
AI artificial intelligence is really good. There's so much chatGPT can do...

author:Elegant Mushuk

How terrifying is AI efficiency?

The efficiency of AI is amazing. How amazing is the efficiency of AI? We use AI to write an article, a 10,000-word course a minute, directly enter I want to do a pain point for Xiaobai to buy a house, to the real estate issues that everyone is most concerned about, take Beijing as an example to give me a detailed outline, and give me a good title by the way.

Be careful to avoid obscure words and expand them in a way that can be understood by a small white, no less than 2.000 words. And then we witness the moment of miracle, see? Automatically expand the title to teach you how to buy the Beijing property you want. Section 1Why Buy a HouseSection 2Property Types Section 3? Section 4 policy analysis of lot selection, all of which are automatically expanded, and each subsection has 3 small sub-sections, which only take 5 seconds from beginning to end. But as a serious person, is this enough?

AI artificial intelligence is really good. There's so much chatGPT can do...

So I told A to expand the specific traps of buying a house, no less than 5, and give examples to illustrate that it is best to have relevant cases and data. Well, snap, you see he unfolded again, we see 1234 five traps, the same I click on the tax introduction to let him expand in detail, snap, he gave me a summary of deed tax, value-added tax, stamp duty and personal income tax, and marked the specific tax rate of the specific city, which is too fast.

We made it a little more difficult, made a table of the second difference between various properties, and sent it to me, so it was another moment to witness the miracle, and the advantages and disadvantages of the type difference were also written. Then I continued to increase the difficulty, let him help me find some data, and send me a table for the 20-year house prices of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and instantly I got such a table, but I think it is obviously not enough.

AI artificial intelligence is really good. There's so much chatGPT can do...

So I added another sentence that every year's data, I have to automate and automate, but we found that it is not enough. This form is a bit flat and not very convenient. So I asked to exchange the year and city I entered, and the new form came out with a snap, the time on the left and the city on the right are no problem, click to confirm. What are the rules of these data, I am too lazy to summarize, hand it over to the AI, snap it and give me an answer, summarize a detailed price comparison, and even calculate which city has the largest increase.

AI artificial intelligence is really good. There's so much chatGPT can do...

The specific increase is about what is the approximate amount, as long as you are willing, you can expand every detail to the complete 100,000-word article in 10 minutes. I just want to ask, if you check all the information and literature yourself, can you get it done in a week? What I want to express is: there are many things in this world that you don't know you don't know, and you can learn if you don't know, but it's very troublesome if you don't know what you don't know. That's why I'm telling you, quickly embrace AI, I have four words AI that everyone must do.

The core of the economy is rate, and human development is always about doing more with less. I spent 3 weeks doing an AI course, but without AI I may not have done it for 3 months, I hope this will open up a new world and make you understand that there are many tools in this world that you don't know about.

AI artificial intelligence is really good. There's so much chatGPT can do...

If there are no cars in this world, all your options are a quick tool. If you don't know that there is a ropeway up the mountain, you may choose more advanced mountaineering, information is always asymmetrical, because information itself is a commodity, so AI is likely to replace a lot of work content in the future, will you be replaced? Depends on whether you will embrace it or not?

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