
The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

author:Di Renjie's official history hall

Deadly Magic is a gripping film set in time travel, about rivalry and revenge between two brilliant magicians, while also showing the collision and fusion of magic and technology.

Through a thrilling narrative, exquisite scene design and just the right sound effects, the director managed to create a tense and exciting atmosphere that made the audience immersed in it.

This thesis will explore the core theme of the film: "Truth and Lies", analyze the plot, perspective, symbols and narrative techniques, aiming to reveal the director's conception and expression intention, interpret the connotation of the film and understand the ideas and values behind it.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

1. Plot analysis

1. Through complex time clues, reveal the intricate characteristics of the plot development in "Deadly Magic";

The Deadly Magic movie uses a non-linear narrative to present the entire story. By alternately showing the story lines of the two protagonists, the director managed to create a complex and mysterious atmosphere, guiding the audience to various imaginations and speculations, and allowing the audience to finally understand the truth of the whole story later in the film.

Among them, the film constantly delivers new information to the audience by repeatedly traveling through different time periods. For example, in front of the performance scene in a small European town, the protagonist sends a spy to spy on the "secrets" of his peers, and then takes over as the famous Abracadabra magician, these plots are intertwined in scenes such as memories and wedding celebrations.

At the same time, there are other fixed time embellishments, such as when the aristocratic guests stay in the living room enjoying afternoon tea, Robert Angler, who studies magic, dedicates his lady's assistant to his colleague Alfred Borden, and becomes not in the slightest concern for life and death. All these plot lines are tightly tied together and constantly reveal deep themes and emotions.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

This kind of cinematic narrative may be difficult for the audience, but it conveys the core idea of the film well: magic is not just a performance technique used to make people fear and awe;

It is actually a cultural symbol derived from human language, cognition, and communication mechanisms. At the same time, because it has become the representative of lies and truth, it also involves the question of human morality.

2. Carefully analyze the actions and psychological changes of the two protagonists, sort out the grudges and feuds between them and the contest between deception and anti-deception;

In the movie "Deadly Magic", the feud between the two protagonists, Alonso and Testein, and the battle between deception and anti-deception are the main axes of the entire story. In the plot, Alonso and Testin are both outstanding magicians, but they are caught in endless entanglements because of their rivalry with each other.

From the point of view of psychological change, Alonso began as a confident, proud, ambitious figure who built his success on contempt and contempt for Taistan.

But as the story unfolds, he gradually becomes angry and haggard, until he finally witnesses the truth and commits suicide in despair. Taistan, by contrast, is more complex, torn between justice and revenge, while having to maintain a fluke mentality and a deep sense of guilt.

Through his step-by-step plan, he eventually destroyed Alonso on his own, but at the same time lost the most precious thing, that is, love and family with his wife.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

3. Explore the role of other characters in advancing the main plot and dissect the setting of the scene involving the theme.

Other characters such as Ruth, Oliver, Julia, and others have played an important role in advancing the storyline to varying degrees. Ruth is Testine's lover, who feels guilty for her previous deception and tries to save the situation; Oliver was Alonso's assistant and trusted person, who sacrificed himself to protect Alonso's reputation, but was also blinded by acting.

Julia, on the other hand, is Testin's daughter, and she holds the key clues to solve the whole mystery and becomes the decisive factor in Tystein's psychological struggle.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

Second, perspective analysis

1. Interpret the rich perspectives of the main characters, how to portray the characters and personalities, and the significance of these perspectives in the film narrative;

For example, showing the protagonist's perspective and feelings through a subjective perspective can enable the audience to better experience the emotional impact in the story; Showing the protagonist's actions and appearance from an objective perspective can highlight the character image.

Therefore, choosing different perspectives can bring different drama and emotional resonance to the film, and it is also one of the indispensable means in film narrative.

2. Explore how the film shapes the thoughts and emotions that the director wants to convey to the audience through perspective.

The perspective of a film is often one of the key means that directors use to convey the thoughts and emotions they want to mine. They can directly or indirectly show the theme and emotions to the audience by showing a specific angle of lens, focusing on the scene or looking at a specific event, etc., and then guide the audience's emotional response and cognitive process, and enhance the audience's understanding and resonance of the content of the film.

For example, for a film based on a documentary style, the director may use an objective perspective to truthfully record facts and emotions to present the authenticity of the film; Whereas a film is based on individualism and freedom, the director may take a subjective perspective to express his emotions and attitudes to guide the audience to empathize.

By using different perspectives, directors can better convey the themes and emotions that the film wants to express, which is also one of the core of film art.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

3. Symbolic analysis

Analyze the symbolic scene elements used in the film, especially the symbols that symbolize the conflict between magic and technology, the deception and skill of the magician himself, love and revenge, etc.;

Movies usually use a variety of symbols and scene elements to present themes and express opinions, and symbols of magic, technology, deception, skills, love, revenge and other themes are also one of the common means.

For example, in the movie "Deadly Magic", the conflict between magic and technology becomes an important theme, in which magicians maintain their status and skills through paranoid manipulation and deception;

The deception and skill represented by the magician itself directly reflect the power and moral and ethical problems in human society.

In this process, the symbols are constantly digging deep into the consciousness of the audience, allowing them to experience the rich connotation and ideological foundation behind the story through sight and senses, providing guidance and enlightenment, and triggering the audience to think freely and associate.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

Analyze the two levels implicit in the film: appearance and deep meaning, and how to present these elements that involve major philosophical issues. In the art of cinema, it is important to combine the surface with the deep meaning.

The philosophical elements contained in the film can be very profound, and through the analysis of metaphor and symbolism, the theme and human core explored by the film can be revealed.

Take the movie Inception, for example, which depicts a series of scenes of the human subconscious, allowing the audience to reflect on themselves while exploring the world.

In it, the scenes are very philosophical elements, and some scenes create a surreal or dreamy atmosphere through special effects, revealing deeper content under the surface. There are other elements such as characters, plot, etc. that can hint at the deeper meaning of the story.

This fusion of metaphor and symbolism can make the film have a more diverse and highly revealing interpretation and understanding, and openness and interactivity are also important characteristics.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

4. Analysis of narrative techniques

1. Through the analysis of the director's narrative technique, explore how to lead the audience into the emotional world of the film;

The narrative technique of the film is very important to lead the audience into the emotional world of the film. Directors can structure a film story in different ways, such as using a linear or non-linear narrative, using an inner monologue, reusing a scene, etc.

In this case, the audience needs more experience and perception to understand the theme and human core behind the story through their own thinking and participation.

For example, in the film "Interstellar", director Christopher Nolan uses multiple timelines across generations, as well as science and philosophy intertwined telling, successfully combining grand science fiction stories with profound human explorations.

In addition, the director also brings the audience into the surreal realm through magnificent music and visual effects, achieving emotional resonance and shocking effects.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

2. Discuss how the director's easy-to-understand or suspenseful narrative mode conveys complex themes.

When it comes to conveying complex topics, directors often use narrative patterns that are easy to understand or full of suspense. Easy-to-understand narrative patterns are often reflected in straightforward dialogue and simple plot twists, which can help the audience understand the story development and character emotions more easily.

For example, in the movie "Spiritual Journey", director Peter Doctort adopts a very childlike painting style and humorous cartoon scenes, presenting the audience with various faces of the inner world of human beings in an easy-to-understand way, profoundly showing his philosophical significance of exploring human nature.


"Deadly Magic" is a suspense film directed by Christopher Nolan, which uses two huge magicians to advance the story based on rivalry and tell it in an extremely complex and elaborate structure.

The film has clear ideas, a compact plot, and a unique narrative method, bringing the audience into an unreal and mysterious stage, allowing them to gradually understand from confusion to understanding in the journey of the plot, and perceive the dark side and complexity of human nature.

The ideas and values conveyed by Deadly Magic

The two story lines are interspersed with metaphorical hints throughout, showing the truth behind the film step by step. The story portrays the determination, belief and desire of the protagonists to achieve the end by any means, and also shows the emotional core of many human beings, such as love, friendship, responsibility, and loyalty.

During the filming process, the director adopted extremely delicate shooting techniques, using the use of lens close-ups, perspective changes and sound effects to shape the character image and situational atmosphere, creating a rich 19th-century social scene, increasing the performance of suspense and literary atmosphere in the film.

"Deadly Magic" uses a variety of methods to integrate complex human issues into the storyline, showing the audience an intricate and fascinating magical rotating stage. This movie is not only a high-IQ suspense film work, but also has a strong aesthetic enjoyment and deep connotation of heart shaking.


Here are a few references (Chinese) about the movie Deadly Magic:

1. "Deadly Magic": A Different Era and a Dramatic Ending, by Chen Jingqi, published in November 2018.

2. From Mystery to Truth: An Analysis of the Art of Visual Deception in Deadly Magic, by Tan Weihong, Published: June 2013.

3. On the metaphor in the movie "Deadly Magic", by Liu Qifeng, publication date: June 2016.

4. Identity Deception and Visual Deception in "Deadly Magic", by Li Shuqiong, published in February 2017.

5. Transformation and Reorganization: An Exploration of Mutation in the Movie "Deadly Magic", by Yang Guiyong, published in May 2019.