
How many pairs of CPs are in KOF

author:Yang Jianong

#KOF里面究竟有多少对CP #

"CP" (Couple) in the KOF series of games refers to the matchmaking relationship in the game, that is, the intimacy or couple relationship between two characters. The number of CPs in the KOF series of games is relatively high, as each character can form multiple different pairings with other characters.

How many pairs of CPs are in KOF

Specifically, the number of CPs in the KOF series of games increases as the game version is updated and new characters are added. There may have been only a few pairs of CPs in the original KOF game, but as the game progressed, the story and background of each character became richer and more CP combinations appeared.

How many pairs of CPs are in KOF

Since the character lineup and story setting of each KOF game version may vary, the exact number of CPs is difficult to determine and may increase or decrease as the game progresses. In addition, players can also create new CP combinations according to their preferences and imagination.

How many pairs of CPs are in KOF

Overall, there are a lot of CP combinations in the KOF series of games, which adds depth to the game and the interaction between the characters. However, the exact number of CPs will vary depending on the version of the game and the character setting.