
On the occasion of June Day, a car accident took the lives of the mother and daughter! The driver cried bitterly.

author:Free-spirited science explorer

Tragedy: A car accident at the entrance of a kindergarten in Changsha, mother and daughter were hit and killed

With a bang, the mother and daughter were knocked to the ground. The morning sun shines in front of Shuanghewan Kindergarten in Kaifu District, Changsha, and parents are busy sending their children to school, looking forward to a grand event exclusive to their children. However, fate hit them this expectant morning.

On the occasion of June Day, a car accident took the lives of the mother and daughter! The driver cried bitterly.

Across the road not far from the kindergarten, a white vehicle suddenly stopped across the sidewalk, the rear of which was clinging to the fence near the kindergarten. Seeing this scene, the onlookers were stunned. Then, with a loud bang, a mother and daughter were knocked to the ground.

Heartbreak moment: The mother and daughter who were hit were killed, and innocent lives were lost

According to the news investigation, the mother and daughter were rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, the mother had no signs of life when she was taken to the hospital. The child went through hours of emergency rescue, but at 6 p.m. that day, doctors announced her dead.

This tragic car accident claimed two innocent lives and was heartbreaking.

Mixed grief: Many people witnessed the scene of the car accident and could not suppress the grief in their hearts

At the time of the incident, the scene of the car accident attracted many onlookers. Several paramedics quickly carried the people under the car onto stretchers, while a female driver sat in the car and made a call. At that time, the mother was unable to move, and the child only had weak breathing. The people who witnessed all this felt pity, and their hearts were filled with grief.

On the occasion of June Day, a car accident took the lives of the mother and daughter! The driver cried bitterly.

According to reports, at the time of the incident, the white vehicle was suspected of reversing during the U-turn and accidentally used the accelerator as a brake, causing the vehicle to lose control and hit the roadside wall, knocking the mother and daughter down.

Tragically lost their lives, parents fell into deep grief

The victim's family lived in the Riverside Jiayuan community, just a wall away from the kindergarten. On that tragic evening, children rode carts around the neighborhood while parents sat around on nearby stone benches and chatted. Although the neighbors in the neighborhood did not seem to be familiar with the family, they would always greet each other politely and exchange a few pleasantries.

On the occasion of June Day, a car accident took the lives of the mother and daughter! The driver cried bitterly.

However, on this day, parents fell into deep grief. They had just heard the horrific news that a classmate of the children had been killed in a car accident. The news was so heavy and so hard for them to accept.

Tears spilled all over the scene: the driver involved had an emotional breakdown and fell into deep regret and pain

According to testimonies from nearby merchants, the driver involved was a parent who was taking her children to school, and she turned around in front of the kindergarten and accidentally pressed the mother and daughter who were about to enter the school against the wall. After the incident, the driver fell into remorse and pain on the spot, and she squatted on the ground and cried.

Witnesses said the driver looked to be in her 30s, about the same age as the mother who was hit. This terrible accident completely changed her and the fate of the victimized family, who were all plunged into deep grief.

Flowers and mourning: two incense sticks on the wall, witnessing the tragedy

After the incident, two more incense sticks appeared on the wall, and the place where a mother and daughter were knocked down became a gathering point for people's mourning. Under a tree, the head of a rooster is placed. People don't know who killed the rooster, but their mourning can be felt. Some people in the group chat even went to burn paper money to pay tribute to the deceased.

On the occasion of June Day, a car accident took the lives of the mother and daughter! The driver cried bitterly.

The tragedy of the car accident at the entrance of this kindergarten is heartbreaking, and the lives of innocent mothers and daughters are lost in an instant. Their passing is deeply saddening, and on this wonderful Children's Day, the tragedy has dealt a heavy blow to family, friends and the whole society.

May the deceased rest in peace, and hope that such tragedies will not happen again, let us work together to create a safer social environment and protect the lives of children.