
China has raised a white-eyed wolf country that treats Chinese tourists differently, and now it is being boycotted

author:Uncle De Vision OL

China: A world-renowned good old man?

China is known internationally for its helpfulness and always tries its best to help other countries for help. Maybe it's because I've been in the rain, so I always want to hold an umbrella for others. In the past few decades, China has helped hundreds of countries and won high prestige and status. Many countries that have received China's assistance are deeply grateful to China and hope to carry out deeper strategic cooperation with China. However, some countries have turned their faces and bitten back at China after receiving China's assistance.

China has raised a white-eyed wolf country that treats Chinese tourists differently, and now it is being boycotted

Vietnam: The saving grace is not remembered

Vietnam is a prime example. After the end of World War II, Vietnam was beaten to the point by the United States and almost perished. Without China's assistance, Vietnam would have been completely controlled by the United States. This life-saving grace should have been remembered by Vietnam, but they attacked China at the instigation of the Soviet Union. After repeated warnings were ineffective, China was forced to fight back, using its fists to sober up Vietnam.

China has raised a white-eyed wolf country that treats Chinese tourists differently, and now it is being boycotted

Myanmar: The white-eyed wolf who smashed the Chinese pot

China has helped Myanmar in recent years, resulting in rapid economic development and improved people's living standards. However, Myanmar has not recognized its position and has been treating China differently. The visa-free policy has been implemented for other Asian countries, but the visa on arrival policy has been implemented for Chinese tourists, and even requires Chinese tourists to pay additional fees. The unfair attitude has sparked outrage in China, with patriots unanimously saying they will never travel to Myanmar again.

China has raised a white-eyed wolf country that treats Chinese tourists differently, and now it is being boycotted

Myanmar eats the consequences of its own evil and shoots itself in the foot

Myanmar relies on the Chinese market, which has become its largest trading partner and a major source of tourism tourism. However, due to the unfriendly attitude towards Chinese tourists, Myanmar has lost a large number of Chinese tourists, which has also led to many Chinese businessmen being reluctant to continue doing business in Myanmar. This has hit Myanmar's economic development, significantly reduced tourism revenues, and negatively affected other industries. Myanmar's economy is experiencing rapid turbulence, and if it is not controlled in time, it may set back more than a decade of development.

China has raised a white-eyed wolf country that treats Chinese tourists differently, and now it is being boycotted


As a helpful country, China has helped many countries in the past few decades and won international prestige and status. However, two countries, Vietnam and Myanmar, betrayed China's goodwill. Vietnam has unknowingly launched an attack on China, while Myanmar has treated Chinese tourists unfairly, even publicly calling on Chinese tourists not to go again. These actions have provoked anger within China and caused Myanmar itself to suffer economic losses. China's spirit of aid has been betrayed, and people cannot help but feel that the world is cold. China is a well-known good old man in the world who likes to help other countries, and the mainland does its best to help them for help. Maybe it's because I've been in the rain and I always want to hold an umbrella for others. What do you think about this?

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