
Interpret the world of classic fairy tales and shine with the brilliance of growth

author:Shun Kyung release

Nanchong Evening News

Gather top talents in the industry to create a multi-dimensional art feast

At 7:30 p.m. that night, with the stage lights lit up, in "Nezha Hai Xinbiao", Nezha, Jinzha, Muzha, Taiyi Zhenren, Li Jing, Dragon Prince, Dragon King and other stage images appeared stunningly, and a gripping and echoing drama kicked off the night's performance. On the stage, the wonderful performances of professional actors, supplemented by dazzling stage elements such as sound and optoelectronics, brought a shocking audio-visual feast to the audience.

Interpret the world of classic fairy tales and shine with the brilliance of growth

"The New Biography of Nezha Haihai integrates the art of Peking Opera and the art of children's stage drama, and presents the breadth and depth of Peking Opera art on the basis of the relaxed, lively and fashionable children's stage play. The character image is shaped by Peking Opera faces, and the characters' language and movements are integrated into Peking Opera art elements, which is relaxed but deep, fashionable and ancient. The relevant person in charge of Shenzhen Longhua Youth Peking Opera told reporters that the play tells China's good stories and creates a multi-dimensional stage art feast by making use of Chinese traditional cultural classic IP and gathering top talents in the industry.

"It's him he's him, he's him, our friend little Nezha... Young hero Xiao Nezha, he is higher than the sky in the sky, and he is bigger than the sea when he goes down to the sea" The reporter noticed that although the performance of "Nezha Troubles the Sea New Biography" ended, many young audiences at the scene couldn't help but sing the song "Young Hero Little Nezha" to express their love for the role of Nezha.

"I like Nezha the most, he is my hero." At the scene, a schoolboy told reporters.

"Rainbow Forest" tells the story of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature with the experience of a girl who turns into a rabbit in the forest, reflects the great power of love between people, between people and animals, and between people and the natural environment, and conveys the concept of environmental protection, friendship and kindness. The reporter saw at the scene that the ups and downs of the whole plot were fascinating, and the interaction at the performance site was continuous, and applause and cheers rose and fell one after another. After the performance, the audience was still immersed in the plot for a long time.

"Yoyo is so cute, I want to be kind to the little animals around me and be friends with the little animals." "Although the little animals can't speak, they can feel the friendliness we convey and want to be friends with us." At the scene, the conversation between the cute babies after watching the play made the parents very moved.

Perfect performance, watch the crying audience, ancient Tibetan opera shines

"As soon as people are complacent, the big lazy insects in the body will take the opportunity to come out and make trouble..." In "Proud Thrush", it tells the story of a thrush that became a "big lazy worm" after winning the Spring Festival concert championship, becoming proud and complacent, eating lazy, not building nests, not foraging, and pretending to be sick everywhere to cheat food. In the end, the thrush wakes up in the cold winter storm and overcomes its laziness with the help of magpies, jingwei, cuckoos, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, etc.

Interpret the world of classic fairy tales and shine with the brilliance of growth

"Taking my children to watch such a children's drama is really very meaningful, after watching "Proud Thrush", the child took the initiative to tell me to eliminate the lazy insects in my body, and also help me share the housework and do what I could, which made me particularly moved." Audience member Ma Jiaman told reporters excitedly.

13-year-old actor Tenzin Menglang dressed in a dark green Tibetan opera costume, kneeling in the center of the stage, tears in the corners of his eyes, hugging his unconscious brother... In "Dunyue Dunzhu", the actor's low, mournful Tibetan opera singing, accompanied by modern scientific and technological sound, optoelectronics and other effects on the stage, a perfect performance to see many audiences cry.

Interpret the world of classic fairy tales and shine with the brilliance of growth

"Dunyue Dunzhu is the only outstanding Tibetan opera with a protagonist between the ages of 10 and 16 among the eight traditional Tibetan operas, performed by 33 young Tibetan opera actors, filling the gap of Tibetan children's stage drama Tibetan opera." The playwright and director Langa Tenzin told reporters that the play is based on the story of the traditional eight major dramas "Dunyue Dunzhu", realizing the organic integration of tradition and modernity, integrating the community of human destiny and the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature into the adapted repertoire, and vigorously praising the truth, goodness and beauty. At the same time, the play has also cultivated a group of successors to Tibetan opera, making the ancient Tibetan opera shine with the brilliance of the new era.

"Today's performance was very successful, and the children's confident performance made me feel that the legacy has always been around." Langa Tenzin said that during the Lhasa Seton Festival this summer, "Dunyue Dhondup" will also meet audiences in Tibet.

"This is my first encounter with Tibetan opera, the repertoire is really exciting, I hope to go to Tibet with my parents this summer vacation." Luo Ziyuan, a student at Xihe Road Primary School, told reporters.

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