
Compared with Erqiao, Big Zhang Xiaozhang is one of the best beauties in the Three Kingdoms


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Compared with Erqiao, Big Zhang Xiaozhang is one of the best beauties in the Three Kingdoms

Author: Bright Moon Breeze

EDIT: Eat hard drives

Illustration: Developed mosquitoes


Friends who have read the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" know that Big Qiao and Little Qiao are five-star beauties of Eastern Wu and even the entire Three Kingdoms, and it is said that even the lustful Cao Cao coveted it, and specially built a Tongquetai for him, ready to spend his old age with him for the rest of his life.

In fact, the "gossip" about Big Qiao and Little Qiao is mainly derived from a "Chibi" poem written by the great Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" written by the novelist Luo Guanzhong. Du Mu sighed heavily in the poem: "The iron that folds the sand and sinks is not sold, and the self-grinding and washing recognizes the former dynasty." Dongfeng does not go with Zhou Lang, and Tong Que Chun deep locks Er Qiao. The "two Joes" in Du's poems are the big Joe and Little Joe in the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the bridge section about Erqiao is mainly in the forty-fourth time. The gist was that after Cao Cao took Jingzhou without spending a single shot, he began to remember Eastern Wu and personally led a million troops to kill them with great momentum. In the face of Cao Cao's army, it was war or peace, and at that time, the head of Eastern Wu, Sun Quan, hesitated. Sun Quan's men were also divided into two factions: the main one and the main war. Just when the two factions were arguing and Sun Quan was in a dilemma, Zhuge Liang was invited by Lu Su to be sent by Liu Bei to Come to Eastern Wu.

Zhuge Liang, at the recommendation of Lu Su, first met with Sun Quan, shook his lips and drummed his tongue, and without much effort, he took Sun Quan and agreed to join Forces with Liu To resist Cao. Later Zhuge Liang visited Zhou Yu again. In fact, Zhou Yu is a staunch hawk who advocates fighting against Cao. In the past, Zhou Yu had only heard about how Zhuge Liang was so powerful, and he was quite dissatisfied, so he wanted to take the opportunity of meeting to touch Zhuge Liang's level. Upon meeting, Zhou Yu first suppressed and then Yang, deliberately concealing his true thoughts and showing Zhuge Liang with the false face of the lord and the lord. What kind of person is Zhuge Liang? He had already spied Zhou Yu's careful thinking, pretended to be crazy and stupid, calculated the plan, deliberately climbed along the pole according to Zhou Yu's wishes, and offered a sub-plan to fool or stimulate Zhou Yu.

Zhuge Liang said: "I have a plan, I don't need to raise the army to mobilize the people, I don't need gold and silver treasures, I don't need urban land, I just need to send the two to Jiangbei, and Cao Cao's million-strong army will unload the armor and roll the banner and retreat." Zhou Yu took the bait and asked urgently, "With those two people, can you retreat from Cao Bing?" Zhuge Liang deliberately betrayed his obedience, and was not in a hurry to say the names of the two, and continued to hang Zhou Yu's appetite without hurrying: "Jiangdong went to these two people, like a hundred-year-old tree drifting away a leaf, the state granary minus one grain; and Cao Cao will go away with great joy." Appetite hanging here, Zhou Yu was really anxious: "Which two people are they?" ”


Zhuge Liang saw that Zhou Yu had swallowed the hook deeply, and smiled secretly in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be like a river, and opened his mouth: "When I was in Longzhong, I heard that Cao Cao built a new one on the zhanghe River, called the copper sparrow, which was extremely gorgeous, and widely selected beautiful women from all over the world to be real. Cao Cao jiuwen Jiangdong Qiao Gong had two daughters, the eldest known as Big Qiao and the second known as Xiao Qiao, with the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, and the appearance of closed moon and shy flowers. Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang paused slightly, glanced at Zhou Yu's face reddened, his qi had become thicker, and his heart snickered, so he continued to orchestrate: "Cao Cao once swore: 'I have two wishes: one is to sweep away the four seas in order to become an emperor; one is to win the Jiangdong Erqiao, to hide the Tongquetai, to enjoy the old age, although there is no hatred in death. Then Zhuge Liang added oil and vinegar: "Although Cao Cao has attracted millions of people, the tiger looks at Jiangnan, in fact, it is also the second daughter." Why didn't General Zhou go to Qiao Gong, buy the second daughter for thousands of dollars, and then send someone to send her to Jiangbei, and the second daughter, who was satisfied and would be a teacher. Why not hurry up with this Fan Li's plan to give to the West? ”

Zhou Yu is not a stupid person after all, hearing this, his heart is active, such a big thing, how come the "KGB" of Eastern Wu has never talked about it? Where did Zhuge Liang hear that? Therefore, Zhou Yu vigorously stabilized his mood and threw the letter suspiciously and asked, "Cao Cao wants to get Erqiao, what is the verification?" Zhuge Liang, who had been prepared earlier, opened his mouth and came: "After Cao Cao built the Tongquetai, he ordered his youngest son Cao Zhi to give it an endowment, called the "Tongquetai Fu". Fu Zhong intends to take the second Joe. Zhou Yu still did not believe it, and asked indomitably: "Can this endowment be remembered?" Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry, and immediately shook his head: "From the Ming Dynasty onwards, he played and went up to the stage to entertain... Lan Er Qiao in the southeast Xi, happy day and night with the common... May the eternal stability of Thestace, the joy of the ancient and the unfinished! ”

When Zhou Yu heard this, he was furious and completely out of shape, leaving his seat and pointing north and scolding Cao Cao. Zhuge Liang still pretended to be crazy and stupid, and hurriedly got up to stop it: "Making peace with the enemy is a mature practice common to the previous generation, so why bother with the second daughter of the people now?" Zhou Yu sighed, and his anger did not subside: "The public does not know: Big Qiao is the housewife of General Sun Bofu (Ce), and Xiao Qiao is the wife of Yu." Zhuge Liang pretended to be afraid: "Liang Shi does not know." Tongue-in-cheek, capital offense! capital crime! It was only at this time that Zhou Yu finally ripped off his disguise and revealed his heart: "I and the old thief swear by no one!" At this point, Zhuge Liang's mission was completed, and the grand plan of joining Wu to resist Cao was finalized. Of course, the good names of Big Joe and Little Joe are therefore not shy.

Compared with Erqiao, Big Zhang Xiaozhang is one of the best beauties in the Three Kingdoms


The big Qiao and Xiao Qiao in history only recorded more than forty characters in Comrade Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". "It is a matter of time, and the strategy is to take Jingzhou, with Yu as the central protector, leading Jiangxia Taishou, from attacking Anhui, pulling it out." When the bridge is two daughters, both are national colors. Cezina Bridge, Yuna Bridge. It is said that when Sun Ce and Zhou Yu attacked the city of Anhui, they acquired the two daughters of the Duke of Qiao, and the two daughters looked like the country's heavenly fragrance. Sun Ce took matters into his own hands, including the bridge in his account and letting Zhou Yu move the bridge to the bed. In the text, Chen Shou's appearance of the second bridge is only based on the "national color", to what extent is the national color? What is your height? What about the face? Length of body? All are vague and there is no following.

In Pei Songzhi's commentary on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a passage from the Biography of Jiang Biao is quoted: "Although the second daughter of the Duke of Qiao was displaced, it was enough for him to be a son-in-law. Sun Ce got cheap and sold well, not only did not feel ashamed of his atrocities, but instead proudly said to Zhou Yu that Erqiao was displaced, and it was also green smoke on the ancestral grave that could get the two of us as sons-in-law. This passage is only three crosses, and the sum of the two words before and after is no more than eight crosses. However, this little more than seventy words were written by Luo Guanzhong almost a whole chapter.

From the above text, it can be seen that the so-called big Joe Little Joe, whose real name is The Bridge Bridge. Cao Cao did build Tongquetai, and Cao Zhi also gave it to it, but there was neither a bridge nor a qiao in the endowment, that is to say, Tongquetai did not have a dime relationship with the bridge bridge. The reason why the two later had a relationship, in Luo Guanzhong's words, was Zhuge Liang's deliberate slander and rumor-mongering, or to a large extent, a beautiful story.

Big Qiao and Little Qiao may not exist, but in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it is clearly recorded that Big Zhang xiao Zhang is also one of the best beauties in Jiangnan.


Speaking of which, perhaps it is time to introduce the producer of the large and small Zhang Zhang, the father Zhang Bu. This Zhang Bu was also the top talent in Jiangnan, who helped Sun Xiu in his early years, because of his thoughtful service and deep credit, and later because the second emperor of Eastern Wu, Sun Liang, was deposed by Sun Jiao, Sun Xiu intercepted and ascended to the throne, and after taking the throne, Zhang Bu was promoted to the third rank by Sun Xiulian, promoted from Lieutenant colonel of Changshui to general of Fuyi, and soon after he was promoted to the second rank of the ten generals - General Zuo.

In the second year after Sun Xiu ascended the throne, Sun Xiu, who was then the chancellor, felt that Sun Xiu was not interesting enough about himself, was dissatisfied, and tried to depose Sun Xiu. Once, Sun Qiao set up a banquet, invited his friend Zhang Bu, and when he drank hi, Sun Qiao spat out the truth after drinking: "When I deposed the Young Emperor (Sun Liang), many people persuaded me to call me emperor. But I thought that Ah Xiu was a good child, so I made him the Son of Heaven. If it weren't for me, Ashu would have been able to ascend to the throne. But when Ashur ascended the throne, there was no one in sight and he treated me like a deaf ear. I can push him up and I can pull him down! ”

Hearing this, Zhang Bu immediately woke up half drunk, but on the surface pretended that there was nothing wrong. As soon as the banquet was over, Zhang Bu ran directly into the palace and relayed Sun Xiu's reactionary remarks to Sun Xiu. At that time, Sun Xiu had just ascended the throne, and he was alone, listening to Zhang Bu's words, and his heart was beating a drum. In order to co-opt Sun Qiao and stop his reactionary plots, at the suggestion of Zhang Bu, Sun Xiu immediately gave Sun Qiao the title of official and sent countless gold and silver treasures and beautiful women.

While stabilizing Sun Qi, Sun Xiu repeatedly plotted secretly with Zhang Bu and Ding Feng, and decided to set up a banquet on the day of the Wax Festival to kill Sun Qi in one fell swoop.

Sun Qiao was certainly not stupid, and soon heard some rumors. Therefore, on the day of the banquet, Sun Qiao refused to attend on the grounds that he was unwell. Where Sun Xiu was willing to let go, he sent more than a dozen groups of emissaries to Sun Qiao's home to invite him repeatedly, and Sun Xiu saw that he could not resign, so he had to go. But before leaving, Sun Qiao also kept a hand - he agreed with his family that during the banquet, he could set fire to his home so that he could take the opportunity to return.

Sure enough, shortly after the banquet began, a raging fire broke out in Sun Qi's home, so Sun Qiao naturally asked Sun Xiu to return home to fight the fire. Sun Xiu had a hard time seizing an opportunity, where he was willing to let go, let Sun Xiu repeatedly ask, Sun Xiu said that he was not allowed. Sun Qiang was preparing to forcibly leave the table, and seeing this, Ding Feng and Zhang Bu, who were sitting next to him, immediately signaled to the knife and axe hand that had been ambushed long ago, rushed up, tied Sun Qiang to the ground in one fell swoop, and quickly pushed him out of the click.

After making such a great contribution, Sun Xiu also made Zhang Bu the governor of the Chinese army.

Compared with Erqiao, Big Zhang Xiaozhang is one of the best beauties in the Three Kingdoms


It was Le Ji who was sad, and five years later (264 AD), Sun Xiu died, and because the crown prince was less than ten years old, the ministers requested that he be replaced by Changjun, that is, the older grandson of Sun Quan. Zhang Bu and others also thought it was reasonable, so against Sun Xiu's wishes, they welcomed Sun Xiu's nephew, Sun Hao, who was twenty-three years old at the time, as emperor.

Zhang Bu was promoted because of his meritorious service in welcoming the new emperor, and was appointed by Sun Hao as a general of the Hussars, and was given the title of Shizhong (侍中). But who knows, after Sun Hao won the zhi, he soon revealed his green face and fangs -- arrogant and lascivious, killing the minister, and doing no evil. Zhang Bu's intestines were remorseful and very disappointed. In private, Zhang Bu, like Sun Qiang, repeatedly complained. Soon, it reached Sun Hao's ears, and Sun Hao did not ask much, when he pulled Zhang Bu and the others out of the head and ordered the extermination of the three tribes.

During the extermination of the clan, Sun Hao accidentally found that Zhang Bu had a daughter under his knees, that is, Xiao Zhang, who looked like a heavenly immortal, fell into the country, and had a variety of styles. Sun Hao's eyes lit up immediately, and without saying a word, he included her in the palace and spoiled her that night. Since then, Sun Hao has been mixing with Xiao Zhang in the imperial palace every day, and the government has not been on the top, and the government has not paid attention to it.

Once, probably after playing hi, Sun Hao knowingly asked, "Where is your father?" Xiao Zhang, who had long hated Sun Hao for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore and replied, "Killed by thieves!" When Sun Hao heard this, he immediately turned his face, did not say a word, and casually pulled out a large stick to beat Xiao Zhang to death.

After Xiao Zhang's death, Sun Hao regretted it endlessly, thinking of Xiao Zhang's beauty, and had trouble sleeping and eating for several days. In order to soothe his longing, Sun Hao ordered the skilled craftsmen to find a piece of nan wood, and with his memory, carved a small wooden sheet of life-size and placed it on the bed.

However, a few days later, Sun Hao was still thinking about it, so he asked the eunuch next to him, "Does Zhang Bu still have a daughter?" The eunuch replied, "Zhang Bu also has an eldest daughter, but she is already married to Feng Chun, the son of Wei Wei Feng Chao." Sun Hao listened to this, and his heart was overjoyed, and on the same day, he arranged for his subordinates to take Feng Chun's wife, Zhang Bu's eldest girl, into his harem, and put her on the royal bed that night, and feasted with him all day and all night in the palace, so that the government was abandoned.

Later, Zhang Bu's eldest daughter died of illness, and Sun Hao was very sad, and in order to express his longing, he buried Da Zhang in the imperial mausoleum and built a large tomb. Sun Hao himself stayed in the tomb with the corpse, so that he could not leave for half a year. Because the funeral was too luxurious, and the minister had not seen Sun Hao for half a year, people believed that Sun Hao was dead.

After Xiao Zhang's death, Sun Hao specially carved a puppet according to life size, put it on the bed, and accompanied the puppet every day, still without the slightest tiredness. After Da Zhang's death, Sun Hao actually lived with the dead body in his grave for half a year, how beautiful did these two people have to be to make a tyrant make such an absurd move? According to historical records, at that time, Sun Hao's harem had more than a thousand concubines and beauties, but more than a thousand Jiangnan beauties could not accept Sun Hao's color heart, which could really be described as a thousand favors on the second body.


Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms;

Chen Shou: Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

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