
Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

author:Serious Jesse 9H

With the deepening of the concept of "beauty", people are no longer satisfied with using facial features and face shape as a standard for whether a person is beautiful.

A true beauty must not only have a smooth face shape, standard three courts and five eyes, but also have a full, rounded and regular shape of the head.

In fact, newborn newborns have similar head shapes, and the reason why people's heads are different now is because of the different sleeping positions in infancy. A baby's skull is very soft and changes gradually and slowly with external pressure.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

So if the sleeping position is not correct enough, then it is likely to cause the head shape to become ugly. And that's not the biggest disadvantage of a bad sleeping position.

Since the child's spine does not form a physiological curvature like an adult at the beginning, if the child's sleeping posture is not correct at this stage, the development of the spine will be affected, which in turn will affect the development of the limbs and the overall aesthetics.

In addition, incorrect sleeping posture can also affect the way the child breathes, which in turn affects the development of the maxillofacial area. Therefore, mothers must pay attention to the fact that these three sleeping positions must be eliminated.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

1. Mom and dad sleep with each other

Newborn children can easily fall asleep during the process of drinking milk, and some children will wake up and cry when they are put into bed by their mothers.

If you encounter such a problem, mothers must not take their child back into their arms because of his crying, and use his arms as pillows for the child to sleep.

Using your arm as a pillow for a long time, a deep dent will appear under the child's skull, which is not only unsightly but also deforms the skull, and may compress the brain tissue in severe cases.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

In addition to the mother's arm, the child should be avoided sleeping on a hard pillow, as this pillow can also affect the child's skull development.

2. Stay in the supine position for a long time

The folk have always had the custom of sleeping with flat heads, especially in the northeast, and the old people think that people with flat heads are very blessed. But now the aesthetic has undergone major changes, and the standard flat-headed female star Qiao Xin once said that she was willing to spend a lot of money to change her flat head.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

Mothers who love beauty should know very well in this regard, a full head can control various styles of hairstyles, can increase the appearance of children, especially girls.

So mothers who are thinking about their babies are better off not keeping their babies in the supine position for a long time, putting all the pressure on the back of the head, so that the back of the head is flattened.

Of course, if parents think that flat heads look better, they don't have to pay too much attention in this regard.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

3. Keep sleeping on your side for a long time

According to research surveys, children who keep sleeping on their sides for a long time are prone to asymmetry on both sides of the skull, different sizes, etc., which greatly affects the normal development of the child's face and will reduce the child's appearance.

And such a way of sleep can easily compress the heart, suppress breathing, and affect the nutritional supply of the brain. In severe cases, it can also affect intellectual and other aspects of development.

Never let your child fall asleep in these three positions, which not only affect the shape of the skull but even limit the brain

In order to allow their children's skulls to develop normally and beautifully, mothers must always pay attention to their children's sleeping posture.

If you find that your child is not sleeping correctly, be sure to take timely measures.

Taking measures in time means "stopping the loss in time" and not regretting it until the child's head shape is set. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is very worthwhile for the healthy growth of children.