
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory

author:Uncle learns Ai

The tight short cheongsam is worn on the tall model, with gorgeous high heels, showing the charm of oriental women to the fullest.

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Disclaimer: This article is a normal clothing display, all pictures are original, normal wear, no bad guidance. The picture has no watermark, you need to pick it up, carry @ me, do not use for illegal purposes.

Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory
Beauty (whole body) shows short cheongsam (26 pictures in total) to wish the students a victory

The following are the picture drawing parameters shared for reference, not written indiscriminately, please review.

1girl,(solo:1.4),(full body:1.6),(Skinny:1.2),solo focus,(Brown Hair:1.4),(Dynamic POSE:1.4),from side,(Long Legs:1.6),(The perfect shoes:1.2),(Luxury high heels:1.4),elegant,(Luxury Jewelry:1.4),(light smile:1.2),Luxury short cheongsam,(updo:1.2),Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1654264737, Size: 512x912, Model hash: b394832bf0, Model: xxmix9realistic_v26, Denoising strength: 0.7, Clip skip: 2,

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