all IT infrastructure hardware resources to provide secure, reliable, elastic and efficient infrastructure; Application normalization refers to unifying data interaction through the integrated platform to open up hospital medical applications; Hardware and software integration is to connect business data and IT infrastructure, and realize the integration of software, hardware and applications. In fact, the core value of Huawei's DCS is to build a secure, resilient, converged, and simplified full-stack next-generation data center. During the construction of the Yunnan Yunnan Regional Medical Center, Huawei's next-generation DCS data center solution was applied to summarize real-time statistical monitoring information on data centers, integration platforms, HIS, PACS, and hardware resources, as well as associate applications with virtual machines and hardware alarms, improving O&M efficiency by more than 30%. ”

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Huawei's network storage linkage hospital anti-ransomware solution was officially released

At the Huawei Satellite conference, Huawei's network storage linkage anti-ransomware hospital solution was officially released, which innovatively implements anti-ransomware through the linkage mechanism of network and storage, deploys security devices at the network level, and automatically discovers, identifies, and blocks ransomware attacks. When subjected to ransomware attacks, the solution can activate the emergency plan in time to ensure that data will not be stolen or decrypted through the encryption protection and backup mechanism of the storage layer, thereby ensuring the continuity and stability of the hospital's business.

Huawei unveiled at CHIMA2023 to discuss with industry experts how digital technology can help hospitals develop with high-quality development

Zhou Xu, R&D Director of Healthcare Solution of Huawei's Public Sector System Dept

In addition, at the "Hospital Infrastructure Sub-forum" of the CHIMA Conference, Zhou Xu, Director of R&D of Healthcare Solutions of Huawei's Public Sector System Dept, delivered a keynote report entitled "Improving the Quality and Upgrade of Hospital Information Infrastructure Construction with Technology-Driven and Innovative Technology", which explained the development status and trend of medical digitalization from the perspective of industry and industry development. Focusing on the construction of a "trinity" smart hospital in the "trinity of medical care, service, and management", Zhou Xu introduced in detail Huawei's 11 most representative innovative practices: 1. The distributed AP solution of smart wards truly achieves "one AP, one network, one IP to run the whole hospital"; 2. The construction of medical Internet of Things makes patients more assured of medical treatment, more secure medical work, and more worry-free operation and maintenance for administrators; 3. F5.5G all-optical network to meet network requirements; 4. Smart ward radar behavior detection, safety care; 5. Extreme compression, storage and utilization of related computer room resources for image files; 6. The digital pathology scheme increases the efficiency of pathological analysis by 70%; 7. Interactive collaboration of remote diagnosis and treatment to meet the application requirements of various medical scenarios; 8. Smart campus HOC to simple delivery, continuous evolution, to achieve fine management, excellent operation; 9. One hospital and multi-district homogeneous diagnosis and treatment, collaborative safety protection capabilities, global security situation awareness; 10. Huawei EI

Health helps gene sequencing + drug discovery + clinical research; 11. HPDA high-performance parallel access accelerates genetic analysis.

As the world's leading ICT infrastructure and smart device provider, Huawei is working with partners to provide more comprehensive and efficient ICT solutions and services to industry customers. In the healthcare field, Huawei has built a series of solutions including smart hospitals, smart healthcare, and smart healthcare around the national "Healthy China 2030" strategy, and through win-win cooperation with partners, with the help of new technologies such as 5G, AI, and cloud, Huawei has helped the digital transformation of the healthcare industry and promoted the high-quality development of hospitals.

Source: As the saying goes