
The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

author:Guangzhou criminal lawyer Huang Jiabo
Author: Lawyer Huang Jiabo, Internet and economic crime lawyer, focusing on handling criminal cases with certain grounds for fraud, opening casinos, illegal operations, pyramid schemes and other types of criminal cases, undertaking a number of cases involving online gambling, financial derivatives (options and futures, etc.) investment, foreign exchange transactions, health product sales, financial lending, virtual currency trading, new retail economy, infringement of citizens' personal information, endangering the security of computer information systems and other related aspects.

Case 1: Online gambling case successfully obtained bail within 30 days

On April 22, 2023, the subject X was taken away from the high-speed rail station by the police of a city in a central province on suspicion of the crime of opening a casino, and took detention measures. After accepting the family's entrustment, lawyer Huang Jiabo went to the city on the same day, and went to the detention center the next day to meet with X.

The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

After the meeting, determine the direction of the defense, communicate with the police handling the case by telephone, and conduct a second meeting on May 4, 2023, and after the second meeting, communicate with the police officer handling the case in person, and submit written legal opinions in the follow-up, and communicate several times.

On May 20, 2023, after communication, Person X was not transferred for review and arrest, and was able to change the compulsory measure to release him on bail pending trial.

Although the case has not been concluded, it has achieved a phased victory and made unremitting efforts to fight for the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.

The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

Proof of release

Case 2: Probation sentence for smuggling case

The co-suspects smuggled international parcels through methods such as forging product names, understating prices, and falsifying trade methods, and Z and others, as the person in charge of the express delivery site, conspired with the above-mentioned co-suspects to facilitate their sending.

In this case, a number of lawyers of our firm intervened, and lawyer Huang Jiabo, as Z's defender, proposed to the court that Z had an accomplice, surrendered, less profit, and other circumstances that could apply probation, and the court accepted it, and in the end, Z was sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for one year and six months.

The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

Partial judgment

The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

Partial judgment

The online gambling case was successfully released on bail within 30 days, the smuggling case was suspended, and the recent successful cases were shared

Partial judgment