
The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

author:Read good poetry
The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful
The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful
The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Winter is a romantic season, although there is no spring vitality, summer warmth and autumn quiet beauty, but throughout the ages, when the snow is in winter, there are so many fun and stories, so many irorigines, food, offerings, snow fishing. Winter is Liu Zongyuan's "a thousand mountain birds flying, ten thousand paths of people disappearing." Lonely boat, fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River. ”

The most interesting thing in winter is snow fishing, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too interesting!

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Winter scenery Fishing alone in the snow of the Cold River

Song-Liu Chenweng

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

When the snow is cold, who is fishing.

I don't know how to enter the painting, and I am alone in the river.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Snow fishing

Song -Shi Daoxuan

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

A wisp of silk at the head of a hundred feet pole, without mentioning the tearing place.

Three inches away from the hook, it was when the void shattered.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Title Ding Tu Fishing Snow Map

Song-Cao Xun

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Lian Ao Miao's hand is in front of the bay, and the book of the Ao Kasa qin is self-secure.

Stay on a clear moon and watch the thousand acres of jade light and cold.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Title money less foolish four paintings fishing snow

Song-Zhou Zizhi

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

One did the Eastern Wu go, and went back for another ten years.

Poor river snow, empty fishing boats.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Ten winter scenes are unique, ten smoke and snow fishing


The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Ten thousand acres of glass lost fishing, white cloud pieces to make up for the coat.

The sound of birds cut off the traces of people, and returned alone to the reed moon.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Snow fishing map of the Han River

Yuan-Ling Yunhan

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

The wind filled the air and the river was full of snow, and the waves of a pole were self-destructive.

The hook is three feet longer, and I don't believe that the cold fish is not hooked.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Snow fishing in the Cold River

Ming-Zhou Fujun

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Lan Yun froze and did not fly, and Jiang Shui Ming practiced.

Qianlin was in the air, and Yaofeng was still hidden.

Fishing Song Rock rises, and the sunset still rings.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Title town far Ho Yō Shou Dong Yan Four Yong with Lin Mi Su Rhyme Its Four Han River Fishing Snow

Ming-Zhou Ying

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Jiang Nuan snow first made, and Jiang Han snow gradually flew.

On the water of a pond, the snow is still deep.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Titled Han River Fishing Snow Map

Qing-Qu Dajun

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

A fishing rod in the rain and snow river, born fisher father does not know the cold.

The white clothes are all unknown, and they are all looked at by double egrets.

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Modern - Shi Jing'an

The most interesting thing in winter is to fish for snow, ten poems on snow fishing, which is also too meaningful

Fishing board bridge east, snow pressed coat cold.

The cold water of the river does not flow, and the fish chew plum blossom shadows.

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