
Won the key battle of relegation, the Chinese men's volleyball team narrowly defeated Bulgaria, and Zhang Jingyin was single-handed

author:Sardinian Sports

The World Men's Volleyball League followed the women's volleyball team, the Chinese team ushered in the first opponent Bulgaria, which is also one of the most important games of this tournament in China, because considering the strength, China and Bulgaria are the weakest teams, if you want to relegate, China must work hard to beat Bulgaria, otherwise it will be quite passive later, this time Jiang Chuan returned to the team, but unfortunately Zhang Zhejia and Yu Yaochen were absent, fortunately, China won narrowly under the leadership of Zhang Jingyin, and he also scored 29 points.

The opening Chinese men's volleyball team entered the state, playing 5-1, but unfortunately Zhang Jingyin, Li Yongzhen and Jiang Chuan all lost, and after Jiang Chuan hit continuously, Bulgaria began to focus on blocking, returning Jiang Chuan two blocks, and then Zhang Jingyin attacked and stopped the loss, but unfortunately China touched the net and stepped on the line, 9 draws, Jiang Chuan made a hitter, Nikolov tactical ball equalized, the game fell into anxiety, Zhang Jingyin got off the ball in the fourth position, Jiang Chuan made a mistake, Bulgaria stopped China 12-11, back Zhang Jingyin served and scored, Nikolov's strength is good, Zhang Jingyin also does not fall behind.

Won the key battle of relegation, the Chinese men's volleyball team narrowly defeated Bulgaria, and Zhang Jingyin was single-handed

Yu Yuantai's fight is very good, Nikolov counterattacks out of bounds, China last timeout good Europe raised the serve, forcing the opponent to make a mistake, Bulgarian second setter Bratoev and combo, Zhang Jingyin opened the net to attack and penetrate, Wang Hebin served to get the game point, and Nikolov jumped the serve to gain, and he sent the net again, China 25-20 first.

In the second game, Yu Yuantai jumped to score, Peng Shikun grasped the probe, Zhang Jingyin was blocked in the fourth position, Jiang Chuan scored in the second position, China's defense was slightly rough, only thinking about attacking, Atanasov and Zhang Jingyin made a mistake on the serve, Li Yongzhen was in place to attack quickly, Grozdanov saluted, Peng Shikun blocked the net and scored, Yu Yuantai faced a strong blocking and defensive hitter, Peng Shikun was close and fast, Dimitrov lightly took the empty goal, Zhang Jingyin took his own buckle, Atanasov scored consecutive serves, China 10-11 timeout, disrupted the rhythm of the opponent's serve, Nikolov played a long line, China one transmission probe, Zhang Jingyin back three one-on-one, Yu Yuantai hard to catch the counterattack, Bulgaria one attack is very stable.

Won the key battle of relegation, the Chinese men's volleyball team narrowly defeated Bulgaria, and Zhang Jingyin was single-handed

The quality of the serve, China is very passive, Jiang Chuan did not cross the net, Wu Sheng guided and called a stop, Zhang Jingyin passed the round for the team, Dimitrov did not top the attack, finally a pass to the top of the net, Li Yongzhen was soft and blocked, Zhang Jingyin did not attack, Yu Yuantai's offensive performance was very good, Wang Bin jumped and lost, Bratoev made a mistake on the second goal, Atanasov Ping opened to seal the victory, 25-21, Bulgaria equalized.

In the third game, China blocked the net and scored, Atanasov turned straight out of bounds, the Chinese block did not hit, Zhang Jingyin counterattack was blocked, Atanasov served less, China spelled the serve is also average, Jiang Chuan was blocked, Li Yongzhen was short and fast, the opposite game lost a little more, Peng Shikun made a good pass, helped Zhang Jingyin attack later, his own fast attack can also do, both sides of the attack are in the next point, the serve is hard to say, Zhang Jingyin and Gotsev are lost, Bulgarian secondary attack is forced, the side attack can also make up, Dimitrov board to 12 draws, jumping serve and let Zhang Jingyin make a mistake, His serve got stuck in China, and Jiang Chuan stepped forward to stop the loss.

Nikolov hit with cover, Jiang Chuan was stopped by the second behind, Wu Sheng guided the timeout, Yu Yuantai jumped to make a contribution, Jiang Chuan's defense was always one step slower, Atanasov continued to blame the straight line, Zhang Jingyin strong attack and probe to tie, the blocking net was very tough, Yu Yuantai pushed the attack to score, Dimitrov touched the net, Nikolov self-arrested, Bulgaria made a mistake, lost the delivery out point, Yu Yuantai broke through the three-person block, China 25-21 over.

Won the key battle of relegation, the Chinese men's volleyball team narrowly defeated Bulgaria, and Zhang Jingyin was single-handed

In the fourth game, Zhang Jingyin jumped out of bounds, Bulgaria touched the net, Jiang Chuan and Wang Dongchen blocked the net and scored, Li Yongzhen fought well, Yu Yuantai was not afraid to block, and then grasped the probe, Jiang Chuan No. 2 got off the ball, the Chinese three stopped Dimitrov, the opponent shouted 3-7 to stop, this game China blocked the net improved a lot, Nikolov one-on-one, Zhang Jingyin attacked wrong, fight and lost, Panchev continued to chase the score, Jiang Chuan was blocked, Wu Sheng guided the accidental replacement of Liu Wei, China will not play, and it is not called a timeout, fortunately, the players can withstand it, Li Yongzhen and Wang Dongchen made meritorious contributions.

Li Yongzhen jumped in the boundary, Yu Yuantai was blocked with a hand, Wang Hebin passed the ball in a combo, Wu Sheng finally shouted a stop, Yu Yuantaiping played to find a hand, Nikolov continued to get off the ball, Yu Yuantai carried the fourth position, the fight was almost a little, Bulgaria's deputy attack was smooth, Zhang Jingyin made a mistake in strong attack, China touched the net and combo, Bulgaria chased again 25-20.

In the tiebreaker, Wang Dongchen blocked the net, Nikolov scored consecutive points, Wang Dongchen was close to the body and quickly grasped, Nikolov gave gifts in the fourth position, Grozdanov was fast attacking, Zhang Jingyin had contacts, fighting to chase after the victory, Li Yongzhen fastball matching, Bulgaria's own mistakes, the challenge is clear, but it is to interfere with the referee, affecting Li Yongzhen's jumping rhythm, Wang Dongchen's amateur mistake, Jiang Chuan hit the round, then he and Panchev lost, Wang Bin jumped out, Zhang Jingyin stopped the opposite, Nikolov attacked out of bounds, Wang Dongchen served to score the match point, The final goal was very dramatic, China did not block the net, but blocked the opposing attack, 15-9, China narrowly defeated Bulgaria 3-2, winning the key relegation match.

Won the key battle of relegation, the Chinese men's volleyball team narrowly defeated Bulgaria, and Zhang Jingyin was single-handed

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