
Be a personable woman, stick to mindfulness, and walk plainly

author:Ajia's growth diary

Wang Guozhen said: "Beauty is a bright flower, grace is an evergreen tree, time is the enemy of beauty, but it is the friend of grace." ”

There is a woman in life whose demeanor comes from natural and easy-going conversation.

Get along with people, will not show the class door to get an axe, let alone speak layman's words that others do not like to hear.

Even if she encounters someone around her who speaks ill of her, she will not confront her.

They can also speak calmly and express their opinions.

When it's time to be quiet, there is silence.

In the face of all kinds of people and things in real life, when she sees through, she can also calm down and not say it thoroughly.

Be a personable woman, stick to mindfulness, and walk plainly

Be a person who knows the big picture and understands things.

Understand that anyone who is uncomfortable with others, is jealous of others, and forces others to live according to their own wishes.

They are all trapped in the world of mental internal attrition, and they are troubled by themselves.

As the saying goes: "A gentleman's heart can hold a boat, but a villain's heart can hold a fist." ”

A woman who has seen the world and is plain, in the hustle and bustle of life, she seems exceptionally quiet and indifferent.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, you don't have to be aggressive, you can also be personable.

When faced with difficulties and doubts, they understand that justification is the most useless.

Even if you encounter the deliberate smear and slander of others, you will not rush to respond or retaliate.

Instead, in the calm time like water, constantly improve yourself, and use your achievements to tell others silently.

A simple and personable woman, her strength will not be crushed by three or two words from the outside world.

Yu Qiuyu said: "The road of life, relying on yourself to walk step by step, what can really protect you is your own life choice." ”

In this cruel reality society, a woman only needs to have her own pursuits and believe in her own choices.

Firmly do what she loves, work hard, seriously become beautiful, and constantly learn to transform into a beautiful demeanor.

There are thousands of people in the world, but they love every side of themselves.

Be a personable woman, stick to mindfulness, and walk plainly

A simple and bright woman, do whatever she likes, stick to her moral bottom line.

will have their own demeanor and integrity.

Insist on doing what you love, and everything will be done from a good nature.

A warm and personable woman will be tolerant of others and will leave room for others.

Learn to let go of everything and be grateful to those who have helped you.

Their hearts are as wide as the sea, and they will turn every trouble in life into a splash on the sea.

A simple and personable woman who lives every day quietly and peacefully.

The world is impermanent, and the sufferings she has endured have all melted into the most powerful force in her heart.

Yu Minhong said this:

"A person's heritage determines the height of life, and the foundation depends on two aspects: reading and traveling."

The world is flashy, and no matter how beautiful the face is, there will be a time of decay.

A woman with cultural connotations, who has seen the world, and has good virtues, can finally have her own demeanor.

Win hearts and receive the blessings of kindness.

A woman's calm demeanor, no need to be deliberate, more persistence and hard work, talent comes from itself.

Observe tranquility and mindfulness, and the road ahead has its own direction.

For the rest of her life, she became a simple but personable woman, thick and light, quietly relying on each other.

Experienced through vicissitudes and not worldly, smelling fireworks without being worldly.

Be a personable woman, stick to mindfulness, and walk plainly

I am Ajia, an authentic Chaoshan woman, continue to share the text about self-discipline growth and improvement, thank you for your attention and encouragement, thank you! #夏日生‮打活‬卡季#​

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