
The world's top rose essential oil. Otto is not a rose variety but an extraction process. Rose Otto essential oil is a rose essential oil extracted from Damascus rose by the "reflux distillation method", with 4

author:Optimistic Karl 7O9

The world's top rose essential oil.

Otto is not a rose variety but an extraction process. Otto rose essential oil is extracted from Damascus rose by "reflux distillation method", and only 1kg of Otto rose essential oil and precious can be extracted from 4t (tons) of Damascus rose petals, so Otto rose is also known as "liquid gold".

The aroma of Otto rose essential oil is very suitable for girls, when you take a shallow breath, the rich rose aroma is diluted by the wind, gently flickering on your heart chakra, and then traveling to the abdomen, as if there is a soft and skin-friendly satin covering the body with a gentle feeling. The miraculously effective skincare treatment of Rose Otto essential oil. In addition to the natural sweet rose smell, the natural and pure Otto rose essential oil can help improve skin problems and make your skin more delicate and smooth. It improves skin elasticity and hydration, reducing the growth of wrinkles. 30-50+ faces can also maintain a blow bomb that can break tight without tightening.

Otto rose essential oil from the Miracle Workshop was used by my mother for many years, and now we are said to be two sisters every time we go out! She was stunned.

2 Regulate gynecological endocrinology. Many sisters who have the habit of using Otto rose essential oil are for this effect, which can be made into rose capsules for oral administration, or "rose + jasmine" can be used to make warm uterine oil to regulate dysmenorrhea and irregular menstrual periods. I myself have very severe primary dysmenorrhea, and I always have 2 days a month when I can't take care of myself + vomit. Since I tried this rose essential oil, although it is not completely cured, at least I can no longer rely on pain relief to live.

·3 Soothes mood and reduces stress, sweet and high-grade charming but not enchanting rose fragrance can always regulate irritability or low mood well, bringing a pleasant and relaxing comfort.

There are many ways to enjoy rose essential oil, you can drop a few drops of rose essential oil into the bathtub water to soak in the rose fragrance for a romantic bathing experience; Or mix rose essential oil with carrier oil and massage on the skin, or drip it into lamps/machines/diffusers, etc.

Choosing a natural, pure rose oil is key to a delightful experience.

The world's top rose essential oil: Bulgaria's national treasure brand.

The world's top rose essential oil. Otto is not a rose variety but an extraction process. Rose Otto essential oil is a rose essential oil extracted from Damascus rose by the "reflux distillation method", with 4
The world's top rose essential oil. Otto is not a rose variety but an extraction process. Rose Otto essential oil is a rose essential oil extracted from Damascus rose by the "reflux distillation method", with 4
The world's top rose essential oil. Otto is not a rose variety but an extraction process. Rose Otto essential oil is a rose essential oil extracted from Damascus rose by the "reflux distillation method", with 4

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