
The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

author:LK Linlang

Recently, I have found that there are more and more evil landlords in the game, let's just say that choosing these evil things is really disgusted with their beans?

Or are all the standard generals after three times and don't know how to choose? So today we will talk about those evil landlords in the game!

Yang Wan: Just four and a half stars for your local lord?

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Let's just say that no one really believes Yang Wan's four-and-a-half-star rating as a landlord, right? It is really easy to mislead novice players by doing this, Yang Wan's local owner is really just a pure point delivery.

After all, Yang Wan is an auxiliary martial general, and his own income must rely on teammates to fight, do you landlord choose Yang Wan to expect farmers to kill each other or what?

Let's just say that being able to choose this thing is more or less a lost evil door, in a sense, it is more evil than the previous Zhuge birthday landlord!

Hua Huan: I understand the truth, but this choice is really a bit abstract

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Why can this martial general of Hua Huan appear in the Doudi Lord General Pool? This thing is quite abstract to me as a landlord or a farmer.

Not to mention that just the fact that there is no output ability in the round is already quite deadly, and there are only three people among the fighting landlords, and the closed moon in most cases of the flower beard cannot touch the cards at all.

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Let's just say that the selection of the flower beard means that you can't output the opposite whiteboard within a round, which is not as good as Huaxiong! At least Hua Xiong can still play output by brushing his hand well, and I can only say that there is a little evil door!

Even if I am a ten-year veteran player, I have only seen the Flower Landlord once among my Dou Di Lords so far, so I suggest that I quickly ban this thing from the Dou Di Lord!

Liu Bei: Can this thing still be the local owner?

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Let's just say that when a martial general like Liu Bei can be used by the local master, why can he win the game? Could it be that the main thing is to give the opposite card with one hand and then influence them?

Don't be funny! Even if Jie Liu Bei or Mou Liu Bei is the landlord, it is still garbage, this thing when the peasant I have to dislike him for being weak, no one will really choose him as the local lord, right?

And the last time I saw the Cao Pi landlord among the fighting landlords, let's just say that this kind of military eight landlords are really not suitable for use in the fighting landlords, there is nothing to do, just fight and assist, where there are so many things!

Cao Pi of the peasant world: This is a heavyweight

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Today I also saw a farmer who chose the world Cao Pi player, I can only say that this is a heavyweight player, farmer, you might as well play the world full of favors when you play the world Cao Pi!

Anyway, the role of the two people is exactly the same, full of favor can also take the initiative to launch skills, as well as defense capabilities, which is not ten thousand times stronger than your personal realm Cao Pi?

The landlord can be cold but not evil, take stock of those landlords in the game with their own evil door attributes!

Jie Cao Pi, I only recommend using it as a master in the military eight, and all other modes are not recommended!

The unstable control ability of this thing is really impossible to touch the porcelain with the original Cao Pi, and the gold content of this mechanism is really high!

Even Cao Pi, as a farmer, needs teammates to cooperate, and Cao Pi, who turns over his teammates, is there not a big person? Let's just say that people who can't even understand Cao Pi don't come out and chew people!

That's all for this issue, if you like it, remember to leave your opinion in the comment area, we'll see you in the next issue!