
Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

author:Bright Moon Breeze Pavilion
Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Chairman Mao and Stalin

On December 4, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong departed from Beijing and took a special train to the Soviet Union for a visit, and after a long period of negotiations and consultations, in February 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong signed a series of documents with Stalin, including the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance, and Alliance, including, of course, the Agreement on Soviet Loans to China. Since then, the Soviet Union has provided 7 percent of GDP to China for paid or gratuitous construction of fifty key projects, from top to bottom.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Chairman Mao and Khrushchev

After Khrushchev came to power, in order to gain the support of the Chinese side, he increased the intensity of aid and construction and carried out large-scale blood transfusion aid to China, which can be said to have laid a solid foundation for the initial formation of China's industrial system in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the friendship and feelings between China and the Soviet Union reached their peak. After all, China's neighbors in the same system after its growth would do more harm than good for the Soviet Union, and naturally there would be no fear of threats from the east.

In 1958, the Soviet Union proposed the establishment of military radio stations on Chinese territory and the formation of a joint fleet with China in China's territorial waters. The Soviet demands not only involved sovereignty, but also the Chinese naval power was so weak that even the establishment of a combined fleet would not have the ability to share the Soviet coastline. This request of the Soviet Union was naturally rejected, and since then Sino-Soviet relations have slowly cracked.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="19" > brothers turned against each other, and China and the Soviet Union fought against each other</h1>

In international relations, Churchill famously said: "There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests." This sentence may not cover everything when describing the friendship between two people, but this sentence is an eternal and unchangeable truth placed between countries.

Of course, China and the Soviet Union, which were once close friends, have not been able to escape this truth, and there will be no more words about the causes and consequences of sino-Soviet relations, even if the Soviet Union withdraws all aid experts and stops all aid construction projects, in the war of self-defense against India, the Soviet side chose to support India, involving territorial sovereignty and national dignity, everything has no room for maneuver, and at the time when the relations between the two countries deteriorated to the most serious period, a nuclear war almost broke out.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

The location of The Treasure Island

When it comes to the local friction between China and the Soviet Union on the border, it has to be said that the zhenbao island self-defense counterattack that occurred in the late 1960s, although it is now little known, but after the outbreak of this battle, this small island shaped like a yuan treasure and only 0.75 square kilometers became the focus of the world. Of course, it is not that the island has the charm of attracting the whole world, but that if the great powers on both sides of the island are transformed from a local war here into a full-scale war, the world pattern that has been formed will be broken.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Beautiful treasure island

Zhenbao Island, located in the ussuri River, is named after the shape of a yuan treasure, which is China's inherent territory, but after the Soviet Red Army destroyed the Kwantung Army, it carried out daily patrols and control of the islands on the Sino-Soviet border, which dragged on until the Sino-Soviet border negotiations in 1967, and the Soviet side was ready to completely return the actual control of the islands, but it could not be implemented smoothly due to the deterioration of relations between the two sides. Since 1967, patrols from both sides have been engaged in cold weapons clashes near Andereen Island and downstream of Treasure Island.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Clashes broke out between soldiers on both sides

As the situation deteriorated, an exchange of fire broke out between the two sides in 1969. On March 2, the Soviets invaded Zhenbao Island and sneaked into the normal patrols of the Chinese border guards, and the fighters were forced to defend themselves, fight back, and finally expel the Soviets. On the 15th, the well-prepared Soviet army made a comeback, and the artillery was fired into the deep area of the Chinese border, and after half a day of fierce fighting, the brave and fearless fighters let the fiercely attacking Soviet army retreat in disgrace. On the 17th, the Soviet army invaded Zhenbao Island again, and the border guards bombarded the Soviet army with artillery, and the Soviet army retreated again. In August, Chinese border troops built barracks on Zhenbao Island and stationed soldiers.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Sino-Soviet soldiers

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="23" > a nuclear war on the verge of breaking out</h1>

After the Battle of Zhenbao Island, the high-level fighting mood of the Soviet Union was very fierce, and the Soviet army frequently provoked and even invaded the Sino-Soviet border. Marshal Grechko, then Soviet defense minister, Marshal Trikov, who was famous for attacking and defending in street warfare, and marshal Trikov, then assistant to the Soviet defense minister, advocated that While China's nuclear weapons were still in its infancy, they should immediately use nuclear weapons against China, use ballistic missiles to carry nuclear warheads, attack important targets such as Chinese military bases, carry out surgical strikes, solve the threat once and for all, and suppress China internationally. On August 28, 1969, the Soviet Union informed the United States of this plan, indicating the Soviet Union's clear position of attacking China with nuclear weapons.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Shoot the Tsar bomb mushroom cloud at an altitude of 160 kilometers

After China obtained this information, a group of personnel of the Central Military Commission immediately met to discuss countermeasures, and Chairman Mao sat in a chair and swallowed the clouds, listening to everyone's views without a word.

The biggest problem at that time was that the Soviet Union was really strong, and it was very powerful, both military and economic crushed China by more than one grade, the stockpile of nuclear weapons of the two countries was even more different, and the Soviet Union in the world at that time on comprehensive national strength could be described as a lonely defeat, and the only one who could break the wrist with the Soviet Union was the United States, and only twenty years after the founding of the country, China, which was still in the initial stage of industrialization, did not have the strength to engage in all-out war with the Soviet Union. In the face of such a behemoth, it is certainly not possible to be tough in the case of being alone and helpless.

The marshals in the conference room expressed their own views, basically two views, one is nothing more than negotiating with the Soviet Union, appropriate concessions and advocating peaceful resolution, and the other is to confront the hard and directly carry out nuclear retaliation.

Both of these main views were difficult to pursue, one was that the Attitude of the Soviet Union was already very tough at that time, and at this time the Compromise Soviet Union would not only not go down the steps, but would gain inches. However, it is not realistic to be tough, if a nuclear war breaks out between the two countries, it is too costly, and the United States will certainly take advantage of this to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="26" > one trick to defuse the nuclear crisis</h1>

When everyone was puzzled, Chairman Mao proposed a plan.

Even if the Soviet Union used nuclear weapons against China, China did not retaliate against the Soviet Union, and ordered the major field armies to go north to assemble on the Sino-Soviet border, and if the Soviet Union fired atomic bombs at China, all the large armies would be divided into multiple groups and rushed into the Territory of the Soviet Union in all directions on the border line.

Follow-up troops and local militias and civilians all went to the territory of the Soviet Union, China has experience in fighting guerrilla and long march, anyway, China is contaminated by nuclear weapons, then they all go to the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union will not use atomic bombs in their own territory, everyone lives in the Soviet Union.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Map of U.S. military bases around the world

If the Soviet Union dares to bomb China, China will bomb the United States, and the two nuclear powers will erupt into an all-out conflict, so as the United States, which also has nuclear weapons, should not sit idle and launch a piece of water. China will drop all the existing atomic bombs on the FAR East military bases in the United States, although China's nuclear weapons reserves are not much, but how much is put in, and the reason is very good, the UNITED States military bases are very close to China, in order to prevent the United States from taking the opportunity to attack the Chinese mainland, so it is necessary to blow up those military bases where the US military has stationed more than 200,000 troops around China. Even if the Follow-up troops of the United States came to support and even attacked the Chinese mainland, they were not afraid to go to the Soviet Union to settle down and buy a house at that time anyway.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

When the high-level decision-makers in the conference room heard Chairman Mao's words, they first became silent, and then became extremely noisy, and the whole conference room was filled with an atmosphere of excitement. After the plan was proposed, Premier Zhou immediately prepared it as a document. That night, the telegram was split into two parts, one to the Soviet Union and the other directly to the United States.

The document first stated China's position that China loves peace and does not want war. But if the Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike against China, then China would implement it according to this plan, in short, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes.

That night, Nixon panicked when he saw this plan, because the Americans knew that Chairman Mao's strategic thinking was unpredictable, and no one could guarantee that China would not really do so.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

On the Soviet side, Kosygin, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, took this telegram and rushed to Brezhnev's office, and after receiving this telegram, the Soviet Union immediately fell into anxiety, this way of fighting the war was something that the Soviet Union never expected before the nuclear threat to China, Brezhnev immediately said that it would not carry out a nuclear strike against China, and before the decision was announced, the Soviet high level received a telegram from the Soviet Embassy in the United States, and after seeing the telegram, Brezhnev made it clear that the Soviet Union had abandoned its nuclear strike plan against China. And once again, abandon nuclear strikes against China.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Nixon and Kissinger

The content of the US cable is also very simple, the United States has signed the U.S. military to drop nuclear weapons on more than one hundred and thirty cities in the Soviet Union, if the Soviet Union conducts a nuclear strike against China, in order to prevent China from blowing up the US military base and impacting the Western European continent in the follow-up operation, the United States will immediately drop nuclear weapons into the Soviet Union.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

When the Soviet Union sent a telegram making it clear that it would not strike China, the duty officers immediately prepared to report to Chairman Mao. When the guards entered Chairman Mao's bedroom, they found chairman Mao sleeping very sweetly, as if everything was under control.

When the heads of state of the United States and the Soviet Union had just breathed a sigh of relief from the tense air, they certainly did not want it, and the people who defused this crisis did not seem to take these things to heart.

The peaceful resolution of this incident is not an element of gambling, but a rational consideration of the problem in an all-round way from the perspective of the three countries of China, the United States and the Soviet Union, and immediately after this plan was proposed, Chairman Mao had already anticipated the reaction of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has faced a nuclear threat more than once, but Chairman Mao knows that this time the Soviet Union's nuclear threat to China is not as simple as a threat, and the Soviet Union may really implement it. But since this strategy, China has never been threatened with nuclear weapons from any country.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

Premier Zhou Enlai and Kosygin

On September 11, 1969, with the will and sincerity of both sides to ease relations, Premier Zhou Enlai and Kosygin held airport talks. Kosygin asked Premier Zhou Enlai to convey Chairman Mao's desire to normalize relations with China.

However, in the formal Sino-Soviet border talks on October 20, the Soviet side did not recognize the content of the airport talks and did not recognize that the border was disputed. Thereafter, the military standoff on the border between the two sides continued until sino-Soviet relations were normalized in 1989, and two years later the once-invincible power was torn apart.

Yang Mou: The Soviet Union is ready to launch a nuclear strike against China, Chairman Mao's surprise move easily defuses the brothers' opposition, and the Sino-Soviet nuclear war is about to defuse the nuclear crisis

The fighters who participated in the self-defense counterattack on Zhenbao Island took a group photo with Chairman Mao

Finally, I would like to pay the highest respect to all the heroes and martyrs who defended Zhenbao Island in those years, and even more to Chairman Mao Zedong, who was in the midst of planning, decisive victory thousands of miles away, and defused the nuclear crisis between the bomb commanders!

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