
Change Express: ST Gaosheng (000971) touched the limit at 9:25 on June 6

author:Securities Star

On June 6, intraday news, at 9:25 ST high rise (000971) touched the limit board. The current price is 1.51, up 4.86%. Communication services in its industry are currently on the rise. The stock is HUAWEI CLOUD Kunpeng, a cloud computing data center, and a hot stock of intelligent manufacturing concept.

In terms of capital flow data on June 5, the net inflow of main funds was 2.5022 million yuan, accounting for 14.58% of the total turnover, the net outflow of floating funds was 2.3753 million yuan, accounting for 13.84% of the total turnover, and the net outflow of retail funds was 126,900 yuan, accounting for 0.74% of the total turnover.

The following table shows the flow of funds in the past 5 days:

Change Express: ST Gaosheng (000971) touched the limit at 9:25 on June 6

The main indicators and industry rankings of ST are as follows:

Change Express: ST Gaosheng (000971) touched the limit at 9:25 on June 6

ST High (000971) Stock Profile:

Change Express: ST Gaosheng (000971) touched the limit at 9:25 on June 6

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