
The Internet needs some memory

author:Go ahead with the route Az

It was late at night, and the small bar next door finally calmed down, everything was silent, and the community was sleeping. Just like the "hand-in-hand gate" that has recently become popular all over the country, the heat is fading over time and will eventually return to calm.

It is often said that the Internet has a memory. Personally, I think this statement may be more inclined to record than reflect. Why reflect, because it's worth it.

Drowning of a teacher in Bijie, Guizhou

The Internet needs some memory

First, the facts: The journalist was beaten

On May 30, "a reporter covering the drowning of a teacher in Bijie was beaten" shocked the Internet. From the information reported later, the incident was true: the journalist had indeed been beaten. So, this matter is popular all over the Internet, where is the point of view?

The public's right to know. The teacher drowned, and the public was curious and onlooking, hoping to explore the truth: a journalist who dared to travel from Hubei to a remote place in Guizhou to cover up the truth was actually abused by unknown people? What about the general public's right to know?

The journalist profession is special. Seeking truth is a sacred duty entrusted by law to news gathering and editing organizations, and every reporter who goes out to cover news may be in danger. Beating a reporter will be empathetic to any media person, and more media and self-media people cannot stand idly by, whether they uphold justice, uphold justice, or explore more, deeper and broader facts. And the media is really a very special group.

Professional identity of the drowning person. Teachers are respected, state officials, educate those who prevent drowning themselves from drowning! The response and disposal of the local department did not meet the expectations of the onlookers, did the department act? These topics can be explored for a long time.

The event itself has its own halo. The drowned teachers, legend has it that they dressed up the local culture of the campus to meet the inspection, and formed a team to go down the river to collect pebbles. In recent years, "greeting inspection" has become synonymous with formalism and bureaucracy, almost to the point where everyone shouts and fights.

Traffic password. For well-known reasons, in recent years, the entity is not easy to do, it is not easy to make money, and the traffic has achieved a large number of Internet celebrities, successfully mastering the traffic password, like hitting the tap, counting money to hand cramps.

Guizhou is very hot, and Bijie is also very hot. From "Village BA" to "Village Chao", from "5 Children" to "Zhou ** was double-driven", "27 people medium bus" ... As a native of Guizhou, I feel that I have been in the spotlight over the years, and the spotlight often appears overhead. The "reporter being beaten" incident triggered by the drowning of teachers by onlookers swept in with traffic, setting off a new wave of Internet fever.

It is true that every Internet celebrity event has its own contingencies, and some accidents carry inevitable attributes.

The Internet needs some memory

Second, has the problem been clarified?

The public's thirst for truth has practical significance, because the truth gives people the feeling: "So it is!" "Some stories may not have the truth, but people's search for the truth never stops. Including the last "Hu Yu case", it is still said that there is more than one cause of his death. Some will never be able to convince others, and that's the reality.

Is it a school requirement for teachers to go down the river to pick up pebbles? Is a drowned teacher counted as a work death? Are the appeals of the families of the drowning victims reconciled? We have not seen a follow-up briefing. From the information that can be seen so far, the authorities are investigating and dealing with it, including the dismissal of the town mayor with leadership responsibility and the director of the police station, and the dismissal of two auxiliary police officers. Among them, the director and an auxiliary police officer were punished with 20 days of administrative detention, and there was no mention of compensation for the families of the drowning victims. There may be a mutual compromise process, but many people can't wait.

The Internet is circulating all the corners of the event, slowly becoming an integral part of the event, and also deriving a lot of bizarre plots, and things must return to the handling of the event. This is a very cruel process, and the family needs to accept the death of a loved one and possibly exchange it for a stack of more or less banknotes. It is a process of compromise to maintain sufficient respect for the loss of life, but also to maintain the sanity that things must be handled properly.

The beaten reporter may have been discharged from the hospital, and no reporter continued to investigate this, and there was no follow-up report on a certain news or Chutiandu Daily, and with the birth of "holding hands", the popularity of "reporter being beaten" on the Internet stopped abruptly in an instant, like a tornado, and everything on the ground was gone.

The truth? Perhaps that's all the truth.

Third, the reporter was beaten incorrectly

Needless to say, hitting a journalist is definitely not right. The rhetorical question here is, who is wrong?

On the Internet on May 30, the screen was dominated by a certain news reporter interviewing the news that Bijie teacher drowned and was beaten. There are a few questions to sort out, the target is why the journalist was beaten? These questions include: Is the reporter's interview justified? Did the interview go well? Who is the batterer? Why hit? Let's explore the event itself.

On May 30, the reporter came to the scene of the incident to conduct an interview, and all the reports did not mention the interview team and several people. During the interview of the family of the deceased, he was questioned by unknown persons. Subsequently, we learned that these unknown people were police officers at the local police station. The reporter came to interview the truth of the incident with professional acumen, but encountered the "counter-interview" of these unknown personnel, and the reporter remained vigilant and did not tell the other party his identity, which we can understand as mutual distrust with the public security personnel.

The presence of the police at the deceased's home is not improper from the perspective of the arrangements of the local government and police stations to prevent possible excesses in the process of coordinating and handling unnatural deaths. Moreover, after 9 and 13 days respectively, the local government did not reach an agreement on compensation and the family of the drowned person, which shows that the opinions of the two sides are very different, and the family of the deceased hopes to use the influence of the media to influence the government to increase the favorable conditions for negotiations.

After the reporter identified himself, the public security officers allowed the reporter to go. What are the journalists' identification materials? None of the media reports mentioned it, saying only that the journalists "identified themselves." From the follow-up point of view, the reporter should provide an interview letter or work card issued by the unit and other things with the unit's seal, rather than a press card. We cannot speculate on the attitude of the public security officers at the scene towards the identity of the reporter, but the subsequent development of the incident has turned in an uncontrollable direction.

During the reporter's subsequent interview, the public security personnel at the scene used tracking to interfere with the reporter's interview, so that the lone reporter had the illusion of danger, so they used their mobile phones to record the tracking behavior, resulting in a dispute, and the tragic incident of the three public security people surrounding and beating the reporter.

The special status of the public security is to use more bullying and less beating journalists who are "two levels of senior officials" and who are alone, which reflects the quality and methods of law enforcers, and that regulating law enforcement behavior and improving the quality of law enforcement personnel cannot be just shouted slogans. Of course, this should not be a common phenomenon, and from the follow-up point of view, the administrative punishment of these three people is not exaggerated.

As the reporter's owner, a certain news has no plan for the danger of the reporter going to Guizhou to report, and if the reporter goes alone, the supporting materials given to the reporter cannot properly prove the reporter's identity, and should bear certain responsibility. Judging from the follow-up, a certain news actually only sent "one" "reporter" without a press card to the place of the incident to conduct an interview. As a certain news of a senior news organization, I don't know whether such an operation complies with the regulations, and whether the "Measures for the Administration of Press Cards" have been implemented, and it cannot be said that there is no responsibility for such a senior journalist who does not apply for a press card from the State Press and Publication Administration for a long time, and let the senior reporter become a "temporary personnel" for a long time.

4. Whether there is a boundary for supervision

In the past, we knew that journalism was true, timely reporting that had been investigated. Now, some public opinion believes that news is hearsay. The reason why network hot events become hot spots is not that it has the potential to become a hot spot, but whether it needs to become a hot spot, it can be achieved through human or intelligent operations, and the tangible and invisible BUFF blessings such as network trolls, matrices, algorithms, and AI can achieve the effect you want.

Other examples aside, let's talk about the "drowning of a Bijie teacher" incident. On the 28th, the Information Office of Zhijin County Government responded to "some media and netizens concerned about the drowning of 2 teachers in our county", and issued a notice on the official website of Zhijin Government: On April 13, 110 received the police, 2 people in Machang Town of the county drowned in the wharf and disappeared, and Xu was found at 23 o'clock on the 17th, and Li's body was found on the 21st, "After the incident, the People's Government of Zhijin County established an investigation team in accordance with the law and is conducting in-depth investigation." "This is the material seen with an official background, whether it is a fact or not, we need to judge for ourselves."

On the 30th, after the beating incident, the article that appeared uniformly on the Internet was, "Journalist who drowned in the drowned teacher of Bijie was beaten", which temporarily detonated the Internet. There are well-known news gathering and editing agencies that report this incident, as well as self-media that follow the trend. Among the specific facts mentioned were the drowning of two teachers, the school organizing teachers to collect pebbles in order to meet the inspection, the reservoir releasing water to wash away the teachers, the news reporter, and being beaten and injured by three people.

Where does this fact-based news come from? The journalist who went to the interview was still lying in his hospital bed, who went to verify these news facts? If these are unverified "facts", does the collective forwarding behavior of the big media respect the laws of news generation? Does this behavior of news organizations uphold the bottom line of basic professional ethics? News organizations can't be morally kidnapped by anyone, right? You can have different interpretations based on facts, but isn't news that leaves the facts the same as a mirage built in the air?

What the masses need is the truth, not to fool the masses and make them the projectiles and daggers of the news organization. Just to give this example, I don't want to read too much into it.

5. Who issued the press card

Since June 5, inquiring about the China Reporter Network of the State Press and Publication Administration, the beaten reporter Chen Moumou mentioned by major media a few days ago is impressive. Careful people will find that this well-known journalist with deep journalist experience, Chen Moumou, has a press card issued on June 5, and the Chutiandu City Daily of his unit belongs. In other words, on May 30, this reporter who was covering the drowned teacher in Bijie Zhijin County, Guizhou, did not have a press card, in short, Teacher Chen did not have journalist qualifications! It is equivalent to a doctor who is not qualified to practice medicine but prescribes a prescription, and a driver who drives on the road without obtaining a license, as an ordinary person, may understand it this way.

Perhaps many people have such a question: Is Mr. Chen a journalist in the end? Is it illegal for him to go to the interview? If so, is it subject to punishment? What are the penalties? How long is the penalty period? Is it 5 days? Is such a person eligible for a press card? What are the criteria for issuing press cards? There are many such problems, and they also involve a series of problems, and this series of problems, is it possible to do wrong at the beginning, and still run all the way on the wrong road.

Of course, the above question must be based on the fact that after the examination of the Hubei Provincial Press and Publication Bureau, Mr. Chen was qualified to obtain a journalist's interview card, and the State Press and Publication Administration issued a journalist's card to Mr. Chen in accordance with the procedure.

The Internet needs some memory

The rule of law calls for the rule of law

At present, legislation in all fields has basically completed full coverage, law enforcement norms have been strengthened, the rule of law environment has been further consolidated, the awareness of law-abiding in the whole society has gradually increased, people's use of law to adjust social relations has become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and society is moving forward healthily towards the orientation of a country ruled by law.

Life needs the rule of law, and society needs the rule of law. The rule of law requires the joint efforts of the whole society, and also needs the constraints of the system, some people enforce the law, everyone abides by the law, someone supervises the law, establishes a good atmosphere of the whole society respecting the law, respecting the law, respecting the law, learning the law, and using the law, making the law the bottom line of the code of conduct in all walks of life, establishing the basic bottom line of rule of law morality, and letting the law run in the standardized system, rather than pressing the gourd to float the scoop, nor dismantling the platform while building a platform.

May all good things come and go in the world.