
The intelligent AGV trolley turned out to be so different from the unmanned forklift, and the knowledge was thoroughly increased after reading it

author:Lingniao Intelligence

  Unmanned forklifts and intelligent forklifts (AGVs) are two of the material handling devices that are becoming increasingly popular in warehouses and distribution centers. While both types of equipment are designed to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs, there are some key differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the difference between unmanned forklifts and AGVs.

The intelligent AGV trolley turned out to be so different from the unmanned forklift, and the knowledge was thoroughly increased after reading it

  Unmanned forklifts

  Unmanned forklifts are essentially traditional forklifts that have been modified with autonomous technology. These forklifts are equipped with sensors, cameras and other technologies that enable them to operate without driving. They are able to navigate warehouses or distribution centers, pick and move pallets and other materials, and even load and unload trucks.

  One of the main advantages of automatic forklifts is their versatility. They can be used in a wide range of applications, from moving pallets of goods around warehouses to loading and unloading trucks. They are also capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from simple pick and place operations to more complex operations that require precise positioning and movement.

  Smart AGV trolley

  AGVs, on the other hand, are specialized material handling equipment specially designed for automated operations. They are essentially mobile robots, programmed to move along a predetermined path, picking up and moving materials as they move. They are often used in applications where large amounts of material need to be moved over relatively short distances.

The intelligent AGV trolley turned out to be so different from the unmanned forklift, and the knowledge was thoroughly increased after reading it

  A major advantage of AGVs is their high efficiency. They are designed to move quickly and precisely, which makes them ideal for applications where speed and accuracy are important. They are also very reliable because they are programmed to follow a set path and avoid obstacles.

  Key differences

  While both autonomous forklifts and AGVs are designed to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs, there are some key differences between the two. Here are some of the key differences:

  - Versatility: Automatic forklifts have a high degree of versatility and can be used in a wide range of applications, while AGVs are designed for specific applications.

  - Complexity: Autonomous forklifts are often more complex than AGVs because they need to be able to navigate a warehouse or distribution center and perform a wide range of tasks.

  - Speed: Self-driving cars are generally faster than autonomous forklifts because they are designed to move quickly and accurately along a predetermined path.

  - Cost: Autonomous forklifts are generally more expensive than AGVs because they require more advanced technology and are capable of performing more complex tasks.


  Both autonomous forklifts and AGVs are valuable tools for improving warehouse and distribution center efficiency and reducing labor costs. While there are some key differences between the two, the choice between them ultimately depends on the specific needs of the application. Businesses should carefully evaluate their material handling needs and choose the equipment that best meets those needs.

The intelligent AGV trolley turned out to be so different from the unmanned forklift, and the knowledge was thoroughly increased after reading it