
A kick broke the stomach of an 8-year-old child, only to eat a few more xiaolongbao

author:A cherry blossom

The father kicked over, and the son fell to the ground and never got up again, just because he ate a few more xiaolongbao!

Mr. Wu has a very short temper and often hits and scolds his children. I took the kids to the breakfast shop and ate a basket of xiaolongbao. Who doesn't know that the xiaolongbun is only ten and very small, eight-year-old young man, of course, eats it all when he is hungry, and then runs outside to play.

Mr. Wu went to eat after going to the toilet, found that Xiao Longbao did not leave a single one, and he couldn't see Xiao Wu, he was very angry and anxious, after finding the child, he kicked it very angrily, this kick, the child fell to the ground and could not get up again!

I saw that he was pale and curled up like a shrimp in pain, and Mr. Wu also patted his face, don't pretend! At this time, I saw that the child was vomiting blood, and the amount of blood vomiting was very large.

The owner and his wife quickly grabbed Mr. Wu and called an ambulance..."The child is in shock," the doctor shouted. After three hours of rescue, he was unable to save his life.

The doctor was helpless and told the child's parents. Mr. Wu never imagined that just kicking it would be so serious.

The child's mother hated Mr. Wu very much. Directly began to punch and kick Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu backhanded his wife and beat him. Everyone present hurried to pull the frame to avoid injury.

Mr. Wu not only hit his wife, but also said that he just kicked lightly, who knows if he will suddenly vomit blood, is it eating something poisonous? I didn't kick it at all! Everyone was very angry when they heard it, and the doctor who treated him clearly told him that the reason why he vomited blood was because of a traumatic stomach rupture, not eating something poisonous.

The son, who has been raised for eight years, because of his short temper, is too ruthless, he personally beat him to death, and he does not repent, fights with his wife, and does not know what his mistake is.

In my opinion, the next step is divorce! If you can't live anymore, who will live with your son's murderer?

A kick broke the stomach of an 8-year-old child, only to eat a few more xiaolongbao
A kick broke the stomach of an 8-year-old child, only to eat a few more xiaolongbao
A kick broke the stomach of an 8-year-old child, only to eat a few more xiaolongbao