
After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

Vučić asked China for help

Recently, the situation in Kosovo has intensified, and Serbian President Vučić had to turn to Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo in order to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, hoping for assistance from China. China immediately expressed its firm support for Serbia and the maintenance of peace and tranquillity in the Western Balkans.

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

According to global network reports, on June 1, the General Administration of Customs of China released news that China and Cyprus have signed a honey trade agreement. According to the agreement, Serbia will audit relevant honey production enterprises and recommend qualified enterprises to China. Once the relevant enterprises have completed their registration, they will be able to export honey to China. This move represents that China has fulfilled its commitments and supported Serbia in the field of trade.

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

On the eve of the call for help, the situation in Kosovo was tense

On 26 May, Kosovo authorities reportedly dispatched police to forcibly escort elected Albanian town administrators to their posts, triggering protests by Serbian residents and clashes between the two sides. Serbian President Vučić signed an order on the 26th to raise the combat readiness of the Serbian army to the highest level, and ordered the army to urgently move in the direction of Kosovo. On 29 May, NATO Kosovo Force clashed with Serb protesters at three administrative buildings in Kosovo. As a result of the clashes, 52 Serbs were injured and hospitalized and 41 KFOR soldiers were injured.

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

However, it is worrying that NATO forces have used violence against the Serb population in this conflict. The excessive use of force by NATO soldiers using tools such as detonation bombs, tear gas and batons against protesters provoked strong anger and resistance from the Serbian people. This series of events is sufficient to show that NATO is suspected of injustice and partiality in dealing with the Kosovo issue. Although Western countries openly condemn the actions of the Kosovo authorities, in practice they have not taken effective measures to stop their misconduct. Such favoritism has not only exacerbated tensions in the region, but has also led to more clashes and casualties.

China expressed its position

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning stressed at the press conference that China pays close attention to relevant trends, supports Serbia's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity, opposes unilateral actions taken by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina, and calls for the implementation of the obligation to form a union of Serbian cities. We advise NATO to earnestly respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of relevant countries and truly do what is conducive to regional peace.

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed


Although Kosovo declared independence in '08, about 90 countries, including Russia and China, do not recognize Kosovo's "independence." Therefore, China will unswervingly stand on the side of Serbia, which means that China respects the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. The international community should still strive to promote dialogue and cooperation among the parties. Lasting peace can be achieved through confidence-building and the search for common solutions. The international community should adopt a more just position and provide more support and assistance for the settlement of the Kosovo problem.

After Vučić asked our ambassador for help, our side reached out and announced that Serbian honey imports were allowed

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