
It's been half a year since my classmates from high school went in, but I can't sympathize, and I still have to do my duty well

author:Tube the book

I got a news this morning that the local tyrant classmates in high school have been in for half a year, no wonder he did not organize a class reunion on May Day this year.

When he was in high school, this classmate's academic performance was average, he didn't talk much, and he looked honest. He took an ordinary undergraduate in the college entrance examination, and after graduation, everyone went their separate ways, and heard from classmates that he became a North Drifter.

It was ten years ago that we met again, someone organized a high school reunion during the Spring Festival, he drove a private car worth 800,000 yuan, holding his tall wife, his wife was fair-skinned, and we used to be alumni, but a year younger than us, and when we ate, I knew his development trajectory.

He is the only son in the family, his parents are workers, after graduating in 2001, he became a North Drifter, when many classmates got married after graduation, he did not have a virgin girlfriend during college, in his own words: girls with good conditions can't look at him, girls with poor conditions, he can't look at him. Marriage is a lifetime thing, and he has to look at it before he can enter.

It's been half a year since my classmates from high school went in, but I can't sympathize, and I still have to do my duty well

He vowed to squeeze into the middle class, chose to start from sales, and later met a friend who made health care products, the two hit it off, unanimously felt that modern people pay attention to health, they are surrounded by many elderly people with high pensions, the two used their savings to open a company, the main business is to take the elderly around at low prices.

In the humid and hot summer, their company sends several buses to the beach every day, tourism is a pretense, the focus is on brainwashing the elderly and selling products.

A set of maintenance products, less than thousands, more than tens of thousands, no one does not want to live a hundred years old, not to mention their crowd is a retired old man who is not poor in money, and money is constantly put into his pocket.

He first bought a house in Beijing, and then invested in several properties by the sea, and once there was a class reunion, he released words, which classmate dragged his family to escape the summer can find him, he provides accommodation.

Later, I heard that he and his partner parted ways and went it alone, and after a few years, he said that the business was not good, and he was already preparing to do it, and he wanted to return to his hometown to do some business.

Because of this so-called career, he got married relatively late, and when he reunited, he had a successful career, and some people envied him for having brains, but some people complained behind his back that what he did was too immoral.

There are old people in everyone's home, and many old people would rather believe in Sanni health care products than doctors, let alone their children, and the result is that the money is spent and the health deteriorates.

It's been half a year since my classmates from high school went in, but I can't sympathize, and I still have to do my duty well

Since that year, he organized classmates reunions every year, said the good AA system, but every time he added drama after meals, so some classmates hugged him before and after, he was also generous to his classmates, one year, a classmate had difficulties at home, he also lent classmates 100,000 yuan, this year, if not a relative, borrowing money is no longer possible, our understanding at that time was that he was not bad money, this 100,000 yuan, he took it out, probably did not plan to take it back.

In the past two years, there have been fewer gatherings, and I thought that this year, people's life order returned to normal, and he would organize everyone's gatherings, but there was no news in the classmates.

Sending the child to school this morning, a female classmate told me that the boy couple with a successful career have been in for more than half a year, and the reason for entering is that the health care products they made in those years have been reported, in fact, what they do, someone has been reporting, although their business is facing the elderly who are not bad money, but not all the elderly are not bad money, buy things, no effect, the old people will also report everywhere.

From the mouth of the female classmate, I learned that in recent years, he has not been very smooth, since the end of the low-cost travel business, he has nothing to do, and later found out colon cancer, undergone surgery, and now it is less than five years, the doctor said that five years without recurrence can be judged as good.

He and his wife later gave birth to a second child, now the eldest son is in the third year of junior high school, the youngest daughter is in the third grade of primary school, if all the previous things are turned over, it is estimated that it will be sentenced to several years, hearing this, I sighed with emotion for a while, thinking of the fifth uncle who died during May Day.

The reason for the death of the fifth uncle was a complication caused by diabetes, and the root cause was that the fifth uncle found diabetes 20 years ago, but in any case, he refused to use insulin and bought those three-nil health care products all day. A few years ago, I went back to my hometown and saw my fifth uncle, only 65 years old, walking out of breath, at that time I also advised him to use insulin, he disdained, took out the health products in his hand to show me, I told him that these three-nil products can not be eaten indiscriminately, he blew his beard and glared at me.

It's been half a year since my classmates from high school went in, but I can't sympathize, and I still have to do my duty well

Before the Spring Festival this year, the fifth uncle fell into a coma, the doctor diagnosed complications caused by diabetes, cerebral infarction plus uremia in the advanced stage, the fifth uncle's entire leg was swollen, and after waking up, the body pain did not let anyone approach. In addition to grief, the fifth aunt often scolds the bad merchants who sell health care products, in fact, there are many little sugar people around us, and they are well controlled.

For example, my mother, when she was in her fifties, found high blood sugar, has been using insulin to control blood sugar over the years, this year is 78 years old, every day to move freely, the weather is warm, and she also takes the car home to my uncle's house to visit relatives, and my mother never uses those three-nil health care products.

Only the fifth uncle, whoever persuaded him is useless.

After the fifth uncle could not move, his temper became irritable, the fifth aunt took care of the fifth uncle, afraid that he would not turn his body, and after a long time with bedsores, he forcibly turned over the fifth uncle, the fifth uncle's body hurt, and often raised his only right arm that could move to hit the fifth aunt, and the children looked at the fifth uncle and felt distressed, and looked at the fifth aunt even more distressed.

One night, the fifth aunt fed the fifth uncle, turned around to clean up the kitchen, and after ten minutes, went to see the fifth uncle again, and found that the person was gone.

I don't know how many people like my uncle are harmed by bad health care products, so for this high school classmate who went in, everyone felt that there was no way to say how sympathetic they were, but they pity his sons and daughters, think about it, if the parents are sentenced, what kind of exclusion the child will be subjected to at school, as a parent, you really can't just look at the money, or you have to consider the consequences of things.

I just want to say that it is necessary to be kind, some money cannot be earned, and money that lacks conscience cannot be taken, even if it is taken, it will be taken back on which day, be a person of duty, ordinary people live a life, earn the money they should earn, and a family is safe and healthy, health and well-being is a blessing.