
Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

author:Adam is coming

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Within Alibaba Group, there is a woman who has done amazing things. After 23 years in the company, he single-handedly shook the entire personnel department of Alibaba, and personally sent seven senior managers to prison, so high that even Ma Yun could check at will. is the "bodyguard" who accompanies Jack Ma and one of the founders of Alibaba, this person is Jiang Fang.

As a female stream, what efforts did Jiang Fang make to achieve her current status? What did she go through to achieve such an achievement?

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Jiang Fang

"Hand Blade" colleague, Ali's "extermination master"

Speaking of Jiang Fang, the first reaction of Alibaba Group employees is "Extinction Master", and her ability to win this title is inseparable from her upright and iron-faced selfless personality.

Among them, the most worth mentioning is the incident of Wei Zhe back then.

In 2010, Alibaba was not long after its establishment and was in an upward stage, which was crucial, but the rumors circulating within the company had to make Ma Yun begin to pay attention to the internal tricks of B2B.

In order to thoroughly investigate this matter, and in order to completely eliminate the corruption of personnel within the company, Ma Yun handed over the matter to Jiang Fang, the leader of the integrity department.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

The operation of large companies will inevitably have many problems, one of which is the corruption of people within the company, which is fatal for a company.

Jiang Fang is well aware of the heavy responsibility on her shoulders, after all, this is not an easy task, and it can even be said to be quite difficult.

When Jiang Fang began to set out, she considered that she could not be too blatant, so as not to startle the snake, she had to inquire by knocking on the side, and it was best to lead the snake out of the hole.

After a months-long investigation, Ms. Jiang reported to Ma the latest investigation: By the end of 2010, 20 times as many people had confessed to scammers in Taobao's official website lawsuits as in 2008.

Even across the computer, Ma could see Jiang Fang's anger in this email.

Indeed, how a good company can get worse and worse, there must be something strange about this.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

After learning of this, Ma Yun immediately asked the head of the department, Wei Zhe, about the situation, and asked him to immediately find out the truth of the matter.

In the face of the boss's pressure, Wei Zhe began to investigate thoroughly without stopping.

I don't know if I don't check, I was shocked when I checked it, with the Taobao fire, the daily sales were as high as tens of billions, and it was such a huge number that allowed people with bad intentions to exploit loopholes.

For the sake of performance, inside salespeople do not hesitate to sign contracts with some shell companies, in order to extract bribes and profit from them.

The temptation given by these shell companies that have no flesh and blood and only want to lie on Ali and suck blood is huge, which has attracted many salespeople to take risks and even betray Ali Group.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!


The employees under him have stabbed out such a big basket, which has obviously endangered the interests of Alibaba Group and caused irreparable losses to the company.

As the head of the department, Wei Zhe has committed major dereliction of duty and serious negligence, and this time he must accept Jiang Fang's investigation well, and if he colludes with foreign parties, Ma Yun must be severely punished.

You know, Wei Zhe is a talented employee that Ma Yun spent six years poaching.

At that time, Wei Zhe single-handedly increased the turnover of Alibaba Group to 5.5 billion, reaching a qualitative leap.

His contribution is obvious to all, and Ma Yun also knows that his hard work is high, so he is very troubled by this matter.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

But Jiang Fang didn't think so, Wei Zhe did have kindness to the Ali Group, but if he did something that harmed the company now, it must not be spared.

If it weren't for investigating the business yourself, the Alibaba that everyone had worked so hard to create would have been destroyed and caught up by a bunch of scammers.

Jiang Fang understood the concerns in Ma Yun's heart, but for the long-term development of Ali, she could only persuade Ma Yun not to chill the hearts of more than 20,000 employees in the company for Wei Zhe alone.

Wei Zhe's dereliction of duty is already well documented, and he must be punished as he deserves, and only then will the corruption problem within the company be alleviated, and those who are in the shadows but ready to move will be alerted.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

After some deliberation, Ma Yun had to dismiss Wei Zhe and investigate him. After Jiang Fang pulled Wei Zhe out, there were still more than 1,000 employees and hundreds of stores with big problems.

After the investigation was clear, Jiang Fang gave Ma Yun feedback for the first time.

In a fit of anger, Ma Yun dismissed all the employees involved, and the relevant stores also announced the closure of the shelves, and began a large-scale rectification work, which was staggering.

Fame in World War I, fight corruption

Although Jiang Fang has followed Jack Ma for 23 years, what really made her famous was the gathering event of the Alibaba Taobao Festival.

As the status of the Internet network rises, more and more people realize the importance of the Internet, and when they see that they can profit from it, everyone wants to come in and get a piece of the pie.

The Juhuasuan activity on Taobao Street uses group buying as a gimmick to attract young women to participate in shopping with good quality and low price. In this event, there are many participating merchants and the discount is very large.

However, the number of places is limited, so if you want to participate in it, you must review the merchants step by step by internal staff of Alibaba, and only those who meet the conditions can participate in Juhuasuan activities.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

How can some merchants give up the opportunity to make money, do not find problems in their own products, and seek breakthroughs, but instead "find another way", hoping to obtain the qualification to enter Juhuasuan activities through improper means.

Under the temptation of money, the relevant staff did not act in accordance with the explicit regulations, but accepted bribes, which merchant gave the highest bribe, then which merchant would enjoy the promotion position first.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Many poor quality products poured into the Juhuasuan activity platform, and many unqualified shops were put on the priority promotion position, and those who originally got the opportunity with real power were inexplicably lost.

For a while, everyone complained and began to send a letter of complaint to Ali Group.

The staff colluded with the merchants, and such improper transactions were obviously ruining the reputation of Ali Group, and Jiang Fang immediately confirmed the authenticity of the incident after receiving the report.

This incident is related to the entire economic chain of Ali Group's recent activities, and if it is a problem, it will be corrupt, and the consequences will be unimaginable if it is not stopped in time.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fang involved Yan Limin, the general manager of Juhuasuan, during the investigation, as the company's boss, Yan Limin involved a large amount of money and had already constituted a crime.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Yan Limin

Faced with Yan Limin's identity and Ali's investment at that time, Jiang Fang was in trouble.

After all, the first person to be hurt after calling the police was her own company, and this matter was not something that Jiang Fang alone could decide, and she decisively asked Ma Yun for help.

The two united their front and chose to call the police quickly and let the police solve it.

Fortunately, in time, the Taobao festival's Juhuasuan activities were not affected, and Alibaba did not fall into a situation of ruined reputation.

It can only be said that Jiang Fang single-handedly saved Alibaba.

After the incident, several people involved in the illegal transaction were punished accordingly, including 7 senior internal managers and 21 ordinary employees of Alibaba Group.

Some of them were fired by Jack Ma, some were arrested and jailed for huge sums of money, and they needed to spend the rest of their lives in dark cells.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Reminiscing about the past, step by step on the road to growth

The birth of a strong woman is not achieved overnight, but takes time to temper and polish.

Jiang Fang's ability to get to where she is today step by step is inseparable from the efforts and struggles of those years.

After graduating from Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Technology, Jiang joined the China Yellow Pages team founded by Jack Ma.

This little girl who is new to the world and not yet skilled in technology, can only serve tea and pour water in the company, and is responsible for some internal logistics.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Even so, Jiang Fang did not indulge herself, but squeezed out her spare time, constantly asked questions from professionals in the company, and seized the opportunity to humbly ask as much as possible, and Jiang Fang's skills were rapidly improved in a short period of time.

In 1997, after much deliberation, Ma decided to sell the China Yellow Pages and led a team of technicians to the capital Beijing to start over.

In just two years in Beijing, Jiang Fang and Ma Yun have tasted countless failures, and the whole team has fallen into a slump and has no motivation to struggle.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

In 1999, the prototype of Alibaba was gradually constructed in Ma's mind, and he proposed to create Alibaba Group and go public.

You know, this is a huge risk for entrepreneurs, Ma Yun's friends and family do not support him, as Ma Yun's employees, Jiang Fang chose to stand behind him without hesitation.

Young people are always full of blood and dreams.

After Ma Yun said that the start-up fund was not enough, everyone took out all their savings without saying a word, and only left a few hundred yuan of food money in their hands.

Jiang Fang also smashed out the family belongings, and 500,000 yuan was also raised in the patchwork, and the entrepreneurial project could be officially launched.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

At first, the company was just established, there was no extra money to recruit new employees, and there was a serious shortage of manpower. In order to solve this problem and solve the cost, Jiang Fang had to start wearing multiple hats.

Overloaded for more than 20 hours a day, day and night reversed, cooking, cleaning sundries, sorting out materials, acting as the front desk, these miscellaneous, seemingly simple but prosperous work are all taken care of by Jiang Fang alone, she is almost taking her life to fight for the company.

In 2000, the world ushered in the Internet winter, and Internet companies in various countries faced the problem of improper operation.

Among them, large companies such as Apple and Microsoft have also been seriously affected, and related stocks have continued to plummet around the world, and there has been a crisis.

If Alibaba is not properly managed, Alibaba will surely die in infancy and will not be able to go public, and the efforts made by Jiang Fang and others will also come to naught.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

Faced with such a situation, the headquarters had to order layoffs and salary cuts. Watching the people around her leave one by one, Jiang Fang was a little difficult. When fate was chosen, Jiang Fang chose to stay and stay with Alibaba to accompany it through the difficulties.

The sparrow is small, but it has all the organs. At that time, although Alibaba was far less grand than it is now, it still had a foundation.

In the end, the hard work paid off, and the persistence and hard work of all the team members day and night, did not dare to relax, and saved Alibaba's success.

Ali "Jinyiwei" Jiang Fang, 23 years after 23 years of employment, sent 7 high-level people to prison, even Ma Yun can check!

This powerful Internet group also survived smoothly in the crisis and turmoil, completed its first growth, and walked towards the road of prosperous development. And Jiang Fang's growth path also began, from a fledgling female college student to a unique CEO, and under her bold anti-corruption system, Alibaba has gradually entered the best situation. Recalling the past again, Jiang Fang bluntly said that his transformation road was very difficult, but it was also successful. She has personally watched Alibaba Group grow up and watched Alibaba Group go through a storm and gradually become stronger. In this regard, it can only be said that Alibaba Group is honored to have employees like Jiang Fang.


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