
Resolutely oppose Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism

author:Always happy
Resolutely oppose Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism

To strengthen national unity, we must resolutely oppose Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism. The issue of opposing the "two isms" is regulated from the Common Programme to the current Constitution. Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism are unacceptable, they are all great enemies of national unity.

——Excerpted from a speech delivered at the Central Nationalities Work Conference in September 2014

Resolutely oppose Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference clearly stipulated: "Oppose grand nationalism and narrow nationalism, and prohibit discrimination, oppression and splitting the unity of all ethnic groups among ethnic groups." The Constitution of the People's Republic of China promulgated in September 1954 pointed out: "On the basis of promoting fraternity and mutual assistance among all nationalities, opposing imperialism, opposing common enemies of the people within all nationalities, and opposing grand nationalism and local nationalism, the national unity on the mainland will continue to be strengthened." After 1982, the mainland constitution and the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy were uniformly expressed as: "In the struggle to safeguard national unity, it is necessary to oppose big nationalism, mainly Han chauvinism, as well as local nationalism." On January 23, 1987, the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, which were approved and forwarded by the central authorities, said in their report to the Central Committee on several important issues concerning ethnic work: "At present, the relations between various ethnic groups on the mainland are basically relations between the working people, and problems arising in ethnic relations should be solved by means of persuasion and education, democratic consultation, and active guidance." Han chauvinism and local nationalism exist objectively, and in the Constitution and the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, it is written that it is necessary to oppose both Han chauvinism and local nationalism. We must vigorously propagate and establish the proletarian outlook on the nation, pay attention to overcoming the bourgeois outlook on the nation, and act in accordance with the law and party and government discipline. Summing up the experience of history, when dealing with such problems, we must proceed cautiously, proceed from the interests of national unity, solve whatever problems there are, and do not rashly button this or that hat. ”

The opposition to Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism is stipulated in everything from the Common Program to the current Constitution. Because in real life, there will always be more or less, there will be such and such performances, which affect ethnic relations. Han chauvinism is high-minded, self-righteous, looks down on ethnic minorities, loves to do things in substitution, dictates, and rarely consults with ethnic minorities when things happen. Narrow nationalism sits in the well and watches the sky, rests on its laurels, excludes other nationalities, and gives first consideration to the rights of its own nation or part when things happen, ignoring the overall situation and the interests of the majority of people.

Resolutely oppose Han chauvinism and narrow nationalism

Han chauvinism is unacceptable, and narrow nationalism is unacceptable. The erroneous development of Han chauvinism is often prone to ethnic discrimination; The erroneous development of narrow nationalism tends to breed national separatist tendencies. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to three principles, "prevention before illness, prevention of degeneration, prevention of recovery after healing". Both of these "isms" have historical reasons, but in real life, if we do not pay attention to guarding against, overcoming them, and opposing them, and allow them to develop and spread, they will eventually lead to the same path, which will cause national estrangement and antagonism, and in serious cases, they will be used by hostile forces. To oppose the "two isms," it is also necessary to prevent the upper program from going online; after all, there are not many differences that can rise to the level of doctrine in reality, and we cannot hold one end of the two banners, and we must go to the same point and consciously safeguard the supreme interests of the country and the overall situation of national unity.