
A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China


Text | Shangguan Xue

Editor|Shangguan Xue

Ancient China was a period of many disasters.

Natural disasters occur frequently.

Such as floods, droughts, wind disasters, insect disasters, etc.

In response to these disasters.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Ancient China has continuously explored methods of disaster management and accumulated rich experience.

This paper will explore the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China from three aspects: disaster prevention, mitigation, post-disaster rescue and post-disaster reconstruction.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

1. Disaster prevention and mitigation

1. Construction of water conservancy projects

In their long-term production practice, the ancient Chinese people found that floods were one of the most serious disasters, so they vigorously carried out the construction of water conservancy projects. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, China has begun to build large-scale water conservancy projects.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Such as irrigation channels, reservoirs, dikes, etc. These water conservancy projects can not only mitigate the effects of drought and flooding, but also increase agricultural production efficiency and improve people's livelihoods.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

2. Land use improvement

Ancient Chinese people also mitigated the effects of disasters by improving land use. For example, terraces in mountainous areas can prevent soil erosion and mitigate the effects of flash floods. In plain areas, agricultural production and disaster resilience can be increased through measures such as reclaiming wasteland and building water conservancy projects.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

3. Application of scientific and technological means

The ancient Chinese people also used scientific and technological means to mitigate the impact of disasters.

For example, in terms of wind disaster prevention, ancient Chinese invented windmills, fans and other tools, which can effectively reduce the harm of wind disasters. In terms of preventing pest plagues, ancient Chinese people invented methods such as fumigation and ashing, which can effectively control the occurrence of pest plagues.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Disaster management requires interaction and cooperation between the central and local governments, and between the state and society. When a disaster occurs, the central government needs to work closely with local governments to formulate disaster response plans and measures, coordinate resources and forces, and strengthen relief and recovery efforts.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

At the same time, there is also a need for greater interaction and cooperation between the state and society, and the government needs to mobilize all sectors of society to organize volunteers and charities to participate in rescue and recovery work.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In China, interaction and cooperation between the central and local governments, and between the state and society has become an important mechanism for disaster management. For example, when natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods occur, the central government usually dispatches a team to the disaster area quickly to work with the local government to formulate plans and measures to deal with the disaster.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

At the same time, the government will mobilize all sectors of society and organize volunteers and charities to participate in rescue and recovery work. This kind of interaction and cooperation between the central and local governments, and between the state and society, can not only improve the efficiency of disaster management, but also enhance social cohesion and national unity.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In short, disaster management requires interaction and cooperation between the central and local governments, and between the state and society. Only through the joint efforts and coordination of all parties can we effectively respond to various natural disasters and ensure social stability and development.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Post-disaster relief

1. The government organizes rescues

In ancient times, the Chinese government usually organized rescue operations after disasters.

For example, during the Tang Dynasty, the government established the "Disaster Relief Department" to provide relief to disaster victims. At the same time, the government will also recruit materials and manpower from various places to organize disaster relief.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

2. Civil mutual aid and rescue

In ancient times, Chinese people would spontaneously organize mutual aid and rescue after disasters. For example, during the Southern Song Dynasty, civil society organized the "Water and Drought Sailing Association", which was specially responsible for fighting floods. These organizations, often led by local officials, wealthy businessmen and others, appeal to people to donate money and materials to help the victims.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

3. Post-disaster reconstruction

1. Government reconstruction

In terms of post-disaster reconstruction, the ancient Chinese government usually funded post-disaster reconstruction projects, such as building houses and repairing roads. For example, during the Ming Dynasty, the government funded the construction of the "Great Wall Weir" to prevent flooding of the Yellow River.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

2. Civil reconstruction

In ancient times, Chinese people also spontaneously organized reconstruction operations in post-disaster reconstruction. For example, during the Ming Dynasty, the city of Nanjing suffered many fires, and the civil society organized the "Rebuild Nanjing Guild Hall" to help the victims.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

The capacity and level of disaster governance occupy an important position in ancient national governance;

Yes, disaster governance capacity and level occupy an important position in ancient national governance. One of the governance goals of ancient states was to maintain social stability, and disasters were one of the important factors of social stability.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Therefore, ancient countries must have a certain capacity and level of disaster management in order to effectively respond to various natural disasters and ensure social stability and development.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In ancient times, the improvement of disaster management capacity and level required not only government support and input, but also extensive social participation. The government plays an important role in disaster management, for example, the government needs to formulate corresponding disaster response plans, organize relief operations, and build post-disaster reconstruction projects.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In addition, the government needs to strengthen disaster monitoring and early warning, release disaster information in a timely manner, and improve public awareness and response capabilities.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

The "night fire pit burial method" is a traditional agricultural production method.

It is mainly used to treat organic waste such as agricultural waste and poultry manure.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

This method is usually carried out at night, first digging a pit in the ground, then pouring waste into the pit, and then covering it with soil to allow it to ferment and decompose naturally in the pit. In this way, the treated organic matter can be used as fertilizer to provide nutrients for crops, and at the same time, it can also reduce the pollution and harm of organic waste.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

However, with the change of agricultural production methods and the improvement of environmental awareness, this traditional treatment method has gradually been phased out. Modern agricultural production has adopted a more scientific and environmentally friendly way of disposing of waste.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Such as compost, biogas digester, etc. These methods not only better treat organic waste, but also recover energy and nutrients from waste, reducing environmental pollution and waste of resources.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Therefore, although the "night fire pit burial method" was once a traditional treatment, it is no longer applicable in modern agricultural production. We should adopt more scientific and environmentally friendly waste disposal methods to make greater contributions to agricultural production and environmental protection.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

The "Reign of Xianping" was a form of good governance practiced during the reign of Emperor Zhao Yan of the Song Dynasty (998-1004 AD).

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Under Zhao Yan's rule, the country was politically clear, socially stable, economically prosperous, and culturally developed, known as the "Reign of Xianping".

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

During the "Reign of Xianping", the Song Dynasty implemented a series of policies and measures to promote the development and prosperity of the country. First of all, Zhao Yan implemented the policy of lightly dispensing with the meagre, which reduced the burden of the people and promoted economic development.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Secondly, he vigorously developed agriculture and handicrafts, strengthened the management and supervision of commerce, and promoted social and economic development. In addition, he also attached importance to education and cultural undertakings, vigorously developed science and technology and culture, and cultivated a group of talented cultural talents.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

During the "Reign of Xianping", the Song Dynasty was a strong national strength, prosperous culture, and social harmony and stability, which is known as a "golden period" in ancient Chinese history. The successful experience of this period had a profound impact on Chinese history, and also provided a good reference for future generations of politicians and historians.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In addition to government support and input, broad social participation is also an important factor in improving the capacity and level of disaster management. In ancient times, after a disaster, Chinese people usually spontaneously organized mutual aid and rescue to help the victims.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

These mutual aid organizations, often led by local officials, wealthy businessmen and others, urge people to donate money and materials to help the victims. Such social participation can not only improve the efficiency of disaster management, but also enhance social cohesion and national unity.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Disaster management is a long-term and continuous process, which requires continuous summing up of historical experience and continuously improving the capacity and level of disaster management.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Specifically, it includes the following:

First, it is necessary to sum up historical experience in a timely manner.

Through the review and study of historical disasters, the experience and lessons learned are summarized, and the corresponding laws and methods are summarized to provide reference and reference for future disaster management.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Second, it is necessary to improve emergency handling capabilities.

While preventing disasters, it is also necessary to improve emergency response capabilities, including the formulation and implementation of various emergency measures, the organization and training of emergency rescue forces, and so on.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Third, it is necessary to strengthen technological innovation.

Use modern technological means, such as remote sensing and GIS, to warn and monitor disasters, and improve the accuracy and timeliness of disaster prediction and response. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the research and development of disaster prevention and mitigation technologies and improve the scientific and technological content of disaster management.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation.

Disasters know no borders and require cross-border cooperation and exchange of experience to jointly address global disaster challenges. Strengthening international cooperation can support disaster management in terms of technology, funds and manpower.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

Timely summing up historical experience and continuously improving the capacity and level of disaster management is the key to ensuring the safety of people's lives and property.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In short, the capacity and level of disaster governance occupy an important position in ancient national governance, which requires the support and investment of the government and the participation of extensive society. The ancient Chinese people have accumulated rich experience in long-term disaster management practice, and these experiences still have important reference significance for disaster management today.

A preliminary study on the historical experience of disaster management in ancient China

In short, the history of disaster management in ancient China is rich and colorful.

It includes three aspects: disaster prevention and mitigation, post-disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.

These experiences not only provide important support for ancient Chinese people to resist natural disasters, but also have important reference significance for today's disaster management.


Ouchi Calendar: This is an ancient astronomical almanac that contains a lot of information on disaster management, such as predicting natural disasters and formulating disaster prevention measures.

Taiping Yuyan: This is an ancient Chinese encyclopedia, which contains a large amount of disaster prevention knowledge and experience, and has important records and reflections on the history of disaster management in ancient China.

"Notes on the Water Classic": This is a work on ancient Chinese water conservancy projects, which describes in detail the experience and technology of ancient Chinese water control, and has great reference value for the history of disaster management in ancient China.

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