
Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

author:An old rider of Akinayama

• On May 3, a shooting occurred in a school in the capital, Belgrade. A 14-year-old student killed eight children and a security guard with his father's pistol. On the 4th, a shooting occurred in a small town in the Serbian capital at night, killing 8 people and injuring 13 others.

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

Serbia demonstrations

After two mass shootings, mass demonstrations and protests broke out in Serbia demanding the ouster of the government; Serbian President Vučić explicitly refused to resign, but said he might dissolve parliament and call early elections.

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves


On May 14, Vučić said he would resign as chairman of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party as soon as possible; It said it did not rule out the possibility of dissolving parliament and that a new round of elections after the dissolution would be held no later than September this year.

The opposition parties in Serbia were then not satisfied with the government's concessions and continued to march. (Isn't it a bit of the "turmoil over the extradition bill" in Hong Kong?) The script behind is: the government continues to make concessions and is unwilling, wanting to put forward greater needs, and the government will smash and rob if it is not satisfied. The government gave in again, the opposition party came to power, selling the country to the West. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is such a routine! Zelensky asked for money and played all the way abroad, while the Ukrainian people suffered the loss of life. The mouth is full of doctrine, the heart is full of business, is it the consistent routine of the color revolution?

Anti-government march in Serbia

PS: The Americans themselves broke the news that important members of Zelensky's government were corrupt, and the head of the Central Bank of Ukraine drove a Rolls-Royce.

Let's look again at the situation in Kosovo

• On 23 April, despite strong opposition from local Serbs, the Kosovo authorities insisted on holding elections in four predominantly Serb towns in northern Côte d'Ivoire and, with a turnout of only 3.47 per cent and only 13 Serbs voting, declared that all Albanians had elected the Chief Executive, leading to intensified local tensions and regional tensions.

On May 26, Kosovo authorities sent special police to forcibly escort the Albanian elected governor to his post, clashing with Serbs. According to Serbian Radio and Television, on the same day, in the city of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, the Kosovo police used detonation bombs and tear gas to drive away local residents gathered in front of government buildings, causing many injuries. Vučić immediately signed an order to raise the combat readiness of the Serbian army to the highest level and ordered the army to urgently move in the direction of Kosovo.

On May 29, NATO-led "Kosovo Peace Implementation Force" was dispatched to cities where protests were concentrated in an attempt to prevent a recurrence of conflict. Later in the day, however, demonstrators clashed again with Kosovo Police and NATO soldiers, injuring nearly 100 people.

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

Kosovo Serbs clashed with NATO military police

On May 30, Serbia placed its troops on the highest level of combat alert and headed for the border.

• The French Foreign Ministry said the situation in northern Kosovo was linked to European security and that stability must be restored immediately.

On June 1, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken5 called on Kosovo and Serbian leaders to take steps to de-escalate tensions. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Scholz called on the same day for re-elections in four towns in northern Côte d'Ivoire, mainly Serb residents.

Vučić also urgently held talks with the Chinese and Russian ambassadors to Serbia when he was stationed on the border with Kosovo.

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

Image from the global network

From the above news context, we boldly make a speculation, that is, if you are engaged in color revolutions in the West on the mainland, then I will light the Balkan powder keg in Kosovo to see if you are afraid of Europe. Vučić's move to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf is also handy, since you want to subvert my regime, then the country that was divided with me before does not want to have a good life, I am not happy that you do not want to be peaceful.

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

Don't blame me for messing with me

No, in early June, the CPC pulled Vučić to the negotiating table!

Serbian President Vučić's strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves

Vučić talks with European leaders

Only by daring to fight can we achieve the ultimate victory! #Headline Fan Breaking Plan#

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