
was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent


The middle age stage is equivalent to a watershed for women, and whether the temperament is high-class or greasy is mainly determined by the outfit. Those women who are still elegant and advanced in their forties and fifties do not have time to take care of them, but they dress more carefully than their peers.

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Ouyang Xiadan is a typical example, now 45 years old, she has reached the peak of middle age, but thanks to the attention to hairstyle and the control of dressing, she has lived as a middle-aged woman, elegant and high-class.

First, the temperament "starts from scratch", and the hair is short and not messy

The biggest advantage of short hair is that it is fresh and capable, and the temperament is more advanced. For middle-aged women, if you want to create a short and not messy, elegant and decent temperament short hair, it is important to do these 3 points well!

(1) Control the length of your hair and expose your ears

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Short hair is just a very empty concept, if you want to make the hairstyle not messy and stylish, the most important thing is to control the length of the hair, after all, too long without the "style" of short hair, too short and old-fashioned.

The most suitable hair length should be above the cervical spine, and the length of the sideburns on both sides should be able to expose the ears, look smart and intellectual, and also play a role in modifying the face.

(2) Appropriately increase the fluffiness and improve the facial contour

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Straight short hair, looks dull and old-fashioned, not conducive to defining facial contours. For middle-aged women, short hair must be matched with appropriate curls to increase the sense of hair fluffiness, help improve the three-dimensional facial contour, and look foreign.

Remember that the hair curvature texture should be natural, choose large rolls instead of small rolls, and adjust the fluffiness of the top of the skull according to the length of the face.

(3) With bangs decoration, foreign style and age reduction

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Bangs are the soul of short hair styling, not only to mask hairline problems, but also to define the forehead and facial contours, making the overall hairstyle look more natural and stylish.

Sanqi bangs are more suitable for middle-aged women than Qi bangs, and while reducing age fashionable, there will be no suspicion of pretending to be tender, and there will be no impact on temperament.

Second, Ouyang Xiadan's elegant dressing secret, these 3 points to keep in mind

For middle-aged women, dressing is the most taboo to dress up tenderly and show old age, and it is necessary to control the sense of proportion. Ouyang Xiadan dressed elegantly and decently, just because he did these 3 points well.

✔ The skirt does not go to the knee and does not wear stockings

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

When choosing a skirt, middle-aged women should focus on the length, remember the principle of "skirt does not go up to the knee", the longest does not cover the ankle, and the knee skirt and ankle skirt are the first choice, modifying the leg shape and elegant and decent.

Try not to combine with stockings in terms of matching, compared to shredded meat or black silk, it is more appropriate to wear skirts with bare legs, and you can also avoid the cheap feeling brought by stockings.

✔ Don't wear a mom outfit, wear more basics

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Women in their forties and fifties, the most taboo thing is to dress old in advance, wear some old-fashioned, dull colors or bright "aunt clothes", which look cheap and greasy. It is recommended to wear more basic models, high adaptability and age-reduction, such as sweatshirts, jeans and other ageless items, are all good choices.

✔ Whether clothes are expensive or not, texture is the most important

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

It is not that expensive clothes are high-end, they may not suit themselves, and they may not be in line with their own temperament. For middle-aged women, clothes are not expensive or refined, and texture is the most important.

In addition to the shape and style, the fabric is the factor that best reflects the texture of the clothes. Refuse soft and loose fabrics, preferably textured fabrics with a hard feeling and good drape, and wear them more high-grade.

Third, Ouyang Xiadan dressing method, it is very beautiful to wear it directly

Middle-aged women with short hair must pay attention to dressing up, and dress elegantly and decently like Ouyang Xiadan in order to maximize the ability and intelligence of women.

1. White shirt + black skirt + red high heels, simple and high-grade

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Under the white shirt, a black skirt, the "tucked corner" is used to emphasize the position of the waistline, and the proportion of the upper and lower body is divided, and the red high-heeled sandals are stepped on, which combine with the ankle skin to lengthen the leg line. Properly undo two or three collar buttons, and roll up the sleeves to expose the skin appropriately, the overall look is simple and high-class.

2. Dress + leggings + boots to increase height and thinness

was amazed by 45-year-old Ouyang Xiadan! The hair is short and not messy, and the skirt is not matched with stockings, which is elegant and decent

Slender middle-aged women are best suited to wear a one-piece straight-leg dress with knee-length leggings and trimmed thin belts to emphasize the waistline and complete the overall sculpting effect. Step on a pair of boots in the same color as the leggings to tighten the leg line to achieve the purpose of heightening and thinning.

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