
Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

author:Chengdu You Xiaohei

Sometimes everyone plays games to have fun, but they always end up being wronged by their teammates because of their bad results. Here I can share my experience with you so that you are no longer a pit teammate [croak] (only suitable for Diamond Star players.)

In fact, from the time of choosing a hero, the game is already in the competition, and at this time, you should pay attention to the lineups of both sides. Since the hero pool of most new summoners is not too deep, I won't talk too much here, and I will give some detailed introduction in the advanced chapter later.

If you want to avoid pitfalls, you must at least know some of the heroes you play, that is, you must know the skills and passive skills of heroes. Many of the friends who play Angela and Daji have used hundreds of games, and they don't know what their passive skills are.

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

In Hero Intelligence, you can find all detailed skill descriptions

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

So be sure to have a clear understanding of the heroes you play, so that it will be easier to strengthen your strength. The real master knows the skill introduction of all the heroes. Therefore, it is recommended that friends who play in the middle of the road are familiar with the basic skills of some very common heroes, so that it is more convenient to line [flash of light] The middle road is very important

Then it comes straight to the beginning, and there are a lot of things to think about before going out. 1 What is the first piece of equipment? 2 Which skill to learn? 3 And what hero is the opposite line? 4 What equipment does the enemy on the opposite line have? 5 Movements of our own and enemy auxiliaries 6 What are we going to do after clearing the first wave of troops? ............ Let me tell you my personal thoughts (for reference only)

First, if you use a hero with strong line clearing ability (such as Zhou Yu, Shen Mengxi, Golden Cicada), it is recommended to get out of the shoes first. This will allow you to support the confrontation or development path faster and build your advantage faster. If it is a hero who clears the line slowly (such as Daji, Wang Zhaojun, and Miledi), it is recommended to publish a small book first. This will increase your own damage, whether it is to drain enemy health or clear the line, it can be more effective. It is best to prioritize the consumption of enemy HP, because anyway, it is not as fast as him to clear the line, first hit his state, so that he is not so comfortable to support his teammates, and also pay attention to his own HP, when he is second-level, it is best to withdraw to the tower to clear the line safely. Remember, don't stand with your own troops, so that people can lead troops to fight together. 最重要的是一定‬要给‬队友‬发‬信号‬

Second, a powerful player must be a person who likes to observe the minimap very frequently, so when you go to support your teammates or return to the defense center, you must guess the enemy's movement by observing the minimap, and you can also make the opposite side not see your eyes. When you are completely unsure, don't go into the grass casually, you can use your skills to explore the grass, or let the assistant help you explore the grass. In the same way, you have to learn to use the grass to surprise the enemy, and you can also hide your eyes to make yourself safer.

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

It is safer to hide in the grass

Third, one of the reasons why the middle road is very important is that whether it is a confrontation road, a development road or a wild area, you can quickly support it. When you are level three, both sides are level 4. At this point, you have to cheer up, because there is a good chance that they will come to arrest you, or when you support or return to the middle, give you a fatal blow. So there is another important thing you need to know, whether the enemy is open red or blue. In this way, when he is level 4, you will most likely know that he will appear there to prevent himself from being caught, and at the same time you can signal to your teammates that the enemy is coming to catch someone.

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

Remember to signal your teammates more

Fourth, good steel must be used on the blade, so our skills must be used in good places. For example, some hero control skills, must ensure that they can be hit with a high probability of use, do not use them easily, and keep them for the possibility that they will save their lives at critical moments. There are also some high-damage moves, which can be saved when the enemy is bound to die, so that the next wave of battles can deal higher damage. There is also a need to learn to use his hand length advantage to consume the opponent's HP, even if he is not killed, forcing him back to the city is very profitable, and it can also create opportunities for teammates to kill. Pulling is critical, go up and put skills when you have skills, retreat back after no skills, and ensure at least two skills, so that the instant damage sent out is higher and more effective.

Fifth, this time has entered the middle and late stages of the game, the frequency of huddles between the two sides is getting higher and higher, at this time, in the case of uncertain safety, you must not clean up the line alone. Always pay attention to the distance between yourself and your teammates, and ensure that you can quickly help your teammates in the event of a sudden team battle. After all, the middle is a little crispy, and if the enemy hero who is very threatening to him does not appear, he must play vigilant. When you don't have skills, you must find some safe places, such as with your teammates, or back to the tower, or hide in the grass and other skill CDs, only by living can you play damage and control, and you can go to victory ✌️

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

Sixth, came to the late period, this time is generally two situations, tower pressure or tower guarding, that is, headwind or tailwind. When pressing the tower downwind, one thing must be paid attention to, that is, the military line. When there is no troop line, the damage of the defense tower is very high, so be sure to let our troops line into the enemy tower, so that the speed of pushing the tower will be faster, and it can also allow everyone to better cross the tower to kill, so we can use skills to clear the enemy line faster and let our own line of troops enter the enemy defense tower. Another is to use their skills to harass the enemy with a long casting distance and high damage, forming a deterrent force so that they are not in good shape to hold the defense tower, so that we can break the enemy faster. Similarly, when you are defending your home against the wind, your skills must be left to the troops. Even if you kill enemies with your skills, as long as they have a line, they can break your towers and even crystals. So we prioritize the elimination of the line, even if they are all there, we can't easily take down your defense towers. There is also a detail, that is, to pay attention to the resurrection time of your teammates, if you are not sure to hold this wave, you can abandon the car to protect the marshal, give up a defensive tower protection crystal, ensure the farthest output and clear line, and wait for the teammates to resurrect. You must not be killed when you guard your home.

Seventh, finally tell the newcomers about some common equipment


Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

When there are heroes with blood return on the opposite side (such as Cai Wenji Bai Qicheng Biting Gold), this is a must-have Oh can suppress enemy blood return, as well as movement speed and spell damage, but it is a cost-effective equipment.

Void staff

Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

This is also essential in the later stage, and the equipment of magic defense is made on the opposite side in the later stage, and at this time, spell penetration is needed to reflect the damage.


Glory of Kings How to Keep Yourself from Pit (Middle Road Beginner)

Finally, you can come to a life-saving equipment, use Hui Yue's golden body to avoid fatal damage, you can greatly improve your living space, pay attention to the timing of casting.

I will talk about it, masters do not spray, there are many details welcome to add.