
What to do with parents in the face of bullying in school

author:A traveler in light and shadow

Children in school, may experience bullying. What to do as a parent?

1. Be a friend of your child and communicate more with your child: Communicate more with your child to understand their emotional state, school life, problems and difficulties. Let children feel cared for and supported by their parents, while helping children recognize the dangers and effects of bullying and the importance of keeping their distance from bullies.

What to do with parents in the face of bullying in school

2. Try not to solve it privately, and report it to the school in time: report the bullying behavior of the child to the school in time and seek help and support from the school. At the same time, communicate with teachers, principals and counselors and other relevant personnel to understand the school's anti-bullying measures, and actively participate in relevant activities.

3. Seek outside help: Parents can seek help outside if the situation is out of control or an emergency has been reached. Psychologists, social workers, legal institutions and other professional institutions can be consulted for relevant help and advice.

What to do with parents in the face of bullying in school

4. Guide children by word and deed: While helping children solve problems, teach children the correct values and ways to deal with problems. These include standing up for your beliefs, respecting and caring for the feelings of others, and avoiding resorting to violence and discrimination. At the same time, parents should pay attention to the role of their own words and deeds as role models, and solve problems within the family in the right way.

All in all, in the face of school bullying, parents should take a variety of measures and adjust and adapt in time according to the actual situation to achieve the ultimate solution and let their children grow up physically and mentally.

What to do with parents in the face of bullying in school