
As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

author:Love food

When I was a child in this village, I often heard old people say: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there were barren fields everywhere." This sentence means that if the Mangseed solar term appears in front of the Dragon Boat Festival, it means that extreme weather is prone to occur, affecting the harvest and sowing of crops, resulting in farmland becoming barren.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

This year's mango seeds were more than ten days earlier than the Dragon Boat Festival, and then the phenomenon of wheat germinating and turning black due to continuous rainfall occurred in some parts of Henan. Although the local official refutation of rumors is a rare phenomenon, this cannot but say that the old ancestors left behind the saying has merit.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

In fact, the early appearance of the mango solar term, in addition to the impact on crops, will also have a certain impact on the human body. Because Mangchang is the third solar term of summer, the temperature at this time has initially increased, and the air is still very humid in the rainy season, which leads to people feeling stuffy, heat stroke, bitter summer and other manifestations.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

Therefore, before and after the Mangseed solar term, the diet is also very particular, to clean up the main supplement, daily three meals to eat these 4 things, if there are conditions to keep in mind "1 acid, 1 bitter, 1 tea, 1 bean", can not only help you cool off, but also play a role in moisture, so that you can easily spend the summer, not bitter summer.

"1 sour" - sour plum soup

With the approaching Mangcao solar term, the high temperature weather will also follow, and this season must always prepare plum soup to cool off the heat and quench thirst. Especially for occupations that work outdoors for a long time, always have a cup of ice-cold sour plum soup, which can not only appetize and relieve fatigue, but also play a role in cooling off the heat, which is one of the must-have drinks in summer.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

Don't look at the sour plum soup is very simple to make, in fact, it has a history of thousands of years and is one of the oldest traditional drinks. The earliest "sour plum soup" was actually a drink after boiling plums and cooling them, and then the recipe was continuously improved and changed over time, and it became a common summer drink in the streets and alleys today.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

"1 bitter" - bitter melon

As the saying goes: "Suffering in summer is better than supplementing", it can be seen that it is very suitable to eat bitter melon in summer. Because before and after the mango seed, the hot weather arrives, and the human body will also have various uncomfortable symptoms. At this time, often eat some "bitter" food, which can play a good role in relief.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

As a representative food in "bitter" foods, bitter melon has naturally become the first choice for most people to eat "bitter" in summer. It is not only a common ingredient in summer, rich in dietary fiber and nutrients, but also has very good medicinal value and is one of the must-have foods in summer.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

"1 tea" - Qingchiju

Before and after the Mangseed solar term, people are very prone to the phenomenon of hot energy, in addition to the hot weather, and the lack of water in the body is also very related, so during this period need to replenish water frequently to help alleviate it. If you feel that boiled water is too boring, you may wish to try Qingchiju, which can replenish water and reduce the heat.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

I believe everyone knows that chrysanthemums are used to make tea has the effect of clearing heat and fire, and Qingchi chrysanthemum tea is rich in choline, stachydrine, chrysanthemum and other trace elements compared to ordinary chrysanthemums, and often drinking it is also very good to improve the physical state, making you more energetic in summer.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

Moreover, Qingchi chrysanthemum tea was still a "tribute tea" specially for the emperor to drink during the Northern Song Dynasty, but now the planting technology is more mature, and it has become a flower tea that everyone can drink. In summer, take a green chrysanthemum, boil water for three minutes to drink, the tea soup is golden and translucent, and the aroma of tea in the mouth is overflowing, helping you calm your hot heart.

"1 bean" - mung bean

With the arrival of hot weather, many people's diets will have mung beans, as the long-awaited "heat relief artifact" - mung beans, which are rich in dietary nutrients, and the heat relief is mainly the role of mung bean skin, so mung beans are usually boiled to drink.

As the old saying goes: "Before the Dragon Boat Festival, there are barren fields everywhere", what does it mean? Don't forget to eat 4 things often

Mung bean is also very much, usually in addition to drinking mung bean soup to cool off, you can also combine mung beans with other ingredients to make food, such as mung bean paste, mung bean cake, mung bean chrysanthemum porridge, etc., suitable for summer food, eat with your family, and spend the hot summer peacefully.