
Guiyang City held the 2021 Women's Special Handicraft Skills and Innovative Products Competition

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Guizhou Channel Original draft

According to the Gui'an New District People's Government Network: On April 23, the 2021 Guiyang Women's Characteristic Handicraft Skills and Innovative Products Competition was held at the Guizhou Provincial Museum, and 34 embroidery girls from Guiyang Gui'an competed on the spot. After fierce competition, Guiyang City's "Top Ten Embroidery Girls" and "Top Ten Embroidery Products" were rated.

It is reported that the theme of this competition is "The Dream of Ingenuity and Ingenuity", which is composed of six links: singing (Xiuniang Mountain Song Duet), Competition (Expert On-site Evaluation), Exhibition (Innovative Product Display), Performance (On-site Exhibition), Visit (Embroidery Lady Interview), and Broadcast (Network Live Broadcast).

At the event site, the embroidery ladies dressed in ethnic minority costumes and flew needles to show the unique skills of Embroidery and Batik in Guizhou. Hou Junying, from Gaozhai Township, Kaiyang County, skillfully used 6 kinds of stitching methods such as broken thread embroidery, cut needle embroidery and lock embroidery on one side of the embroidery, which opened the audience's eyes. A 23-year-old Miao girl from Huaxi District is ingenious and combines traditional embroidery with modern and fashionable cultural and creative products to create a Miao embroidered satchel that makes people shine. Tang Guanghui, who participated in the competition for the first time, said that he liked embroidery since he was a child, studied clothing design in college, and opened a studio after graduation, hoping to innovate and inherit Miao embroidery through his own hands, so that more people can understand Miao embroidery and understand Guizhou.

In the handicraft experience session, the visitors experienced batik and embroidery under the guidance of non-hereditary folk inheritors. Subsequently, the enthusiastic mountain song duets of the embroidered ladies and the catwalk of innovative products pushed the competition to a climax.

According to the organizers, the competition was held to show the beauty of The ecology of Shuangshuang Guiyang, the beauty of the nation, and the beauty of women's self-improvement through women's handicrafts. At the same time, through the construction of a platform, the masses of all ethnic groups can integrate, communicate with each other, appreciate each other, and jointly forge a solid sense of the Chinese national community.