
When it was the turn of the United States to be "isolated", China met with the defense ministers of Japan and Australia, and the US defense ministers had to continue to queue


Although the Chinese and US defense ministers shook hands at the Shangri-La Dialogue, this does not mean that the two will meet on this, let alone ease Sino-US relations. Because this handshake is not a substantive contact, and the attitude of US Defense Secretary Austin is still insincere, not only accusing China of not cooperating with the United States to establish a crisis management mechanism between the two militaries, but also claiming that the actions of PLA pilots to intercept US military aircraft are full of provocation. All this shows that he does not really want to ease Sino-US relations, and there is no need for Defense Minister Li Shangfu to waste time with such people, after all, there are more people waiting to see Defense Minister Li at this "incense meeting."

When it was the turn of the United States to be "isolated", China met with the defense ministers of Japan and Australia, and the US defense ministers had to continue to queue

According to domestic media reports, during the "incense meeting," Defense Minister Li not only met with Japanese Defense Minister Yasushi Hamada, but also held talks with Australian Defense Minister Mars. During the Sino-Japanese defense ministers' dialogue, Defense Minister Li first raised the Taiwan issue and clearly told the Japanese side not to send wrong signals to those who "seek independence" on the island and avoid causing damage to Sino-Japanese relations. Japan released news before the talks that it would mainly discuss the Ryukyu issue with Defense Minister Li, and Defense Minister Li first mentioned Taiwan at the meeting, and the meaning of which was already clear at a glance.

When it was the turn of the United States to be "isolated", China met with the defense ministers of Japan and Australia, and the US defense ministers had to continue to queue

The Chinese side wants to tell Japan that if it insists on playing the "Taiwan card," then China can only play the "Ryukyu card." Although many sensitive issues were discussed at this meeting, fortunately, China and Japan reached a consensus on maintaining communication, which is much better than that of the United States. In the meeting with the Australian defense minister, the two sides also discussed the resumption of strategic dialogue, although there is still a long way to go before China and Australia truly ease relations, but China's willingness to give Australia the opportunity to dialogue is enough to explain the problem, especially in contrast with the United States.

When it was the turn of the United States to be "isolated", China met with the defense ministers of Japan and Australia, and the US defense ministers had to continue to queue

The United States proposed that the Chinese and US defense ministers hold talks during the "incense meeting" before the meeting, but the Chinese side refused, and now the defense ministers of Japan, Australia, including South Korea have successfully met with Defense Minister Lee, but the US defense ministers still need to continue to line up, which shows that today's Sino-US relations are no longer something that the United States can talk about. In fact, this "incense meeting" has already turned the United States to be "isolated". In the past, the United States always tried to isolate China by pulling in various allies, but now Japan, Australia and South Korea all want to talk to China, and the so-called isolation of China by the United States has completely failed.

When it was the turn of the United States to be "isolated", China met with the defense ministers of Japan and Australia, and the US defense ministers had to continue to queue

Not only that, but now China is beginning to isolate the United States. Compared with Japan, Australia and South Korea, the United States is obviously more eager to dialogue with China, but China's successive meetings with the three defense ministers have only put the US defense minister aside, which must only be experienced by the United States. And this is not the first time that the United States has been left aside by China, Blinken has not been allowed to visit China, and it is still difficult for US officials to apply for visits to China. Facts have proved that US hegemony is no longer good, and now China has more and more friends in the world, and if the US continues to be obsessed, it will be further isolated.

(Text/Xi Le)

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