
The baby's arm was black at the first 10 days old, the doctor said to "amputate", and the mother-in-law knelt down and begged for forgiveness!

author:Record the life of Xiao Tangyuan

The arrival of a newborn is always a joy for parents, but the responsibilities that come with it are also extremely heavy. Especially for new parents, how to care for the newborn becomes the most important task. Because the newborn's immature body is not yet fully developed, and the ability to adapt to the external environment is also weak, every detail needs to be carefully cared for.

The baby's arm was black at the first 10 days old, the doctor said to "amputate", and the mother-in-law knelt down and begged for forgiveness!

Correct feeding, paying attention to hygiene, always paying attention to the child's behavior, etc. are very important, and for parents, they must always improve their own awareness and literacy in order to better take care of newborns and ensure their growth and development.

Recently, a lovely new life has been ushered in in the community, Zhenzhen's daughter. However, the weather suddenly became cold and the newborn needed more warmth, so the mother-in-law planned to put the baby in a thick cotton coat. However, the very tight cuffs were cut too large, and the mother-in-law was worried that it would be ventilated, so she put two leather bands on her little granddaughter's arms.

The mother-in-law originally planned to take it off at night, but she was busy taking care of Zhenzhen, so she forgot about it. It wasn't long before the mother-in-law realized that her granddaughter's arm had turned black and the swelling was getting worse. The child's father rushed the child to the hospital, but unfortunately the doctor could not save the situation and had to amputate the leg. At this time, the child is only 10 days old.

The baby's arm was black at the first 10 days old, the doctor said to "amputate", and the mother-in-law knelt down and begged for forgiveness!

After hearing this news, Zhenzhen's family was stunned. Especially her mother-in-law, she knew that she was wrong, and she knelt down to apologize to Zhenzhen on the spot, but she really was just for the good of her granddaughter. Instead of blaming her mother-in-law, Zhenzhen tried to comfort her and verbally forgave her.

It's a thought-provoking story. If you are a mother-in-law, how do you handle this situation? If you were Zhenzhen, how would you deal with it? Let's decipher the deeper meaning behind this story.

First of all, the mother-in-law's mentality is commendable. She really meant well, but she made this mistake because of a lack of knowledge. However, this does not mean that she should be exonerated from responsibility. After all, her actions have already hurt her granddaughter. Therefore, in order to avoid similar things, we should pay attention to the learning of relevant knowledge and always remind ourselves of the precautions.

Next, we need to look at the problem from Zhenzhen's point of view. Zhenzhen did not blame her mother-in-law, which shows that she also believes that this incident was not intentional. Of course, this does not mean that Zhenzhen should forgive her mother-in-law casually. After all, she also needs to consider her granddaughter's long-term development and happy life. However, in this process, Zhenzhen must always maintain a tolerant and kind attitude, especially not to lose her affection and respect for her mother-in-law because of this incident.

The baby's arm was black at the first 10 days old, the doctor said to "amputate", and the mother-in-law knelt down and begged for forgiveness!

Finally, we need to consider a deeper question, that is, the meaning and significance of "family" itself. The family is the most basic social unit of people, and it is the form of social relations that people have the closest relationship and are interdependent. In a complete family, including parents, the elderly, children and other different roles, its relationship is more complicated. However, the family is not just a simple "family group", but also includes the growth and development of individuals. Therefore, we need to establish a healthy, harmonious and martial family atmosphere to promote mutual assistance, support and care among family members.

In short, this story tells us a truth, that is, "tolerance, understanding, respect". Tolerance means trying to maintain family harmony when it comes to family relations and responsibilities; Understanding means trying to stand in the other person's shoes when facing the mistakes of others; Respect means maintaining the necessary respect for the legitimate rights of the person. Only when these three points are observed can we build a truly harmonious family and allow all members of the family to live happily ever after.