
Going to the toilet as soon as you drink water VS not going to the toilet for half a day, which is the bigger problem? The truth is...

Going to the toilet as soon as you drink water VS not going to the toilet for half a day, which is the bigger problem? The truth is...


Have you ever experienced that drinking two sips of water before going to bed will feel the urge to urinate? Even if it's only a few minutes, when you're ready to lie down and go to sleep, you still have to force yourself to go to the toilet again. But there are also some people who, after drinking water for several hours, have no intention of urinating...

What's wrong with going to the toilet as soon as you drink water? People who want to urinate as soon as they drink water generally have symptoms of "frequent urination", and they have to go to the toilet from time to time, whether it is work meetings or going out to play, they are worried, which affects life. Why are some people so prone to urinating?

Overactive bladder

This is a syndrome characterized by urinary urgency, often accompanied by frequent and nocturic symptoms.

The onset of overactive bladder is very common, occurring in 1 in 10 people over 40 years of age, and the prevalence increases with age.

For people who are more obese, pay attention to weight loss, avoid consuming a lot of water at once, and irritating foods and drinks. Try to drink plenty of water during the day and not drink before bed.

A self-test "Overactive bladder"

The OABSS scale can help quickly identify overactive bladder. Combined with your urinating status that is closest to your daily state in the past week, score the following 4 questions.

Going to the toilet as soon as you drink water VS not going to the toilet for half a day, which is the bigger problem? The truth is...

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Question 3 (urgency) is diagnosed if the score ≥ 2 and the total score is 3 or more. The total score of 3~5 points is mild, and 6~11 points is moderate; More than 12 points are considered severe.

If a score above moderate is found, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Born with a small bladder

The size of the bladder varies, and some people are born with a smaller bladder and a smaller volume of urine stored.

Going to the toilet as soon as you drink water VS not going to the toilet for half a day, which is the bigger problem? The truth is...

Drinking water and urination habits

Some people are not accustomed to taking the initiative to drink water, and they will not drink until they are particularly thirsty, and the bladder will adapt to the environment of lack of water over time. Once there is water flowing in, the bladder is suddenly irritated and the urge to urinate occurs.

Psychological factors, cold stimulation

When the human body is in a state of tension, blood circulation is accelerated, hormones in the body change, antidiuretic hormone is reduced, and frequent toilet visits are also prone to occur;

In a cold environment, in order to maintain heat, the skin and bladder will automatically contract, the ability to hold urine decreases, and the frequency of urination is easy to increase.

High blood sugar levels

People with higher blood sugar levels usually have metabolic disorders, the ability to absorb glucose is weakened, the sugar in the urine will increase, the urine will also increase, even if they do not drink much water, they are easy to run to the toilet frequently.

In addition, drinking too many sugary drinks, the urge to urinate is stronger than drinking plain water.

Neuropathic urinary frequency

Neurogenic urinary frequency is more related to adverse psychological factors, especially the more anxious, the more obvious the urinary frequency.

For example, at first, I was afraid that it would be inconvenient to go to the toilet when I went out in the car, so I went to the toilet in advance, and tried to drain urine clean or a little more, so I repeatedly urinated.

What's wrong with drinking more water without urine?

The average bladder capacity of adults is about 450 ml, and generally 250 ml is the desire to urinate.

The amount of urine per day is less than 400 ml, that is, oliguria, and it is almost impossible for normal people. Once it occurs, it is usually acute renal failure.

People who exercise a lot

People who exercise regularly, the body will consume energy and water faster, water into the body is metabolized faster, plus sweating, etc., there is no intention to urinate.

It is in a state of extreme water scarcity

At this time, to replenish water, the renal tubules will first absorb a lot of water, and the urine formed is relatively small, so drink a lot of water, and it may also be difficult to feel urine.

Have a habit of holding urine

If you usually hold urine often, the sensitivity of the bladder will decrease, even if you drink a lot of water, the body can adapt, and will not urinate so quickly.

Disease factors

Pathologic decrease in urine output is divided into: oliguria, anuria.

Oliguria refers to a 24-hour urine output of less than 400 ml, and sudden oliguria, a very important sign of acute renal failure. Anuria refers to a 24-hour urine output of less than 100ml, and persistent anuria is mainly seen in organic renal failure, manifested as uremia.

The specific reasons for the decrease in urine output need to be judged comprehensively based on imaging and laboratory tests.

What happens to the frequency of nocturia?

There are also people who urinate normally during the day and urinate more frequently at night. The following situations can be referred to:

(1) Caused by insomnia, in addition to nocturia, there are also phenomena such as low urine output and always wanting to urinate;

(2) Prostate problems, in addition to nocturia, there are also urinary urgency, incomplete urination and other phenomena.

Tips: Middle-aged and elderly people often have more nocturia, many of which are the precursors of diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy, chronic nephritis, kidney failure and other diseases, it is best to go to the hospital in time for urine and kidney related examinations.

Source / Comprehensive Science China, Life Times, Sichuan Health Communication, Health Tianjin, etc