
The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

author:Snow Spirit Valley

Hulunbuir grassland in Inner Mongolia, summer is endless turquoise, but in winter, the grassland is covered with snow, white everywhere, cattle and sheep have to rely on pasture feeding, and wild wolves are difficult to catch prey and fill their stomachs.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

In the difficult winter, the wolves who usually stand together will gather in large groups, huddle for warmth, and when they can't find prey, they will run to attack the sheepfolds of herders.


The she-wolf was about to rush to the sheepfold when the herders intercepted it with a Mongolian mastiff

One winter more than a decade ago, a sudden snowstorm fell on the Hulunbuir grassland, and the herders reinforced the sheepfold, but they were still unable to prevent it, and were attacked by wolves.

In the dark, the herders heard the Mongolian mastiff crying and knew that the wolf was coming! When I went out, good fellow, the wolf's eyes glowed greedy green, and he was grinning.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

The leader is a she-wolf, leading the other 4 wolves, as if they are about to rush towards the sheepfold. In fact, this group of wolves deliberately ran to the front to carry out a harassing attack, attracting the attention of the Mongolian mastiff and the attention of the herders.

When the herders saw the wolves so arrogant, they thought that they must drive the wolves far away and beat them into "drowning dogs" so as not to covet their cattle and sheep again.

The herders mounted their horses and took the Mongolian mastiffs to intercept them, preventing the wolves from approaching the sheepfold. Successfully intercepted the wolf and drove it away non-stop.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

The wolves immediately scattered, neither running far nor just in time to avoid the Mongol Mastiff's attack. A pair of Mongolian mastiffs could not catch the astute and cunning wolf, so angry that they cried out loudly and quickly ran over to chase the wolf.

The herders finally drove the wolves far away, and when they returned to check the sheepfold, they realized that something was wrong.


The male wolf led the team to infiltrate the sheepfold, biting 20 sheep to death and dispersing the flock

The herders thought they had driven away the wolves, but they never expected that the wolves would split into two teams and work together to obtain the most prey at the least cost.

The she-wolf slammed in front of her, attracting attention; The male wolf is behind, leading the wolves to sneak into the sheepfold.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

When the wolves successfully entered the sheepfold, they began to attack wildly, tearing and biting the sheep, some of the sheep were bitten off their necks, some were bitten through the stomach, and some were bitten on the back and legs.

In a short period of time, the wolves killed more than 20 sheep, dragged several sheep, and brought them back to share food with the wolves in front.

The sheepfold was a mess, and the attack of the wolves caused the sheep to panic, running around like headless flies, bleating.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

The door of the sheepfold opened, some fences were even broken, and the sheep ran towards the vast snowfield under the chase and attack of the wolf. Is the cunning wolf because he can't take away more sheep, so he lets the sheep run out and wait until the next hunt?

When the herdsmen returned, they saw the door of the sheepfold wide open, and there were more than a dozen sheep lying in it, but none of them were alive. I was shocked in my heart, and the hundreds of sheep in my family were all gone, and I couldn't cry if I wanted to.

The wolves not only killed the sheep, dragged them away for food, but also dispersed the sheep, which is really abominable. The herders can't care about the sheep that have been bitten to death, and just want to quickly recover the scattered sheep and recover the losses.


In the middle of the storm, the Mongolian mastiff helps the owner recover hundreds of lost sheep

In the vast wasteland, the wind is as fierce as a knife, and the snow is white, how to recover the hundreds of lost sheep?

The herders had to turn to their neighbours who lived nearby and ask them for help. Of course, the Mongolian mastiff is indispensable as a powerful "helper". The Mongolian mastiff is burly, athletic, fierce and loyal, with a keen sense of smell and a human nature.

The leader of the male wolf sneaked into the sheepfold, killed 20 sheep and dispersed the flock, and the Mongolian mastiff helped the owner retrieve the sheep

In the past, Mongolian mastiffs mainly helped people hunt and were well-known hunting dogs, but later Mongolian mastiffs became the guard dogs and shepherd dogs of the locals, not only guarding homes and nursing homes, but also guarding flocks and driving out wild wolves.

The herders separated from their neighbors and set out with the Mongolian mastiffs in search of them. The herders guessed that the panicked sheep had run into the wild, and that they would also gather together and stop in the leeward place, so they began to search in a direction.

After running for a long time, relying on the keen sense of smell of the Mongolian mastiff, I finally found more than a hundred sheep. I saw the sheep under the hills, tightly crowded, against the cold wind.

After a slow search in the area, he finally recovered the lost flock. It was thanks to the Mongolian mastiffs that the hundreds of lost sheep were recovered.

After driving the sheep home, the herders renovated the sheepfold, reinforced and raised them, and bought two more young Mongolian mastiffs to raise, so that the wild wolves could no longer take advantage.

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