
Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

author:Wuxian loves life

Money is a ruthless touchstone. In front of it, a person's nature is not hidden, and the true side will be unreservedly revealed. Money magnifies a person's goodness and infinitely magnifies one's evil.

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money makes a person who is good by nature more generous. For example, when a person suddenly gains a huge fortune, the first thing he will think of is to help his close friends and improve their lives. I even think about donating to society and giving back to society. Money will make such a kind person become a "god" like role, surrounded and looked up to by more people.

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Similarly, money can make a person with a shady nature more unscrupulous. When he gets wealth, he will not hesitate to use money to achieve selfish goals. Abuse of power, bullying others, and viewing money as a tool to manipulate people's hearts. Such a person will become a "monster" who does nothing evil, spurned and hated.

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

So, money itself is innocent. It is just a magnifying glass through which we see the truest side of a person. The goodness or evil that a person cannot seize the opportunity to show when he is poor will be unabashedly displayed under the magnification of money. Money gives a generous person a larger stage to perform good deeds, and it also gives a person with a dark nature a greater range to distort people's hearts.

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

When a wealthy person shows great kindness in front of you, it is likely to be a true reflection of his nature. And when a rich person uses money and power to trample on others, this may also be his true face. In the face of money, a person's good and evil will be presented without reservation, which is the cruelest and most just side of money - it is the real magnifying glass of human nature.

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

Money is a real magnifying glass that turns angels into gods and demons into demons!

So, in this world, there is no need to be surprised by anyone's good or evil deeds. Because everything comes from human nature, everything will be unconcealed under the magnification of money. Good or evil is determined by the person himself, and money is only a personal witness and amplifier. It turns angels into gods, and demons into demons, everything is in human nature, and money is helpless.