
"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

author:See Yamana

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"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

See Yamana's 9th manuscript

Author: Stranded Fish


Su Jie saw a note on the table: Let's get a divorce, you go to draw up the agreement, I will sign it. Tired, he replied below: You go to draw up the agreement, and I will sign it.

Su Jie's wife, Ye Zi, was deaf and mute, and they met in the library, when he was preparing to take the exam.

Every night I went to the library of the university across from my home for evening self-study, and every time I could see a girl with long flowing hair and a beautiful face quietly reading in the corner.

Later, he successfully passed the examination for the public school, and also fell in love with Ye Zi, he learned sign language for her, and also broke through the obstacles of his parents to form a family.

"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

On the wedding day, Su Jie took Ye Zi's hand and swore an oath to all her relatives and friends:

In the future, he is his mouth and ear, and he will accompany her for the rest of his life. Ye Zi and her parents' eyes were full of tears.


After getting married, Su Jie's career gradually improved, from an ordinary clerk to the backbone of the department, and then promoted to a deputy section, and more socializing.

Ye Zi did not have a stable job, mainly writing and writing at home, doing part-time work.

Su Jie's circle is getting bigger and bigger, her work is getting busier and busier, and she is getting home later and later.

At first, Ye Zi waited for him to come home every night, sending a message to ask him about his itinerary, and slowly, when Su Jie came home in the middle of the night, the lights in the living room had long been extinguished.

The bland feeling of life slowly consumed the original love, coupled with Su Jie's mother's pickiness about the leaves, the communication between the two people became less and less, and the quarrels became more and more...

One day, Su Jie was drunk because he was out socializing, and it was already 4 a.m. when he came home, and he saw leaves sitting on the sofa with a headache.

She had long since lost that tranquility, and she was full of anger, and when she saw him come back, she screamed, but she couldn't shout.

"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

Su Jie went into the bathroom bored, and he felt that he had married Ye Zi, which was a blessing for Ye Zi.

His work socializing was all about giving her a better life, and he tolerated her enough, long enough, why didn't she know to be satisfied.

When she came out, Su Jie saw a note on the table: Let's get a divorce, you go to draw up the agreement, I will sign it. Tired, he replied below: You go to draw up the agreement, and I will sign it.


In the end, the days continued like a pool of stagnant water, su jie and ye zi neither of them went to draw up a divorce agreement, but there was a wall in each other's hearts.

The two of them talked less, and Ye Zi would still be sword-fighting sometimes, but Su Jie never responded, and his desire to have a child was also deeply pressed into his heart.

October 17 was Su Jie's birthday, and after work that night, he was called out by a group of high school diehards to go out for a birthday drink.

At the dinner table, a friend jokingly teased Su Jie's marriage, and pulled the girl next to her to say that she had a crush on you for many years, but you found your current wife, where she is inferior to your wife.

Looking at the girl's panicked eyes and shy face, Su Jie was a little confused, as if she saw the panic of Ye Zi when she first took the initiative to greet Ye Zi, and the shyness on her face.

"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Su Jie took a taxi downstairs and found that the lights in the living room of the house were actually on. Opening the door, there was a small cake on the table, three dishes he liked, and a bottle of red wine he liked to drink.

Ye Zi fell asleep on the dining table, and there was a trace of tears in the corner of his eye.

Su Jie's eyes instantly flushed, and the memories of the past swept through his mind, he gently woke up the leaves, ate together and blew the cake, and hugged each other to sleep.


The next morning, Su Jie bought a pair of silent earplugs online. That weekend, he wore silent earplugs to grocery shopping, to the supermarket, to the bookstore.

He found that the world without sound was so terrible, the world that could not be expressed was so helpless, and that leaves had grown up like this since childhood.

He suddenly understood the helplessness and tenacity of the leaf, and the courage it took to marry him, and that he had never been the mouth and ear of the leaf.

After that day, Su Jie tried to minimize socializing, and many times accompanied Ye Zi to cook, go shopping, read books, always took her to parties with friends, and accompanied her everywhere when she had time.

The leaf gradually returned to its original tranquility and gentleness, and the child was born at the beginning of the third year, a healthy child.

"You are a deaf-mute, I married you, it is your blessing"

Looking at the little man who had just reached the full moon in front of him, Su Jie's eye sockets were a little moist, if it wasn't for that night, he would have been alone now.

Su Jie wants to tell everyone that love is to understand, not to tolerate, and to learn to "understand" each other is the most beautiful expression of love.

Photo: Reader contributions

Typography: Yamana