
370,000 US troops are ready to move, the United States said that China's 250 missiles are aimed at Guam, and Biden urgently stepped on the brakes

author:Very strategic

370,000 US troops have been deployed around China, but this does not mean that the Americans have an advantage. The ballistic missiles of the PLA possess extremely strong deterrent capabilities, which makes the United States feel deep pressure. At the moment, Biden stepped on the emergency brake, hoping to avoid the conflict between the two countries.

370,000 US troops are ready to move, the United States said that China's 250 missiles are aimed at Guam, and Biden urgently stepped on the brakes

In recent years, the United States has strengthened its military deployment around China, and the former South China Sea Research Institute issued a report: Before 2021, the United States deployed at least 3 7 years in the Indo-Pacific direction. Of the 50,000 US non-commissioned officers, these US troops are 25 percent of the entire US combat unit. At the same time, the US Navy has also deployed six warships to the Indo-Pacific region, and most of these forces are used to deter China, but this does not mean that the United States has an advantage in the vicinity of China.

After all, Chinese mainland is located on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean, which means that if a conflict breaks out between China and the United States in this region, China itself is fighting a war on its own soil, and we can invest no less strength than the United States. Moreover, thanks to the world's first manufacturing industry, China's military industrial production capacity is also considerable, so it is very difficult for the US military to win a victory in the struggle with the liberation army.

They believe that the PLA has at least 2,50 ballistic missiles that can hit the US military base in Guam. This also includes those hypersonic missiles that are almost impossible to intercept, so the US military base in the Asia-Pacific region is not impenetrable.

370,000 US troops are ready to move, the United States said that China's 250 missiles are aimed at Guam, and Biden urgently stepped on the brakes

Under such circumstances, even US President Joe Biden tried to put the brakes on the evil of Sino-US relations, and he himself said in a speech at the Air Force Academy: "The United States does not seek a conflict with China." However, this does not mean that Sino-US relations have eased somewhat, because for a long time to come, the United States will still frantically suppress China, and the United States just does not want to go to war with us. This conclusion can be seen from the actions of the United States in the political and military fields.

First of all, politically, the Western bloc is still trying to find ways to block Sino-Russian cooperation. For example, the US media have always said that "China is trying to shape a policy toward Russia that is more in line with China's interests," and at the same time they also believe that Russia will become more and more dependent on China in the future. Such Sino-Russian cooperative relations are so-called "unequal." It is very obvious that the Western bloc wants to sabotage Sino-Russian cooperation, and this has once again demonstrated the attitude of the United States toward China, but unfortunately the efforts of the United States have failed.

Russian Prime Minister Mishustin arrived in China some time ago, and his visit to China was aimed at getting China and Russia to sign more bilateral economic and trade cooperation agreements. This once again shows the importance that the Russian Government attaches to Sino-Russian cooperation.

Second, the United States is also trying to change its tactics and target China, and the United States believes that the liberation of the military strategy The Fire Arrow Army has created a very serious threat to the major military bases deployed by the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. Moreover, the United States has almost no way to respond to the PLA's various ballistic missiles. Therefore, they decided to build more small outpost bases in a targeted manner and deploy US military forces and advanced weapons equipment in the Asia-Pacific region to these outpost bases. By reducing the losses suffered by PLA missiles by means of scattering troops, the US side believes that the number of ballistic missiles is still limited in the total.

370,000 US troops are ready to move, the United States said that China's 250 missiles are aimed at Guam, and Biden urgently stepped on the brakes

However, it is not easy to say how much this new US plan will be used in the end. The dispersal of troops can indeed enhance the survival of the force, but this also indicates that each outpost base with only a small number of troops deployed is also very weak, and the liberated navy and amphibious landing combat units can also create a huge threat to these small military bases.

Not to mention that China's ballistic missiles are all developed by itself, and if a war really breaks out between China and the United States, then China's manufacturing industry can completely produce more ballistic missiles in a short period of time. This is also something that the United States cannot stop.

Finally, Biden himself said in his speech that the United States must defend its own interests and make perfect preparations for fierce competition with China. In fact, this will set the tone for Sino-US relations in the next few years, that is, although the United States does not want to go to war with China, the United States will certainly find ways to continue to suppress China in various fields. This also indicates that there may be no improvement in Sino-US relations.

Under such circumstances, we should not expect more from the United States, what we need to do is to continue to promote economic development and build a more complete economic cycle. If China has a stronger ability to resist risks and risks, we can continue to develop economically even if we go to war later.

370,000 US troops are ready to move, the United States said that China's 250 missiles are aimed at Guam, and Biden urgently stepped on the brakes

At the same time, we should continue to invest more scientific research in cutting-edge science and technology, so that China can completely shake off its dependence on foreign core science and technology. When China's economy becomes stronger and science and technology are more advanced, we will be more comfortable in responding to military threats against the United States.

Moreover, the United States cannot win the final victory in the all-round game between China and the United States; after all, the United States is a country that is in decline, but China is constantly making progress. A few years ago, the United States was unable to "lock up China," and now the United States is even more "weak" than before, and it will be even more impossible for them to stop China's development.

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