
Haibo night reading丨Communication is health

author:Haibo TV丨Fujian release
Haibo night reading丨Communication is health
Haibo night reading丨Communication is health

Photography丨Xie Shenggang

Behind the communication

Author/Xu Songqing

Read aloud丨Lanjia

Who wouldn't? It's just that some people are more polished, and some people are stupid. This statement is true, but it is a bit corny.

If you understand the needs of the body from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is no exaggeration to say that communication is health.

I want to nourish my heart and speak love words.

Say something steaming and put your heart straight on the other person's heart. "A good word is warm in winter", and at the same time I will feel happy. Because the heart is happy, positive joy is nourishing the heart. The five elements of the heart belong to "fire", and helping others is hot in their hearts, so we often say "warm-hearted people". Do not be overjoyed and sad, because "the heart has a movement, the pulse has a song", and all diseases are born from the heart.

Want to nourish the liver and give hope.

Say more words to boost qi, which will help the expression of liver qi. The five elements of the liver are "wood", full of vitality and hope. We are also nourishing the liver by encouraging and supporting others. What I am most afraid of is that I am angry and rushing, jumping like thunder, and while suppressing others with firepower, I hurt myself even more, which is greatly unfavorable to nourishing the liver.

Haibo night reading丨Communication is health

Photo by Xie Shenggang

Want to nourish the spleen and tell the truth.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen corresponds to the five constants as "faith", and integrity, belief and trust all lie in strengthening the spleen. The spleen is the center of the center and walks the right path, so we must match our words with deeds and do what we say. When we are honest, we are strengthening the spleen. The five elements of the spleen belong to the "soil", and planting a seed to harvest more grain is the quality of the Chinese nation of "dripping water, springing in return", and it is also the foundation of nourishing us.

I want to nourish my lungs and send blessings.

Traditional Chinese medicine talks about the main worries of the lungs and the hidden lungs. The lungs are full of qi, naturally they have a big heart, on the contrary, they are submissive and have no courage, and negative worries will cause nests and lungs (waste). Don't be Lin Daiyu, replace it with the "worry" of the worries of the world. More blessings and wishes will make our hearts bigger and broad-minded, and it will also help to strengthen the function of the lungs.

Haibo night reading丨Communication is health

Photo by Xie Shenggang

If you want to nourish your kidney, you will listen.

The kidneys open to the ears and learn to listen, which is nourishing the kidneys. Only by listening attentively can we correctly understand the needs of the other party and avoid preconceptions. The five permanent masters of the kidney "wisdom", when communicating and transmitting information, do not listen to or transmit uncertain news, otherwise it is anti-intellectual. Kidney hiding is the main fear, Chinese educating children from an early age to have a lofty ambition to serve more people, which is nurturing the kidney. The positive "fear" is to fear heaven and earth, and Chinese faith begins with believing in cause and effect, and pays for it: believing that planting beans will get beans, believing that hard work will get rich, believing that love and fighting will win, believing in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and rolling up your sleeves and working hard.

With the blessing of 5,000 years of excellent traditional Chinese culture, having a good heart, saying good words, doing good deeds, and good communication is not only conducive to social harmony, but also conducive to personal physical and mental health.

Streamer | Lanja

The work is selected from the frontispiece of Straits Sisters magazine

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Source: Haibo TV

Editors: Tu Hong, Wang Ying

Haibo night reading丨Communication is health