
Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

author:Tongwei people on the banks of the Niugu River




Which one would you like to eat the most?!

——Soba oil——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

Soba noodle oil rings are a type of food made by frying sweet buckwheat noodles, and are called "oil rings" because they are made in circles.

Soba noodle oil rings have a sweet taste and a soft taste, which is the best food for Tongwei Qiao's daughters-in-law and one of the favorite foods of Tongwei people.

——Sweet sauce——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

The key to the success of fermentation lies in how the daughters-in-law control the temperature, and the uncovering time varies from season to season, which depends on the experience of the brewer. What's more worth mentioning is that the sweet sauce repeatedly produced during fermentation can be described as a rare thing, mellow and sweet, high nutritional value, and the effect of summer consumption is particularly good.

Especially in summer, drinking a bowl of sweet sauce, that refreshing feeling can only be described in Tongwei words - beautiful!

——Lazy pimples——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

Lazy pimple is a local specialty homemade food in Tongwei County, almost every Tongwei person, whether it is a daughter-in-law or a big old man, will make it! Mainly made from steamed noodles (pea or lentil) or soba noodles, the sloth is a very delicious home-cooked food in summer.

——"Snowflake roof" -

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

"Snowflake roof" is a very elegant expression, some local teachers and government cadres in Tongwei say so, Tongwei Qiao's daughters-in-law say "artichoke covered with dumplings", "potato covered quilts" and so on.

It's simple, but the taste is so beautiful that only those who have eaten it can experience it!

——Roasted artichoke——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

There are many ways to cook roasted artichokes: you can bake them on the stove or in a kang hole, or you can dig a pit in the wild, heat it with firewood, cover it with soil and simmer it. There is also a favorite method of Tongwei Qiao's daughters-in-law: wash and slice the potatoes, pour oil into a frying pan, and then flip and bake. The potato yellow orange orange out of the pot, pickles pickled with sweet shallots and leeks, and a bowl of sauerkraut, the taste and texture are really called a refreshing crooked!

Potatoes are a good medicine and high-quality health care products for patients with stomach diseases and heart diseases; Starch is slowly absorbed in the human body and is an ideal dietary staple food and vegetable for diabetics; Contains a large amount of high-quality fiber, which has the effect of preventing constipation and preventing cancer; Eating 5-6 potatoes a week with extremely high potassium content can reduce the chance of stroke by about 40%. Repeatedly rubbing the hair loss area with fresh potato chips has a significant effect on promoting hair regrowth.

——Slurry water surface——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

Pulp water noodles are a special snack of the Han people in the Shaanxi-Gansu region. According to legend, the name was given by the ancestor Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty and the prime minister Xiao He in the Han Dynasty, and its sour, spicy, fragrant and unique taste, and the dish of pulp water vegetables is mustard greens (spicy vegetables). Tongwei's pulp water noodles are a common snack in summer, and the dishes of pulp water vegetables are mostly celery, bitter chrysanthemum, etc. The pulp water surface is light, clear heat and heat, the color is transparent, and the taste is more sour. When eating noodles, add pulp water, large oil, coriander, green onion, etc., it is particularly sour and refreshing, and it is a special snack of Tongwei.

——Sour stick noodles——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

People in Tongwei County will cook a kind of rice in their homes called: sour bars. The workmanship is relatively simple, but the selection of materials is unique: a locally grown type of buckwheat or saussafras, rolled out using a rolling pin, and another ingredient that is indispensable, is sauerkraut. This kind of sauerkraut is made by boiling radish or green vegetables and fermenting it.

Tongwei Qiao's daughters-in-law made sour sticks, noodles are strong. Someone once said, "My daughter-in-law made sour stick noodles, eat the back strips in the stomach for three days without pouring", exaggerated to show that strength!

——Stir up the ball——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

Tuan Tuan is a famous Han specialty snack in Tongwei County, defined as "paste made with noodles". According to the main materials, it is divided into buckwheat dough, corn dough and artichoke dough. In Tongwei, there is a saying: Whoever marries a daughter-in-law who is virtuous or not virtuous is to see if she is not a disturbing group or a good way.

There are many ways to eat churn, including water siege and floating fish.

——Hemp rot bun——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

A special snack in Tongwei, the filling is ground with hemp seeds, mixed with five-spice powder, salt, green onions and other condiments, and appropriately added lard, and the fermented dough is rolled out into pancakes for foreskin. The finished bun is white and fluffy, with a unique fragrance.

——Pot helmet——

Gluttony! To Tongwei, eat Sani?

Guo helmet, also known as pot kui, pot helmet bun, dry bun, is a traditional Han style noodle snack that urban and rural residents of Tongwei County like to eat. The pot helmet originated from the gift given by my grandmother to my grandson He Miyue, and later developed into a flavored convenience food. The pot helmet is round in shape, with a diameter of about 1 inch and a weight of 5 pounds. Take wheat flour, press the stalks and noodles, and bake slowly in a shallow pan. The appearance is yellow, the incision is sandy white, crisp and palatable, can be put away for a long time, and can be carried.

Tongwei people like to drink tea, and if you can pot and helmet tea, it will be beautiful!