
Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

author:Qiang Yitian Xingwang

The length of life has a lot to do with genetics, but the acquired lifestyle will also affect the length of life. People with healthy lifestyle habits are more likely to become long-lived elderly.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

First, the diet chapter:

People take food as the sky, so if we want to live a long life, we can often eat the following foods.

1. Carrots

Carrots are rich in β-carotene, which protects the genetic structure of our body, not only helps us improve our skin, enhance vision, but also prevent cancer.

2. Strawberries

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

Strawberries are rich in iron, regular consumption of strawberries, not only whitening teeth, but also can supplement vitamin C, strawberry dyeing substances and essential oils can form a special enzyme, help us improve the body's immunity.

3. Xiaomi

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

Millet is a grain that is peeled into granules, and there have been grains since ancient times, and millet is the common saying. It can be seen from this that millet is a good nourishing food, especially the classical records: millet benefits the five internal organs, thick stomach, filling liquid, strengthening muscles and bones, and growing muscles.

Long-lived old people like millet, and for good reason. If we want to live longer, we can also often replace the staple food with millet, which is a coarse grain that has not undergone much processing, and it is beneficial to eat more.

4. Tofu

As the saying goes: "Fish makes fire, meat produces phlegm, cabbage and tofu keep safe." "The main components of tofu are protein and isoflavones, and regular consumption of tofu can not only protect the liver, but also benefit our intellectual development. Eating tofu in the elderly helps soften blood vessels and prevent osteoporosis.

5. Bananas

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

Bananas are carbohydrates, fruits with relatively high content, which are rich in trace elements that can help prevent blood sugar from entering the bloodstream quickly. Especially magnesium, rich in content, a banana can meet 1/6 of the magnesium required by the human body for 24 hours.

Second, early morning habits:

The plan of the year lies in the spring, the plan of the day lies in the morning, and the good day starts with the morning full of vitality.

1. Rub your belly

When you wake up from sleep, the internal organs such as the body and intestines are not fully awake. At this time, we can gently massage clockwise around the navel, and then slowly expand the massage area to the entire abdomen. Then rub it counterclockwise, which can protect our stomach, help awaken the stomach, and enhance the peristalsis of the stomach.

2. Take a deep breath

Taking a few deep breaths after waking up can help us increase our lung capacity. Doing this regularly also prevents respiratory diseases and helps awaken our lungs.

3. Stretch your waist

When we wake up in the morning, when our body is most relaxed, we can cross our fingers upwards and stretch vigorously, while stretching our bodies downwards and turning our bodies left and right for about 30 seconds. It can also expand the chest cavity, which can help awaken blood circulation in our body and unblock meridians.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

4. Rub your ears

Rub the earlobe frequently and tap the occipital bone. It can help us awaken the brain, lower blood pressure, and relax blood vessels.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

5. Tap your teeth

The biggest worry of the elderly is the loosening of teeth, and to start tooth protection, it is necessary to start from a young age. After waking up, we can do the action of tapping our teeth, which can help strengthen our teeth.

Third, bedtime habits:

After a hard day's work, both the mind and the body need to be completely relaxed.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

1. Soak your feet and massage the soles of your feet

Soaking our feet with water with a temperature of about 40 degrees about an hour before falling asleep can help unblock our body's meridians. When soaking the feet, it is best to let the height of the water reach the calf belly, and at the same time tap the ankles on the bottom of the feet, and massage the soles of the feet can promote blood circulation well, which can not only help sleep, but also improve metabolism.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

2. Rest half an hour after dinner

It is only half an hour after dinner that the small intestine begins to absorb nutrients. So if you want to exercise before going to bed, it is best to do it half an hour after dinner, during this time conscious activity, the body can also help us burn fat.

So take this time to clean your room or take a hot shower. However, it should be noted that do not take a bath immediately after eating, the cardiopulmonary function of the elderly is more fragile, if you take a hot bath immediately after eating, it is easy to cause myocardial infarction or angina.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

3. Comb your hair

Before going to bed, stick the fingers of both hands into the hair and comb the hair, which can help accelerate the blood circulation in the head, improve the brain's thinking and memory ability, and promote the absorption of nutrients by the hair roots and reduce hair loss.

Developing 5 habits early in the morning and sticking to 4 movements before bed can help you live a long life

4. Apply warm compress to the eyes

Soak the towel in warm water and apply the towel to your eyes. Helps improve the flow of qi and blood around the eyes and relieve the problem of excessive eye use.