
The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

author:Cold bamboo away from death

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" ”</h1>

The Red Second Front was mainly composed of the Red Second Army led by Marshal He Long and the Red Sixth Army led by General Xiao Ke. When it comes to the history of the Red Second Army, it goes back to the Nanchang Uprising.

After the failure of the Nanchang Uprising, He Long and his party came to Shanghai. Originally, the organization planned to arrange for He Long to accompany Liu Bocheng and others to the Soviet Union to study military affairs, but He Long put forward the idea of going to the western Hunan and Hubei regions to develop revolutionary armed forces. It turned out that as early as the time when he followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in making a revolution, Mr. He had already drawn up arms in the western Hunan region, and had a very high prestige in that area, and had many years of combat experience with the Beiyang warlords. Therefore, President He and Zhou Enlai put forward the idea of returning to western Xiang'e to engage in armed struggle.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

He Long is in Honghu Su District

At the end of January 1928, He Long, Zhou Yiqun and their party, escorted by Lu Dongsheng, departed from Shanghai to the Hubei Jianli Huihe Jinzhai Department. In late February, He Jinzhai returned to the western Hunan region with Zhou Yiqun and He Long, thus beginning the arduous process of opening up the revolutionary base area in western Hunan and Hubei and establishing the armed forces of workers and peasants.

In the seven years of arduous agrarian revolutionary struggle, countless sons and daughters of Xiang'e and Western Hubei have sacrificed their precious lives. And the Red Second Army can be called the most tragic legion, because in the 1955 HuaiRentang award, the sequence of the Xiang'e West Red Army can be described as a dim star, especially these five excellent generals who died prematurely, which makes us sigh! If they lived to be founded, what rank should they be rated?

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs of the Western Soviet District of Xiang'e

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, He Jinzhai</h1>

He Jinzhai is the cousin of Marshal He Long, and he is very similar to Marshal Chen Yi in one point, that is, "the horse can kill the thief, and the horse can make a gift", which is quite the style of a poet and general.

In 1919, at the age of 18, He Jinzhai embarked on the road of a soldier, and since then he has followed his cousin He Long on a southern expedition to the Northern War, practicing his steel oath of "swearing to kill the jackal for the people" with practical actions.

He Jinzhai was very brave in battle, and he also had a deep cultural heritage, so he quickly stood out from the team. At the time of the Nanchang Uprising, He Jinzhai was already the commander of the First Division of the Twentieth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and was the most effective cadre under He Long.

In the winter of 1927, after the defeat of the Nanchang Uprising, He Jinzhai went to Jianli and Shishou in Hubei to organize guerrilla groups and carry out armed struggle. During this period, He Jinzhai joined the Communist Party of China, and thus made a steel oath that "I will hand over my body to my party and swear to destroy the jackal for the people".

As the saying goes, "Die before you get out of the school, and make the hero cry for a long time." In September 1928, He Jinzhai, then commander of the First Division of the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, was in the battle of Shimen Nisha Town, in order to cover the breakthrough of the main force led by He Long, unfortunately he was shot and died heroically, at the age of 27.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

He Jinzhai (1901~1928)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, Sun Deqing</h1>

Sun Deqing, formerly known as Sun Yizhong, a native of Shou County, Anhui Province, graduated from Huangpu Phase I. He had a subordinate who became very famous later, that is, Xu Guangda, the founding general of the former commander of the armored corps.

Sun Deqing had the best relationship with Cao Yuan, a communist party member, when he was studying at the Whampoa Military Academy, and later secretly joined the Communist Party of China under Cao Yuan's introduction. Zhou Enlai, who was then the director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy, admired Sun Deqing very much and praised him in public as "quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit." ”

During the Northern Expedition, in the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, Sun Deqing was on a par with Xu Jishen and Cao Yuan, and his military ability Zhu Lao was always the most clear. During the southern expedition of the Nanchang rebel army, Sun Deqing commanded the post to repeatedly inflict heavy losses on the enemy army in the battles of Huichang and Sanheba, so that the rebel army turned the crisis into safety. Mr. Zhu once praised him in public after the battle: "If there are difficult bones under the sky, let Sun Yizhong go, he will definitely be able to chew them down." ”

In September 1929, Sun Deqing was sent by the Central Military Commission to work in the Honghu Su District. After the establishment of the Red Sixth Army, Sun Deqing served as the first commander of the Red Sixth Army, which was higher than Duan Dechang at that time, and Xu Guangda was his chief of staff.

After the Red Sixth Army and the Red Fourth Army joined forces to form the Red Second Army, Sun Deqing served as the commander of the Red Second Army and the chief of staff of the corps, and became an important military assistant to the commander-in-chief He Long.

Just when Sun Deqing wanted to show his military talents, the central representative Xia Xi parachuted into the Western Soviet Region of Xiang'e, and Sun Deqing was unfortunately killed and killed in the first purge, at the age of 28.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

Sun Deqing (1904~1932)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, Wantao</h1>

Wan Tao, a native of Qianjiang County,Sichuan Province (now part of Chongqing Municipality), was one of the founders of Honghu Su District. Wan Tao is a man of both culture and martial arts; he can command guerrilla warfare and undertake mass propaganda work, especially in the area of building base areas.

Under his leadership, zhou yiqun and Duan Dechang, the base area in western Hubei (the predecessor of the Honghu Su District) expanded day by day, while the guerrilla brigade in western Hubei evolved into the red sixth army, the main force of the later Red Second Army.

After Xia Xi came to the Xiang'e west base area to preside over the work, he admired Wan Tao, who was good at organizational work, and appointed Wan Tao to replace Deng Zhongxia as the political commissar of the Red Army.

Xia Xi was originally going to cultivate Wan Tao into a confidant, but some of his policy ideas did not fit the actual situation in the Soviet area, and Xia Xi was a person with a bad leadership style and a blind military command. Xia Xi's wrong behavior caused dissatisfaction among the founders of the Soviet District such as Wan Tao and Duan Dechang. Wan Tao and Xia Xi often quarreled with each other, and later the contradiction was directly made public.

In September 1932, Wan Tao was framed as a "reformist" during the first revolt and arrested, a leader who had made outstanding contributions to the creation of the Xiang'e Western Soviet District, who was only 28 years old when he died.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

Wan Tao (1904~1932)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 2, Duan Dechang</h1>

There is a saying circulating in the Xiang'e Western Soviet District: "There is no he to fall, and no duan is invincible!" This He refers to He Long, and Duan refers to Duan Dechang. It can be said that the vast majority of the victories of the Red Second Army are due to Duan Dechang's military wisdom, and Duan Dechang is also worthy of the reputation of "General Changsheng".

Duan Dechang is a native of Nanxian County, Hunan Province, and a graduate of Huangpu Phase IV. During his time at the military academy, Duan Dechang was one of the backbone members of the "Young Soldiers' Federation" and was deeply loved and trusted by Zhou Enlai.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Duan Dechang went deep into the rural areas of western Hubei to engage in the peasant movement. During this period, he also introduced Peng Dehuai, who was the commander of the Xiang Army, to join the Communist Party of China.

In May 1928, Duan Dechang, Zhou Yiqun, Wan Tao and others formed the Honghu Guerrilla Group. Under their command, the Honghu Soviet Area and its armed forces were expanding day by day, and Duan Dechang also created guerrilla tactics that were similar to Chairman Mao's, which became the magic weapon for our army to win.

After the establishment of the Red Sixth Army, Duan Dechang successively served as deputy commander of the Red Sixth Army and commander of the 1st Column, political commissar, and commander, and led the military and people of the Soviet region to smash the three encirclements and suppressions of the Honghu Soviet area by the Kuomintang army in succession.

In the process of smashing the third "encirclement and suppression", Duan Dechang led the Red Ninth Division to win the three major battles of Dragon King Ji, Wenjiadun, and Xingouzui, annihilating more than 10,000 enemy soldiers and surrendering more than 10,000 guns. After that, the military and civilians in the western Xiang'e base area gave Duan Dechang the good name of "General Changsheng".

In May 1933, Duan Dechang was arrested during the third purge in the Soviet District, falsely accused of being a "reformist", and was mistakenly killed in Jiangjia Village, Jinguoping, Badong County, Hubei Province, at the age of 29.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

Duan Dechang (1904~1933)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, Zhou Yiqun</h1>

Zhou Yiqun, a native of Tongren County, Guizhou Province, was the founding father of the Xiang'e Western Su District. Zhou Yiqun used his short life to interpret the Zhengzheng oath he made: "As long as I live one day, I will not stop the party's work every day." We Communists must be as hard as iron and as strong as steel. ”

Among the huangpu second-term students, there are two quite handsome, one is Lu Deming and the other is Zhou Yiqun. During his time at the military academy, Zhou Yiqun showed excellent organizational and propaganda skills and became Zhou Enlai's right-hand man. It was also through his efforts that He Long was gradually attracted to communist ideas and eventually embarked on the revolutionary road.

In January 1928, Zhou Yiqun was appointed by the Party Central Committee to carry out armed struggle with He Long in northwest Hunan Province. During this period, Zhou Yiqun and He Long led many armed struggles, but due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, they all failed. During the battle, Zhou Yiqun lost contact with his comrade-in-arms He Long.

In July of the same year, Zhou Yiqun went deep into the Western Hubei Generation to carry out guerrilla warfare and served as the secretary of the Western Hubei Special Committee, unifying the leadership and military command of the Party in western Hubei. Thanks to his efforts with Duan Dechang and Wan Tao, the development of the Western Hubei Soviet Region expanded day by day, and the guerrilla forces in western Hubei were also expanded into the Red Sixth Army, becoming a powerful force in the armed forces of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei.

After the establishment of the Red Second Army, Zhou Yiqun served as the political commissar of the legion and once again partnered with He Long. During the Southern Expedition of the Red Army, Zhou Yiqun and Duan Dechang commanded the newly formed Red Sixth Army to smash the two encirclements and suppressions of the Honghu Su District by the Kuomintang Army in succession, making immortal contributions to consolidating and restoring the Honghu Su District.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and after Xia Xi came to the Xiang'e Western Su District, he greatly rejected Zhou Yiqun and transferred him away from the Xiang'e Western Su District. Zhou Yiqun had to bid farewell to his comrades-in-arms with tears, left the base area he had worked so hard to create, and threw himself into the struggle to open up the Dongting Lake Special Zone.

In mid-May 1931, on the way back to Honghu Su District to report on his work, Zhou Yiqun unfortunately encountered an enemy ambush at the Jiajia Pavilion in Yueyang County, and died heroically at the age of 35.

The five major generals of the Red Army in western Hunan and Hubei were all all-rounders of literature and martial arts, and one was appreciated by Mr. Zhu Chairman Mao once made a high evaluation of Marshal He Long: "You are a banner of the Red Second Front!" "5. He Jinzhai IV, Sun Deqing III, Wan Tao II, Duan Dechang I, zhou Yiqun."

Zhou Yiqun (1896~1931)