
Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder! #Milk Powder #A2 Milk Powder...


Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder!

I don't know if everyone will be like me, since I became a mother, I feel that I don't understand anything, and then I will search for various things to learn about baby feeding. On the recommendation of a friend, I did the test question of "Baoshu Weather Vane" on the mother's circle a few days ago, and actually won the title of Glory Parenting Master.

I also learned a new little knowledge that relieved my little anxiety about feeding. You see, many of these problems are related to the difference between A1 protein and A2 protein. I realized that choosing milk powder for babies is really knowledgeable. Before my baby would be a little uncomfortable after drinking milk, he always had a bloated belly and diarrhea. I always thought it was lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy, but since I did this set of test questions, I have learned that it may be because my baby is not adapted to the A1 protein in the milk powder.

Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder! #Milk Powder #A2 Milk Powder...

Our milk is generally divided into A1 type and the study found that A1 type protein is produced by some milk gene mutations, which will produce a kind of fragmentation during digestion, causing many people to have abdominal distention, diarrhea and other symptoms, such as diarrhea, belly bloating, etc., and will also affect the cognitive function of the brain through the brain-gut axis, which may be one of the reasons why many people are not comfortable after drinking milk. A2 type protein is a natural original protein, which is more friendly to the human body and easier to digest and absorb.

Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder! #Milk Powder #A2 Milk Powder...

After knowing this knowledge point, I quickly asked the mother who drank A2 protein milk powder around me. Their feedback was very good. A2 type protein: more friendly to the human body, easier to digest and absorb. You can choose a formula for A2 protein for your baby.

Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder! #Milk Powder #A2 Milk Powder...

Finally, when encountering the problem of the baby's milk belly swelling and diarrhea, do not overjudge whether it is lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy, and do not change easily, remove lactose or destroy the protein structure of milk powder, which may affect the normal and healthy growth of the baby. The natural and complete structure of milk is more beneficial to the baby's growth, if you are diagnosed with protein allergy or lactose intolerance, you need to follow the doctor's advice. Study a lot with me on the road to parenting. Scientific baby-raising, happy baby-raising!

Everything you want to know, say goodbye to the difficulty of choosing milk powder! #Milk Powder #A2 Milk Powder...