
The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

author:I can also be from Shenzhen

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, the emergence of AI has had a huge impact on today's society, and this impact has both positive and negative sides. Whether AI does more good than harm, or does more harm than good, is a question worth exploring.

The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

First of all, the emergence of AI has brought a lot of convenience and changes to our production and life. AI technology has been applied to a series of fields such as medical care, finance, transportation, education, etc., and artificial intelligence technology has completed many tasks more accurately and efficiently than humans through the training of a large amount of data and the optimization of models. In terms of artificial intelligence, Alibaba Cloud has developed several AI solutions such as ET Industrial Brain, ET Agricultural Brain, ET Environmental Brain, ET Medical Brain and more than 50 AI products based on ET Brain

The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

In the medical field, AI can already analyze and reason about patients' medical record data to help doctors formulate more scientific diagnosis and treatment plans; In the financial sector, AI technology can analyze and predict large amounts of data, helping banks assess risks more accurately. In addition, AI technology can also play an important role in self-driving cars, robot education, smart home and other fields, improving productivity and efficiency.

At the same time, the deep integration of AI and cloud can also transform sophisticated cutting-edge algorithms and theories into small programming software that enterprise developers can operate and apply. Previously, Tencent released a low-code development platform, which allows operators to generate Mini Programs and Gadgets by using simple drag-and-drop and simple descriptive language input, lowering the threshold for application development of Mini Programs and contributing to Shanghai's urban digital transformation.

The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

However, it is also important to recognize that AI technology also has some negative effects. On the one hand, many jobs face the risk of being replaced by automation, which brings employment pressure to some people; On the other hand, AI technology also has security and privacy risks, including hacker attacks, personal privacy leakage and other issues. In addition, the most serious thing is that some people use AI face changing technology to carry out fraud, illegal transactions and other cases, according to the Baotou police in Inner Mongolia, recently, a well-known entrepreneur in Fujian Province was defrauded by an overseas fraud gang of 4.3 million yuan. After learning that a bank card involved in the case was in a bank in Baotou City, the Baotou police immediately intervened and controlled the money in time in only 10 minutes, stopping the loss of more than 3.36 million yuan for the victim.

The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

  According to the party Mr. Guo, on April 20, the scammer pretended to be his best friend and contacted him through WeChat, in which he falsely claimed that a friend was bidding in a foreign country, needed 4.3 million yuan, and needed to post a public-to-business account, and wanted to borrow the account of Mr. Guo's company to walk the account. "From beginning to end, he didn't mention the loan to me, so he said that he would call me first and then let me transfer it to his friend's account. Because the faces and voices were also confirmed in the video, I relaxed my guard. It was close to noon, and the other party said that the bidding money must arrive before 12 o'clock, and based on the trust of my friend, before the money arrived in my account, I first called the 4.3 million yuan to the other party. Mr. Guo said.

After the money was called, Mr. Guo sent a WeChat message to his friend, saying that the matter had been completed. It was a question mark to come back to the other party, and when I asked, I knew that I had encountered the AI face changing scam.

The emergence of AI will do more good than harm to today's society, or will it do more harm than good

For the AI face-changing scam, we should be vigilant, verify more, and act cautiously to prevent ourselves from falling into the scam, which cannot be ignored.

On the whole, the emergence of AI has both advantages than disadvantages, and also disadvantages that outweigh benefits. Today, with the rapid development of AI, we need to continuously strengthen the supervision of AI and strengthen the protection of the security and privacy of AI systems. At the same time, we also need to continue to explore the use of AI technology to develop more solutions to meet human pursuit of technology and a better life, and achieve human-machine collaboration and win-win.