
How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

author:Wan Zhi 1

The king cobra, also known as the cobra, is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. Once attacked by it, it may face a life-or-death situation. We often underestimate the power of these creatures, and lack the correct means of self-help when encountering these dangerous animals, it is easy to become their "mouthful thing". So, how to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra? Next, we will uncover the answer to this question for you step by step.

How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

The danger level of the king cobra

The king cobra is a rare snake in the cobra family, with a slender body length of about 1.5 meters. It is distributed in southern China, India, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other places. Although the name has the word "glasses" in it, not all cobras have spectacle spots. The most famous feature of the king cobra is its ability to open the flat neck with a bone scaffold to form a complete "umbrella", where the king cobra can better perceive its surroundings while showing its deterrence.

Although the king cobra is a beautiful snake, it is very dangerous. King cobras are extremely venomous, and it is difficult to identify cobra spots on the head, so they are easily confused with non-venomous snakes. According to statistics, king cobras cause many injuries and deaths every year.

How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

King cobra venom contains many toxins, the main component of which is a precursor, which can damage nerve and muscle tissue, causing swelling, pain, and even respiratory failure in the bitten area. In addition, the king cobra is also a very aggressive snake, once it feels threatened, it will immediately open its "umbrella-shaped" neck and make a shrill warning sound, ready to attack.

If you are unfortunately bitten by a king cobra, you should first take the correct treatment method and be sent to the hospital as soon as possible for rescue. When treating the wound, the wound should be washed immediately, gently pressed with a disinfectant cotton to stop the bleeding, and then the injured person should be sent to the hospital for rescue as soon as possible.

How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra

King cobra venom contains a variety of neurotoxins that can cause severe neurological symptoms and tissue necrosis when bitten. If left untreated, it can lead to death. Therefore, if you encounter a king cobra attack, the correct self-help measures are crucial.

How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

Hold your horses

Stay calm and try not to alarm the snakes. King cobras are small and usually do not actively attack humans, only attacking when humans approach or touch them. Therefore, once you notice the appearance of king cobras, you should remain calm and try not to provoke them.

Go to the hospital immediately

If you are unfortunately bitten by a king cobra, you should go to the hospital immediately. On the road, you should try to stay calm and avoid excessive tension and panic, so as not to aggravate the injury. On the way to the hospital, the wound should be placed below the level of the heart, which can reduce the spread of toxins.

No processing is done

While waiting for help and arriving at the hospital, do not carry out any treatment of the wound, including drug use, incisions, etc. These treatments can cause infection and lead to the spread of toxins.

Prevents the spread of toxins

While waiting for help and arriving at the hospital, steps can be taken to reduce the spread of toxins. For example, the bite area can be tightly wrapped with a bandage or mask to prevent further spread of toxins. If there is no bandage or mask, it can also be replaced with materials such as clothes and towels.

How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

Retains body warming

While waiting for help and arriving at the hospital, you should try to keep your body warm. Because when the body temperature is high, the body's metabolism is accelerated, which can accelerate the metabolism and excretion of toxins. Body temperature can be raised by rubbing hands, feet, or clothes.

Pay attention to the wound

Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor should be informed of the king cobra bite and have the doctor clean, disinfect and suture the wound. During treatment, you should pay close attention to changes in the wound, such as redness, swelling, bleeding, suppuration and other symptoms, you should notify the doctor in time.

Measures to prevent bites by king cobras

King cobras are extremely venomous and can cause serious injury and even death to humans, so measures to prevent bites by king cobras are essential. Here are some effective precautions:

Enhance the knowledge and understanding of king cobras and improve self-protection awareness

We should understand the characteristics and living habits of the king cobra in order to better prevent and respond to its bites. One of the most distinctive features of the king cobra is a distinctive marking, and it usually lives near bushes or grass, so be sure to pay attention to its surroundings when moving out in the wild, staying away from snake-infested areas as much as possible to avoid unnecessary contact.

How scary is the king cobra? How to save yourself when attacked by a king cobra?

Wear appropriate protective clothing to reduce exposed skin area

Wearing protective clothing such as long-sleeved trousers, high-tops, socks and gloves is an important step in preventing king cobra bites. These items not only protect the skin from being exposed to scattered branches or dense grass, but also prevent king cobras and other pests from leaving wounds and marks on the surface of the skin.

Avoid near wet areas or grass

King cobras usually prefer to be found in wet areas, and the ground and grass are also places where they like to stay. When outdoors, we should avoid wet areas in the grass as much as possible to reduce the chance of exposure to these areas.

Follow the guidance and advice of professionals

If you regularly live in the habitat of the king cobra, it is best to consult scientists, wilderness explorers or conservationists about their experiences and advice on snake conservation and prevention, and learn their skills and knowledge.

Have emergency medicines and first aid equipment ready

Although we have taken adequate precautions, if we are unfortunate enough to encounter a king cobra attack, we need to take immediate emergency measures to mitigate the impact of snake bites as soon as possible. During the trip, you should carry some first-aid equipment with you, such as disinfectant water, gauze, tourniquets, first aid medicine, etc.

In short, the king cobra is a very dangerous venomous snake, and people must take action and prevent it when facing it. Not only should you understand its habits and living habits, but also learn to use the correct self-help methods to prevent accidents from happening.

Proofreading: Minmin Temur


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