
Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

author:Gao Chun posted
Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

In 1955

Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

From June 1 to 3, the county party committee held a plenary (expanded) meeting to convey the party's national congress's "Resolution on the Draft Of the First Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the People's Republic of China", "Resolution on the Anti-Party Alliance of Gaogang and Rao Shushi", "Resolution on the Establishment of the Party's Central and Local Supervision Commissions", and the spirit of the meeting of prefectural, municipal, and county party committee secretaries convened by the provincial party committee, and inspected and summarized the industrial and agricultural production and various major tasks centered on mutual assistance and cooperation since the first half of the year. Put forward the tasks and requirements for completing and exceeding the county's industrial and agricultural production plan in 1955 and doing a good job in other work.

Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

On July 20, the county party committee issued the "Circular on Forced Orders, Violations of Law and Discipline in the Current Centralized Purchase of Summer Grain", which promptly corrected the erroneous practices of a small number of district, township, and village cadres in the work of purchasing summer grain, such as forcing orders and raiding homes indiscriminately.

Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

From July 27 to August 2, the county party committee trained primary and secondary school teachers and cadres of cultural centers (stations) throughout the county to carry out criticism of the so-called "Hu Feng counter-revolutionary clique". And in connection with their own political ideological performance and political history, write a self-summary, report and expose the problems of others. After the training, 174 people were examined, of whom 58 were listed as key subjects of review, some were removed from the teaching staff, and some were arrested and sentenced. At that time, due to the inaccurate characterization of some issues, a bias for improper handling occurred. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the county party committee reviewed and corrected the wrong cases.

Timeline of Gaochun Party History(78)

Study history and practice enlightenment, and forge ahead to open up a new situation