
The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

author:Bai Gongzi explores the drama

"The Legend of Jia Nan" is a costume drama that is currently being broadcast.

The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

Today, the show has been updated to episode 12 and the trailer has been updated to episode 18.

Combined with the relevant plot of the twelfth episode and the original novel "Mu Nanzhi" of "The Biography of Jia Nan", a key character appears and likes Gao Miaorong, which may be unfavorable to Li Qian.

There are many people in the play who are unfavorable to Li Qian, and there are many people who want Li Qian to die.

However, there was only one person who was unfavorable to Li Qian and liked Gao Miaorong at the same time.

So who is this person who likes Gao Miaorong?

Gao Miaorong was a very famous physician, and his father was a military master of Li Jiajun.

Because he and Li Qian grew up together, and Li Qian is very good, Gao Miaorong prides himself on being a green plum bamboo horse with Li Qian.

But in fact, Li Qian has always just regarded Gao Miaorong as his sister.

The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

To put it bluntly, between Gao Miaorong and Li Qian, it is actually Gao Miaorong's unrequited love Li Qian.

There is a saying: "The east side is not bright, the west side is bright!" ”

Although Gao Miaorong could not make Li Qian move her heart, she made Li Lin move her heart.

And this person named Li Lin is exactly the key person to be talked about in this article, and he is also the person mentioned in this article who may be unfavorable to Li Qian.

First of all, let's talk about the identity of Li Lin.

After Li Qian and Jiang Baoning got married, when Li Qian introduced his family to Jiang Baoning, Li Lin told Jiang Baoning that Li Lin was his cousin, and now he was in charge of the Li family's big and small affairs.

Through Li Qian's words, it is not difficult to see that Li Qian and Li Qian's father trust this Li Lin very much, otherwise they would not have let Li Lin play the same role as a housekeeper in Li Mansion.

The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

In the same way, it can also be seen that Li Lin's martial arts should not be very good, or he does not understand martial arts at all.

Because, logically speaking, if Li Lin knew martial arts and was very skilled in martial arts, then Li Qian's father would definitely find a way to find a position for Li Qian in the army.

After all, as the saying goes, "Good boys are in all directions!" ”

If Li Lin really had the ability, he would not be able or willing to handle some short chores of parents all day long.

Then let's talk about how Li Lin may be bad for Li Qian.

"Outside must be inside" is a truth that many people understand.

But now, with the appearance of Li Lin, Li Qian's family may face a major change.

Because, Li Lin liked someone he shouldn't like.

This person has a scheming heart, loves to ponder people's hearts the most, and is best at killing people with a knife.

This person is The Unrequited Li Qian's Gao Miaorong.

The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

In the trailer, Gao Miaorong successfully instigated Li Qian's stepmother He Cuihua to embarrass Jiang Baoning.

Because, she did not get what she wanted, but she was also recognized by Li Qian.

Therefore, it is difficult not to doubt whether she will join forces with Li Lin to "stab" Li Qian in the back to retaliate against Li Qian, or simply directly join forces with Li Lin to seize the family property belonging to Li Qian.

If it really came to that point, the situation would be very unfavorable for Li Qian.

However, the final result may also be Li Lin's rhetoric to refuse Gao Miaorong to deal with Li Qian for the sake of the family and for the sake of righteousness.

However, whether Li Lin agrees or not, Li Lin has become a key figure in this play.

After all, if Li Lin is really anti-water, then it will be a devastating blow to Li Qian and the Li family.

The key characters of "Jia Nan Biography" appear and like Gao Miaorong, which may be detrimental to Li Qian

In summary, in the TV series "The Biography of Jia Nan", a key character appeared, he liked Gao Miaorong, which may be unfavorable to Li Qian.

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