
I am 30 years old single with children, childhood lonely I want to warm the people around me, do you feel naïve

author:Mango Novel Control

My name is Yu Yan and I am a 30-year-old single mother. I live in a small town. is the head of a department of a company.

My ex-husband is a small boss. But his life is not good now. The business lost some money. I also mortgaged the house. In order not to burden me and the children. He divorced me.

I still love my ex-husband. But there is no way. For the sake of the children, I had to do what my ex-husband wanted. The child likes his father very much, he doesn't understand it.

I often have tantrums with me. But I know that life is more than just good. There is also a cruel side. Although the child is still young, he also has to endure all this.

Either option, there will be pros and cons. One cannot only think about the good, but also the disadvantages. Thinking about it this way, some things naturally come to mind.

Especially the child, I used to feel very sorry for him, but our starting point is good. I think that's enough.

Why I have this idea has to do with my family. My parents sell vegetables all year round. Almost no rest. Especially on holidays, they are especially busy.

Everyone else was celebrating the holidays, but I was home alone. Guarding the TV, snorting melon seeds. Looks beautiful. In fact, lonely can't.

People will compare. In other people's holidays, there are parents, grandparents, grandparents. And cousins, cousins, cousins. I'm alone.

Later, I got married. My husband's side is a big family. Relatives are visited twice a day. I'm happy, I like that kind of buzz.

Although many relatives are polite on the surface, they secretly compete behind their backs. But so what, getting along with people is originally troublesome. Just adapt.

But now that we're divorced, it's all gone. I have a son. Although there are still parents here, they are very busy and want to make money. Where is there air traffic control me.

I used to complain about my parents, why did they work so hard to earn money. Isn't it okay to make things easy for yourself? It wasn't until I was alone with my children that I understood the hardships of life.

We have to take the time, the guilt of our children, to try to make life better. Work hard to let the child live a relatively prosperous life.

My mom was a hardworking and strong person who went to the market early every morning to sell vegetables. She has short black hair and always wears a simple headband, revealing resolute eyes and smiling corners of her mouth. Although the years have carved some wrinkles on my face, it is a testimony of hard work.

Mom dresses up well, it's actually very beautiful. But she thought it was too time-consuming. Never clean yourself up.

Maybe Dad doesn't care if Mom looks good or not. After all, I can marry such a hardworking woman as my mother. Dad was not satisfied yet, so he couldn't say anything.

I kept wondering if Mom hadn't married Dad. Or mom read more. She is definitely no worse than those big ladies and talented women. Again, mom marries a rich man, and she will not be worse than the boss lady on the street.

It's a pity that she married my dad. Although people also call her the boss lady. But all year round, such a boss lady, how many envious.

On a cold winter day, I suddenly received a call from my mother. She cried. This was the second time I heard my mother cry, the first time on the day my grandmother died.

I immediately realized that something big could happen. It was as I expected. Sure enough, something big happened. The pillar of our family, my dad.

When I went to other markets to get food, I had a car accident, and unfortunately, on the way to the hospital, it was gone. After answering the phone, my whole person suddenly lost strength and collapsed to the ground.

After a long time, the tears did not heed the call and fell. I called my ex-husband and asked him to pick up the baby. I rushed to the hospital.

A few years have passed. Every year during the New Year, my mother always calls me first. Her meaning is very simple, let me go back for the New Year.

Every time my mother called, my mind would not listen to the call, and the image of me hiding at home watching TV would appear. Thinking about it, suddenly tears flowed.

That state is really lonely. I was afraid to go back to that state. Also afraid that others are in that state. The thought of my mother being home alone made me feel uncomfortable. I want to go home early and spend more time with her.

Many people, rather than accompany their children, are not willing to go home to see their parents. This seems to be common. Stay with the children, the children must listen to us.

Stay with our parents, but we must listen to them. And children and parents, sometimes do things that seem naïve to us. Obviously, we prefer to stay with people who listen to us. Maybe that's human nature.

Every time my mother called me, her voice revealed anticipation and concern. She never forced me to go home, but simply but firmly said, "I must come back for the New Year." ”

There are some things that my mother will not say explicitly. Mom won't say, "Daughter, I'm too lonely alone, come back and accompany me." ”

I think any child who loves his parents will feel the longing of his parents. Although they don't say it, when you go home, your parents make you a dish and a soup, from your mother's constant nagging, from when you leave, standing there watching you go away, and you don't want to enter the door for a long time.

We learned the love of our parents. And this love is invisibly passed on to my children.

Since the death of Dad. Every year during the New Year, my mother no longer sells vegetables. Instead, he accompanies me and my son, makes us food, and tells my son interesting things about her time.

This year. I called my ex-husband too. Even though we were gone, I still loved him in my heart. I still regard him as the most important person in my life, besides my parents. Love actually exists in various forms.

A year of reunion. Can give a glimmer of hope to an ex-husband who is in debt. After all, now except for his parents, which relative does not hide from him.

It can also make the child understand that his parents love him. No matter how we are. Being his parents doesn't change. His parents' love for him will not change.

And for old people like my mother, it is getting lonelier year by year. Those familiar people around may never see them again. And this little reunion. It is no exaggeration to say that it can dispel her loneliness for a whole year.

I think that reuniting as a family at a certain time period is our Chinese unique romance. And now many people, thinking that they have seen the outside world, feel that this romance is a little dirty. What a sad thing this is.

It's like a siege, and people on the outside think it's good inside. People inside think it's good outside. And the sober will understand. Any choice, there are pros and cons.

There is really no right or wrong in all kinds of experiences in life, but that stage is more suitable for you.