
5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

author:Tianming Technology

With the full rise of domestic mobile phones, now domestic mobile phones have a very good experience in all aspects, and this year's domestic models have fully blossomed in photo capabilities, and the improvement of telephoto lenses has greatly optimized the photo experience in different price segments. For example, OPPO Reno10 Pro+, its imaging effect is very worthy of attention, so if this mobile phone with less than 4K price segment is compared with the iPhone 14 of 5 or 6 thousand, what level can it show? Let's take a look at it.

5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?
5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

First of all, let's look at the first set of samples, under this set of samples, we can see that the two pictures are well-rendered, including the degree of texture analysis of plants, the saturation of colors is basically not much different, and the ability to blur the background outside the subject is also very good. It can be seen that the OPPO Reno10 Pro+ is basically the same as the iPhone 14 for non-bright light scenes.

In bright light environments, both products also capture very high level of images, especially for the preservation of details, both sides are very well done, and there is no overexposure in bright light environments. The obvious difference should be in the adjustment of color saturation, OPPO Reno10 Pro+'s sky color saturation is higher, while the iPhone 14's sky saturation is slightly lower, but overall both are at a high level.

5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

In night conditions, shooting two pictures in the same position, the two pictures are not much different overall, the noise control in the night scene is very good, and the color of the sky is also very well adjusted. The difference is still in the color saturation, the color of the lights on the near building, OPPO is more vivid, warm colors, while the iPhone 14 is cooler.

5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

On the following set of comparison samples, it is still this effect or style difference, OPPO Reno10 Pro+ can provide more vivid colors, while iPhone 14 is more realistic color tuning, the two for the control of light is still not much different, and the preservation of details are also very good. Therefore, it is really not easy to distinguish who is better between these two models.

5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

For the comparison between OPPO Reno10 Pro+ and iPhone 14, I believe that many people will feel that the iPhone 14 should be of a higher level, after all, its price is higher. But the OPPO Reno10 Pro+ features the IMX890 large bottom wide angle and ultra-light periscope telephoto, as well as OPPO's professional-grade image engine technology and floating prism image stabilization technology. The ability to take photos has been greatly improved, and it can indeed make the shooting level reach a leapfrog level, which is one of the fundamental reasons why the OPPO Reno10 Pro+ can sell well when the 618 is popular.

5000 yuan iPhone vs. 4000 yuan domestic new machine! How big a gap can there be when taking pictures?

As a newly released model, OPPO Reno10 Pro+ It can play back and forth with the iPhone 14 in image strength, which has indeed made many consumers have changed people's perception of domestic 3-4K price mobile phones, the level is basically comparable, the biggest difference should be that the understanding of color style is different. If you plan to buy a good and cost-effective model during the 618, the OPPO Reno10 Pro+ is a good choice.